forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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Logan frowned softly “I-I didn’t mean to! I swear! I’m sorry.” Logan curled up in the corner and sobbed softly. Raz glanced up and tilted his head “okay…maybe not a good idea.” He set his laser gun down and ran over to Logan’s side.
“Lo what did you say?” He asked softly, taking out both his own and logan’s Mic sets
“I was just asking about the bet. I said it was a little desperate to ask for a full on kiss but that he also didn’t have bet for one, he could've just asked.” He sniffled and brought his knees to his chest “I-i didn’t mean to hurt him…I’m sorry…” he whimpered softly


"Yeah, Jackson's self esteem is extremely fragile, one wrong comment brings him down completely." Jackson wiped his tears, trying to pull himself together. "I'm okay, I'm okay…" Jay pulled the smaller male into his arms, hugging him tight. Jackson crumbled in his grip, returning the tight grip. "I didn't m-mean to push it. I-I didn't mean a-any harm…" "Shh, I know you didn't, just relax." Since both pairs were busy, Jay sent Raz another mental message. Jackson died from bleeding out. He told his mother he was gay and she freaked, slashing up her son while screaming the most horrific things you can think of. It destroyed his self esteem and confidence. When she finally calmed down, she left him on the floor to die, packed her things, and left.


Raz bit back and gasp and hugged Logan a bit tighter "we didn't know, is Jackson going to be okay? can you tell him Logan didn't mean to hurt him? and if we can come down to talk?" He glanced down at Logan and brushed away the tears "Lo, it's alright. Jay's calming him down."
"He must hate me now..that or doesn't want to be near me anymore….I didn't want to hurt him Razzy."
"I know, I know. we'll let Jay calm him don a bit and then we'll go see him, alright?"


"Jackson, you know he didn't mean it, right? He didn't mean to hurt you." The smaller male nodded. "I-I know he didn't…j-just…the m-mention reminded me…s-so much of her…" "Shh, I know, I know. Would you be willing to let him come down? Try to talk this out?" He nodded again. All good. He's still vulnerable so be careful but he's willing to talk.


"alright, we'll be there soon." Raz coerced Logan out from the hide hole and helped him get down from where he had climbed up to "how the hell do you even get yourself up here?" Raz asked, trying to lighten the mood as they made their way to where Jay and Jackson. Raz heard Logan whimper softly and gently took his hand "It's okay, Lo." he reassured. He knelt down next to Jay while logan knelt in front of Jackson. The two had left their gear back in the hide hole, raz having convince Logan that it would be more comforting in the darkness of the room to meet the other two than having the annoying lights from the target chest plate. This only left Jay in the crop top he had worn, the flower Jackson had given him and his blazer in the locker room. He glanced up at Jay before ever so gently touching Jack'son's arm, "Jackson….I-i'm sorry…I didn't want to hurt you….is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"


Jackson instantly tensed up, burying himself into Jay to get away from his touch. Jay bundled him up further in his arms. "Easy now, he's not in a good place mentally. He's okay with me cause I've known him for years. You can talk but give him space." Jackson took a couple deep breaths, trying to relax. "I'm sorry…I didn't m-mean to push you…i-it was an accident…"


Logan nodded and scooted back a bit, his gaze dropping to the ground in shame. Raz rested a hand on his friend's back. "You didn't push me, hon, I'm the one who should be apologizing. I shouldn't have said that. I-I'm gonna give you the space you need." logan stood, gave Raz' hand a gentle squeeze and walked off to the exit of the arena. Raz was torn between comforting Jackson and going after Logan.
in the end he decided to follow Logan while talking to Jay in his mind.


Jackson stayed in Jay's arms for a few minutes longer, slowly calming down. Jay kept giving Raz updates on his condition and eventually let him go. Jackson stood slowly and scrubbed his face of any lingering tears. Jay stood with him, wrapping his arm around his waist gently to keep him steady as he joined the other two. Jackson gave the other pair a weak smile, still unstable but doing better.


Jas had scooted down to the floor with Logan who had pulled his legs to his chest and was gently holding the flower in his hand, nose buried in it's petals. raz glanced up when the two came in and nodded to Jackson, glad to see at least one of them was doing a little better. He stood and scooped Logan p in his arms. "Uhm, I feel like I should apologies too. This probably wasn't a good place to go after a first date." he offered a small smile in apology and started walking to the car, grabbing Logan's blazer and his own jacket from the locker.


