forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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“No, I don’t think so.” He snuggled close to Jay’s chest and wrapped his arms around his waist


“No one will. We wouldn’t let them.” He gazed at Jay in slight concern “no my king I don’t. Is there someone you know who would try?”


"Unfortunately I do. There's a couple newbies around here that don't understand when people are already taken so they flirt with anyone and everyone. And that means you. And like I mentioned, demons are extremely protective and territorial. Seeing anyone try to take what's mine just…" He growled under his breath. "Drives me crazy."


“We can fend off some flirting. Let’s hope it doesn’t go farther than that.” He breathed in a heavy sigh “I’m worried about Lo. We’ll have to tell him about you and Jackson if the new ones get too close.”


"They'll try to. But Jackson's a lot more chill than I am, he can handle it better. It's because you're the one that they'll go for first that makes me extra protective. They always go for the cute ones and you're adorable."


Raz offered a small smile “I don’t know if I should take that as a compliment or if I should be worried.” He nudged his head against Jay’s and laced their hands together “I’m not losing you again.”


Raz nodded and pressed a kiss to Jay’s shoulder “I love you my king. So much more than words can describe.”


He melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Jay’s neck and pulling him in. “No one should dictate how much you love a person, Jay. Not even if you’re a demon.” He murmured against his lips


“I’m absolutely fine with that, as long as we get to eat.” Raz laughed softly and pressed a kiss to Jay’s lips once more


"Of course you would be." He laughed, cuddling him close. "I'm just waiting for the day I can have you. Like, actually have you. But I won't rush you, I'll let you decide that on your own terms."


“Soon my love. Right after the wedding on our honeymoon,” he promised, tugging the blanket over them so they were shrouded in darkness.


“Thank you my love.” He sighed softly in relief, glad that Jay would push for sooner. Raz hooked his legs around Jay’s waist and tucked him under his chin. His hands tangling into Jay’s hair


“They know about you. They know as much as I can tell them. They don’t necessarily agree with you leaving for 7 years for your job though. I hope they’ll support us getting married.” He Buried his face in Jay’s hair in slight worry