forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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Logan perked up at the nickname "jackson? who's that? he sounds nice…." he glanced up from drinking his coffee and tilted his head innocently
"Raz nodded "sure! when's he coming over? Maybe we can have him for dinner or something after work?" he suggested.


"I offered he meet us for dinner and he accepted. He'll be over at 6:30 and then we're heading out. Where we're going? I have no clue, he said he'd pick." He turned to address Logan. "He's very nice. Total sweetheart. I call him my marshmallow. You'll love him, I just know it."


“That’ll work, we’ll have almost an hour to get ready.” Raz said with a nod. “He’ll pick? Cool, we’re always up for a surprise.”
Logan’s eyes softened at the nickname and nodded “if he’s as sweet as you say then I’m sure I will.”


“It will be, love.” Raz reassured, checking his phone and stretching “we got five minutes before we gotta go back to work.”
Logan nodded and cleaned the room up a bit. “You can stay here if you want Jay, I have a sitting area over there where you can hang out.”


“Great! Then you can help me sort out the pictures I need for the photoshoot next month since Razzy was too busy taking my coffee.” Logan smiled and took another sip.
“Hey, I got half of it done, shush.” Raz pointed out, grabbing his bag and giving Jay a kiss. “I’ll see you both later!” He called as walked to the door


Lo nodded “oh yeah, everyone thinks we’re together but we make it very clear we’re not. I love Raz, I really do but not as anything romantic.”


"You walked in and they thought you were dating, then I walked over and got even more confused. Then Jackson came up and now no one knows who's dating who."


"Nope, but I don't mind explaining!" He brought over the photos and set them on the ground. over 25 large poster photos of various thing, all of them of people or animals. "choose which ones you think look nice, I'll be working at my desk if you need me."


He nodded and got to work, picking out certain images before putting them back, working and reworking what he picked. After about 40 minutes, he sat back, finally satisfied with what he chose.


Logan came over with a small cup of coffee and took a sip, looking over Jay's shoulder at the pictures he had chosen. "Good ones! ready for 25 more while I put these in the system?" he asked with a smile, pulling over more posters from where a black tart hung. These were mostly of everyday life, a silhouette close to Raz' could be seen in a few, most were blurred out or too far to see the face. "My favorite ones are the forest ones. By the way. don't tell raz about these. I want it to a surprise when he sees them at the gallery show


"Sure, bring it!" He scanned them all quickly and smiled. "Thanks for treating my boyfriend so well when I couldn't. Not saying you're an exact replacement but definitely a good stand in."


"I don't want to replace you. I know how much Raz loves and needs you. he's been through tough times in his younger life. He doesn't deserve it. You heal that for him, and I'm glad to be a part of his life, a positive part. Despite my Coffee binge." he smiled thoughtfully and gave a Jay a quick hug, unsure how he would take it. "Thank you, for loving him like he deserves."


He returned the hug with a grateful smile. "Well, I need to get back to work and you should too. Gotta get done if we want to get home in time for you to get ready before Jackson shows up."


Logan laughed with a light blush "you make it sound like a date, we're going out to meet him, not to pounce like a tiger." he called, Catherine the final photo's so they could be put into the system "See you soon!"


"Yeah yeah, whatever you say!" He laughed, shaking his head before turning back to the images. This one he wanted to be extra careful about. Which is why it took him an hour and 45 minutes to pick.


Raz packed up his things as work dwindled, bouncing his leg in anticipation as the seconds ticked by until he was let free. Making his way to the elevator, he landed at Logan's studio just as the other was packing away the photo's and closing all the tabs on his computer
"Hey! we're almost ready to go, just give us a few seconds to pack up." Logan called with a happy grin.


Jay was lying on the floor, rubbing his eyes. "My eyessss, they burnnnn." Sure, he was being dramatic but after staring at the same images for almost two hours, his eyes definitely hurt a little.


"How do you think i feel?! I've been blinded by flashes and computer screens for the past 5 years!" Logan complained with his cheeky smile. Raz rolled his eyes a the two with a laugh "This isn't as bad but I can't read anymore, all he words start blueing together. He went over to Logan and gave him a hug before walking over to Jay and sitting beside him, leaning over to give him a kiss. "Ah so I see Lo made you do the hard part, huh?"


He pulled his hands away to look up at him with a pout. "Don't laugh at my pain. But yes, he did." He smiled a little, sitting up and pecking his lips. "Now then, we've got plans."


Raz shook his head before standing and shouldering his backpack "yes we do! Lo ya ready?" he called over his shoulder before scanning the room in worry "Wheres the coffee you promised not to let hm drink?"
Raz rattled the half empty cup "here, seriously. It's fine Raz i'm a responsible caffeine addict" he grinned and waved them to the elevator.


His phone buzzed and he jumped in surprise. He relaxed when he saw it was Jackson.
Marshmallow: Hey, we still on for tonight?
Marshmallow: It's okay if you have to cancel, it's no big deal.
He chuckled to himself, Jackson was always worried.
Jay: No, we're still on. Take a deep breath and chill.
He pocketed his phone and followed the other two.


Once at home, Raz dropped off his things and went to the bathroom to quickly shower and change while Logan took the majority of the time to figure out what the heck he was going to wear. Seriously, it's a process….
"Hey Jay?! do you know if we're going to a fancy place?! or is it more casual?! it there such thing as a casual crop top?!"