Raz tilted his head to deepen the kiss, a light flush rising to his cheeks as the kiss continued, though he didn't dare break away.
Raz tilted his head to deepen the kiss, a light flush rising to his cheeks as the kiss continued, though he didn't dare break away.
He pulled back for a split second to catch his breath before connecting their lips again.
He took the moment to breath before kissing him once again, humming softly and digging his hands into Jay's hair
His mind was completely blank, knowing nothing but his taste and the feeling of his skin under his fingers.
Raz broke the kiss for moment and smiled "You're such a distraction, and beautiful and seductive welcoming distraction." he kissed him one last time and stood, "I have to get ready for work, wanna come with? I'm sure Lo would love some company while he works."
"Sure, why not. Though that means I have to get dressed which isn't something I wanted to do but whatever." He chuckled, stretching before standing, pushing his hair out of his face.
"You're one to complain considering all you have to do is wave a hand you're dressed." he laughed and put all the dishes in the dishwasher before disappearing off to their bedroom to get his things and change from his pj's
"Hey, I could use it on you too but then you'd have to deal with what I choose." He called with a laugh.
"that is if you choose anything at all!" he called back with a shake of his head, pulling on a white sweatshirt and some jeans. he came out with a backpack full of books and his laptop "Lo ya ready?! we gotta go!"
"yeah! I'm coming!"
He rolled his eyes with a smile. "I wouldn't choose nothing. The only person allowed to see that is me." He winked before letting the mist consume him again before appearing in a standard t-shirt and jeans with a jacket.
Raz kissed his cheek with a smile and waved away some of the lingering mist before Logan came out.
"alright, I'm ready! Razzy can we stop by the coffee shop across from work?"
"Lo you just had coffee."
"Aaaaannnddd? there's no such thing as too much coffee."
"Raz, after what happened yesterday, I think you should just let him get the coffee." He chuckled, pulling him to his side.
"Oooh he's right! I did win that little scrimmage we had…" Logan drawled with a laugh
"You did not, I was distracted by this one."
Raz rolled his eyes with a laugh "I regret going back on the threat of waking you up at 4. fine..we can get coffee.."
Logan jumped up in the air with a clap and hugged Raz and Jay "yay! i love coffee!!"
"He's like my little brother when I would tell him I have strawberries. He'd go nuts." He laughed, trying to ignore the pang in his heart when he remembered his little brother. Liam…I hope you're still okay…
Raz laughed softly and hugged Logan back "caffeinated crazy."
"You know it! you love it too!" he grabbed his bag and followed them out with a smile
"I bet he didn't go this nuts." Raz said, pointing at Logan who had ran ahead. "You don't mention you're family much. I get why but it's nice to hear you talk about them."
"Oh no, Liam would go Mission Impossible to get the box from me no matter what. He got creative, I'll give him credit." He chuckled before sighing. "I was the second out of five kids. Four boys and a girl." Even mentioning them made his heart hurt. "I haven't seen any of them in years and now I'll never get to…"
Raz smiled softly when hearing about jay's little brother though the smile dropped. "There's really no way for you to see them? Maybe with some ability or others that could help?" he asked softly, peeking up to make sure Logan didn't hear.
"I could try but there's no guarantee that it would work." He glanced down at him. "I want them to know you, Raz. They're my family and you're the love of my life. It's one of the biggest parts of being in a relationship. But the amount of work that I'd have to put into making them forget that they saw their second oldest get put in the ground is insurmountable. It'd take months. But I could try."
"It would hurt you, wouldn't it?" he sighed softly and thought it over "I want to know them too. If they saw you it wouldn't be just them you'd have to worry about, it would be everyone who went to the funeral or who even has a record on that." he glanced up worriedly "if just your family would take months, I don't want to know what would happen with everyone else."
"Believe it or not, it was actually a closed funeral. Family only. And even then, it was my grandparents who have since died and some cousins since my dad and his sister aren't on speaking terms and my mom is an only child." He shrugged. "I could do it. It'd just take a while. But if you're willing to be patient with me, I could."
Raz stayed silent for a moment before nodding "As long as it doesn't hurt you." he said, pressing close to Jay and kissing his cheek "I'm fine with it as long as you are."
"Are you kidding? I'd love to see them again! Although my mother may try to kill me for not calling ever in the past 10 years. But she'll get over it." He smiled a little. "You won't regret this, I promise."
(Idea for you: What if we skip to, let's say, Christmas? Their wedding's in the spring and Jay's been working hard to see his family again before it and now he finally can. So he takes Raz back home with him to meet the family?)
"I could never regret any of this." He smiled and hugged Jay close. He glanced up as Logan bounced in place and ordered his drink, another large ice coffee with extra chocolate and whip cream "I'm gonna kill this kid if the coffee doesn't get to him first… " he muttered with a sigh
(oooh I like that idea! is there a way we can include jackson maybe? or is he just going to stay off to the side along with logan for now?)
"Don't kill him, Jackson will be sad and never get to see his crush again." He chuckled, elbowing his side.
(Maybe Logan has taken him to see his family? Or they're staying in the apartment because they've been snowed in and can be cute?)
(aww yes I like the snowed in idea!)
"That and he pays the other half of the rent so i can't." he smiled as Logan bounced over, watching him as he took a long sip. "How in the name of God do you drink that much coffee each day and not die from sugar intake."
Lo shrugged "i don't know, doctor says I have a good immune system, that all the sugar just geys flushed out at one point. Imma medical wonder!"
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