"Everything was going fine until I had a mental breakdown… it's my fault this ended so badly…" Jackson's voice was quiet, unsure of himself. "I'm sorry…I shouldn't have come…I ruin everything…" "Hey, no, what did I say about blaming yourself? It's okay, you didn't ruin anything, just take a deep breath." Jay was a little frazzled, definitely but he was trying to keep it together. Jay felt horrible. If he'd just manned up and done this himself, Jackson wouldn't have had to come up and none of this would be happening.


Raz set logan in the back seat and went into the driver's seat. "Mind if we make a quick stop to the grocery store on our way home? it can probably wait until tomorrow if you really do want to get home but it's super quick and on the way." raz offered as everyone got in the car.


Jay looked to Jackson, this was his decision. Jackson nodded, curled up in his seat as far into the corner as he could get. "Alright, if it's quick then it'll be okay." Jay took Raz's hand, needing something to remind him that this night wasn't a complete disaster.


Raz took his hand and laced their fingers together. "you doing okay?" he asked as he pulled out of the driveway and made his way to a grocery store close to home. "Alright, does anyone need anything?" he asked, glancing around at each of them, hating how separate the two seemed in the back. Logan shook his head slightly and glanced out the window. Raz sighed softly "need anything Love?" he asked jay, slightly disheartened.


Depends what you call okay. "No, I'm okay." He flashed a reassuring smile, hoping that I'd be enough for both Raz and himself. Tonight was a disaster. Jackson's mumbled voice echoed in his head. No, don't say that. It was fine, everyone's still alive. No answer. This really wasn't good. He really hit a nerve, didn't he? You have no idea.


"Please don't kill him while I'm gone." Raz begged, reaching out to both Jay and Jackson. "I'll be back in a jiffy," he pulled on his jacket and jogged inside, basically the only person to go in there besides the employees. Through the large windows, raz could beset practically sprinting through the isles, looking for a few things. "Hey, real quick, what's your favorite?" raz asked jay, bouncing in place in an isle


Favorite for what? I'm trying to keep the tension in here from exploding. Jackson kept glancing over at Logan, wondering who was going to say something first. He still has the flower… Of course he does, you gave it to him.


"duh, Ice cream. You technically won so I owe you guys ice cream. Plus I'm hoping it'll cheer all of us up. I'm getting chocolate with coffee swirl. What do you want?" he started nodding his head to the music as he waited.
Logan had fallen asleep during the Car ride, the flower still held loosely in his hands while his head was slightly tilted to the left.


Get me the same, I need it. Jay could barely breathe, the silence was suffocating. He's cute when he's asleep… Maybe we should wake him. But then he'll be upset. Jackson please. Okay, okay, I'll do it. He gently reached over and shook his shoulder, nervous.


Raz got two tubs of ice cream and practically dragged them to the counter, not taking into account the weight. He managed to put them into a cart with the help of the employee who saw he was struggling.
Logan whined softly, a few tears escaping as he slowly woke up "hm? something wrong?" he asked softly, hoping he hadn't bothered any of them while sleeping.


Jackson hesitated for a second before unbuckling and scooting over to sit next to him, resting his head on his shoulder. He didn't answer, worried that his words would ruin everything. He wanted to apologise but he didn't know what to say to make anything better.


Logan stiffened slightly at the touch of the others and quickly looked around the car. He looked up at Jay and then back at Jackson. his heart was racing as he slowly shifted so that Jackson's head was resting on his chest, his arm around his shoulder. Logan slowly rested his head on Jackson's and gently tangled his free hand through his hair. "I'm sorry." he whispered, closing his eyes.
Raz put the groceries in the back and flopped into the seat "i caught too much ice cream but i don't care!….Love I think the coffee's kicking in… he whined, glancing back at the two in relief


Jay smiled at Raz but put a finger to his lips. Jackson's finally coming back into a better state, interrupting this will only push him back.
Jackson's lips lifted into a small smile, cuddling into his chest. "It's okay…I'm sorry too…"


Raz nodded and peeked over the seat and smiled. Logan caught his stare and smiled at him before nuzzling jackson's brow. "you have nothing to be sorry for, sweetheart." Logan said softly, nodding at jay and Raz.
"they're so cute!!!" Raz faced forwards and buckled in, looping his arm with jays before driving home


"Neither do you." He glanced up at him, his smile flickering wider for a second. "I just don't want to see you upset again."
Jay let out a silent breath of relief. Mission accomplished. Everyone was okay. I know but keep it under control, this situation is as fragile as glass.


"The that goes for the both of us." logan said, breath hitching slightly as he realized just how close they were "you're not allowed to be upset around me, k and if you are then imma try to make you happy. K?"
"Worse than what we've been through? I doubt it darling." raz gave him a pointed look and pressed a kiss to his fiancé's cheek