Jay slipped into the passengers seat while Jackson sat next to Logan in the back. "I hope you both know that this is a bad idea." Jay chuckled. "Yeah, I second that." Jackson smiled and shook his head.
Jay slipped into the passengers seat while Jackson sat next to Logan in the back. "I hope you both know that this is a bad idea." Jay chuckled. "Yeah, I second that." Jackson smiled and shook his head.
“Yeah, but who’s it a bad idea for, us you you two?” Raz retorted playfully, lacing his and Jay’s hands together “me and Lo have been perfecting Lazer tag for the past 5 years. We know this arena in and out.”
"And? We've been around for a bit longer than you two have, this game will be a piece of cake even if we don't know the arena." He gave Raz a look. By a bit, he meant a lot but he didn't want to tip off Logan.
Raz shrugged “we’ll see love, we’ll see.” He kissed his hand and pulled into the parking lot of the place “any bets should be placed now before we get out.”
"If we win then you two have to pay for ice cream. I'm really craving something sweet and I don't know why." "Boooo, you're so boring Jay." "I'm not boring! Just practical." "Well I say that if we win, you two owe your respective partner a kiss. Meaning Jay and Raz and I guess Logan and I." "You little weasel." "Hey! Don't judge me!"
“How is that abet? We kiss all the time. I’d thats more for you and Logan than anything.” Raz smiled and glanced over at his friend who was blushing in the corner
“We’ll figure out the bets later then, though I would be down for ice cream.” He got out of the car and helped Logan out. “You gonna be okay?” Lo nodded “yeah, I’ll be great!”
"Love, let him do his thing, he's just too shy to ask for a kiss when it's not a bet." "Shut up!" "Make me!" Jackson elbowed him in the ribs, hard. He stumbled a little, rubbing his side as he laughed. "Alright, alright, I get it, I'll shut my mouth."
Raz laughed softly at the two “please don’t lose this on purpose, you know they won’t stop mentioning it if we lose for the rest of our lives.” Raz whispered to Logan as they headed inside. Logan pouted but nodded “I’ll get my kiss some other way.” He sighed softly
As they got ready, Jackson was once again in Jay's head. They have no idea who they're up against. Well, Raz does. Kind of. Yeah but they don't know what we're capable of. No they don't. We've got this in the bag. Without a doubt.
Raz and Logan changed into sensory pads and headsets they were given. They were also given laser guns and sneakers. Since they were on different teams, Raz and Logan were brought into a separate room to strategies before the game began
"So, take them out like usual?" "Of course Jackson, I'm not one to sway from tradition." "Teleportation and optic nerve blocking. Never fails." "Can't shoot something you can't see." "Exactly!" You don't challenge a demon to laser tag.
Logan and Raz turned on there headsets “hey guys, hope you’re ready to lose~ love you, see you out there!” Raz and Logan were sent out first since they challenged and quickly scooped out the area, making note of every single crevice and binding spot
The two didn't respond, staying dead quiet. They didn't need to hope, they knew they'd win. Jackson was feeling a bit apprehensive about manipulating Logan when he didn't know but he could explain later. When Jay and Jackson were finally let in, the game started and so did they, blocking themselves out of the other pairs vision. "Hope you've got a good strategy, my love. You have no idea what you're up against." Jay chuckled into the headset before taking aim and firing.
“jay” Raz warned, hoping his tone would convey enough worry. He smirked when he saw lights being fired at an area that they were no where near close. “Don’t sound so confident my dear. I’d worry about yourselves.”
"Don't worry, we are. But it's hard to shoot something you can't see." It took a bit of work but he managed to send Raz a mental message. I know you're nervous about us using our powers but I promise, we've got it under control. We're professionals, not some newbie amateurs.
“It makes it more fun.” Raz smiled softly “i know, love. But he won’t know what’s going on. Please don’t freak him out too bad.”
Raz peeked our from his hiding place. Seeing nothing like Jay said, he made a break for an area with a maze of columns that offered tiny hiding crevices
I won't be doing anything. Dealing with Logan is Jackson's job. "Aha! I see you!" He shot again, smiling to himself when his gun went off, signifying he'd hit him.
Jackson was making his way across, turning the blocking on and off so that Logan would be able to see him for a split second before he disappeared again.
Raz cursed to himself as his ‘life’ counter went from three to two. “Wow love, I can’t believe you shot your fiancé! I’m getting you back for that.”
Logan has found a place up high and was scanning the area when he saw blinking. Instead of shooting he decide for follow the figure.
"Yes but you'll have to find me first!" He turned the blocking off just long enough for Raz to find him before jumping down from his spot and disappearing.
Jackson noticed this, slipping into a place to hide and turned the blocking off. He didn't want to tip him off about his powers but now he was vulnerable.
“Oh you are such a cheater…” Raz wasn’t dumb enough to fall for the little trick so he stayed in his spot for now, scanning the area in case Jackson was near. Not seeing him, he wandered away from where Raz was and completely went silent.
“So, is it true?” Logan chimes over the headset, smiling as he saw Jackson hide
"You're the one that challenged me, love. Blame yourself for bad instructions, not me for not following non-existent ones." He laughed, sneaking his way towards Raz, leaving Jackson to deal with Logan.
"Is what true? Jay being a cheater at laser tag? Probably." His powers let him track where he was, waiting for him to get just a little but closer.
Raz smirked, not answering the taunt. Instead, he decided to play the demon’s game. He remained quiet, sneaking around the area, making sure to only let half the light show before farting off into darkness and disappearing.
Logan laughed but shook his head “no, I mean the part of the bet. Is this really all so you can kiss me? Wow, never took you as desperate.” Logan stayed put, eyes locked on the figure in the corner
Jay shook his head when he saw what Raz was doing. It was pointless but he knew that Raz was stubborn so he'd let it slide. He followed silently, turning off the blocking so it wasn't completely unfair, sneaking behind him and getting him in the back. Two down, one to go. You need to step up your game.
That made Jackson tense up a little. That stung a little. Desperate? Really? Was that how he looked? "Is that really what you think of me? That I'm desperate?" His tone was soft, genuine, and a little hurt.
(Just reread my post…I did not mean farting. I meant darting so so sorry!)
Raz gasped in shock and turned around “really? Like really really?!” He shook his head at Jay “I could shoot you three times and be over with all of this. But I’m nice. And a coward so bye!” Raz sprinted off, hoping Jay would be nice enough to let in go for a little while longer
Logan laughed “never were the killer were you Razzy.” He focused back on Jackson “no, but you have to admit, a kiss on the lips on a first date is a bit pushy.” He said, shrugging off the hurt tone as a ploy to get him to come out “by the way, you didn’t have to bet with anyone. You could have just asked.” He said, creeping out onto even higher ground to get a better scope of things. He found Jay and shot at him, fist pumping in the air as he hit his target. He quickly changed hiding places
Jackson was having a bit of a mental breakdown, realizing his many mistakes through the night. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't m-mean to make it sound l-like you had to…" He was genuinely upset, everything else lost on him as he sank to the floor, biting back tears. Jay sighed softly when he saw his counter go down but frowned when he heard Jackson. He backtracked to find him and instantly dropped to his side. "Hey hey hey, what happened? What's wrong? Just breathe, you're okay." Jay sighed and looked around. "Dammit Logan what did you do?"
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