He looked up at him, kind of shocked. "You… actually like me? I thought you were kidding."
He chuckled softly, shaking his head before focusing back on the eggs.
He looked up at him, kind of shocked. "You… actually like me? I thought you were kidding."
He chuckled softly, shaking his head before focusing back on the eggs.
"Yeah, I mean no! ahhh,i need coffee…Yes I like you, no I wasn't kidding. I mean it, I do really like you Jackson." he said, taking the flower from the vase ad putting it in the other's hair "I get it if you don't feel the same, especially after…yesterday…" He bit his lip and looked away
He leaned up and pecked his lips softly. "Well that's fantastic because I like you too. I was just nervous that you wouldn't because of what happened."
Logan blinked in surprise at the kiss then immediately started to flush. “N-no, I-if anything s-should hate myself for doing that to you…” he shut his eyes and took a deep breath. He gently nudged Jackson up “uhm I’ll be right back.” He peeked into the kitchen “Razzy, can I talk with you please?” He mumbled, trying to hide his blush with his blazer from the night before
Jay kept working, frowning a bit when he heard Logan come in. You're pushing it. I know I know I just couldn't help it! I think I'll just go. What?? No! Jackson, you're overreacting. Am I?
Raz nodded, slightly concerned. He glanced over at Jay before following Logan to his bedroom. “Ok, is something wrong?”
“Yes, no? I don’t know!” He pulled off his jacket and top and replaced it with a fluffy white one. He changed into sweatpants and flopped on his bed. Raz joined him “what happened Lo?”
Logan sat hp cross legged “He kissed me, nothing too bad just a small one on the lips. I don’t know if I’m okay with it or if we’re going to fast it if we’re not going fast enough… I really like him Raz, I really do.” Logan gasped lightly and shook Raz by the shoulders “what if he thinks I do t like him or felt uncomfortable about the kiss and wants to leave forever?”
Okay listen. 5 minutes. If he doesn't come out in 5 minutes, you can go. If he does, you're staying. Okay fine. But only 5. Jay let out a slow breath, scrambling to get to Raz. I recommend trying to make this quick, Jackson's feeling like he blew his chances and if you two aren't back out here in 5 minutes, he's gone.
im trying, Logan keeps worry-rambling. Keep Jackson there as long as possible.
“Lo, He’s not going to leave. You two are just worried. Instead of talking to me, you really should talk to him.” He said, holding his shoulder
“But what if I say something wrong again?”
“You won’t, he’ll understand.”
I'm trying out here, I am. He kept glancing over at Jackson who was looking at the clock and tapping his foot. He felt horrible about what he did, 99% sure that Logan hated him for it, just waiting for his chance to leave.
Logan sighed shakily and nodded “I’ll try,” he hugged Raz tight and stood “these things happen when I don’t have my coffee,” he joked, heading out and back to the living room. Raz followed and went back into the kitchen.
Jackson finally looked away from the clock when he heard footsteps, his eyes flicking to the floor when he saw Logan. He shrunk into himself, quiet and nervous with his hands clasped tightly in his lap.
Jay let out a silent sigh of relief. At least he was still here. Just in time, love. I was worried I'd have to restrain him.
Raz laughed softly and shook his head, gently pulling Jay to him no need for that love, Logan said he’d talk to him. he pressed a kiss to his cheek before returning back to making food
Logan kneeled in front of Jackson and rested his hands over his. “I’m sorry that I left so quickly.”
Hey, no, get back here! He tugged him back and kissed him properly. If you're going to kiss me then do it right.
"No, I'm the one that should be sorry. I've been pushing it, it's my fault. If it wasn't for Jay, I'd already be out of here."
Raz hummed in surprise at the kiss but nonetheless wrapped his arms around jay to pull him close. i didn’t know there was a way to kiss right.
“I’m glad you didn’t leave.” Logan glanced up “and you’re not pushing it, I actually liked the kiss…” he blushed softly
Well now you do and it's this. He let him go after a few seconds longer. Now you can go back to making food. Don't want it to burn.
"Really? You're not just saying that to make me feel better, right?" His voice was mumbled and small, practically the opposite of how he was yesterday.
Raz glared at him playfully you’re the one distracting me again.
Logan’s features softened as he reached up and cupped Jackson’s cheek “no hon, I’m not. I genuinely did like the kiss, it just caught me off guard and I panicked.”
He simply flashed an innocent smile. You kissed me first, my prince. Don't blame me if you started it.
"Yeah, so did I." He refused to look him in the eye. "If you're uncomfortable, I can go. You won't have to deal with me again."
Raz knee Jay was tight so he simply shook his head and continued to cook and make coffee and chocolate with a smile
“Please stay, I like being around you. It just takes a while of getting used to.” He leaned in close, barely a hair away from his lips “it’s your choice though, if you want to leave or not.”
Jay chuckled softly and finished up the eggs. He leaned back and waited for Raz to finish.
He hesitated for a second before leaning in and pecking his lips again. "How could I ever leave someone with lips as enticing as yours?"
Raz found some plates and hopped omup the counter for mugs. He set them down and hopped back onto the floor before pouring out the coffee and the hot chocolate
“Ah so you’re only staying here for my kisses. And here I thought you’d stay for my overly bubbly personality and coffee addiction.” He teased, this time not moving away. Instead, he pulled Jackson into a longer kiss, drawing out a bit more
Jay glanced out to the living room and smiled to himself. Mission accomplished. Told you they'd get along.
He smiled against his lips, pulling him closer as he felt his heart rate start shooting up.
Raz peeked over his shoulder and smiled I would call that more than getting along.
Logan pulled himself up onto the couch with Jackson before gently breaking the kiss “so does this mean you’ll stay?”
Kind of reminds me of us. Kind of forward but look where it got us. He nudged his side with a smile.
"Of course, coffee bean." His lips tugged up into a smile, feeling a lot better than before.
it does. Raz agreed, kissing him once more on the lips. He brought the mugs of coffee and hot chocolate to the table.
Logan blushed and smiled at the nickname. He let out a small “woo” in triumph and glanced up when Raz came in. He gasped and stood up, taking Jackson’s hand and tugging him to the small dinning space. “Finally some coffee!”
Jay brought the food to the table and shook his head with a smile when he heard Logan. "You really are an addict." Jackson just sat down, cheeks a light pink color but smiling softly.
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