forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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(Yay! So, wanna skip?)
"Or, more accurately, soon to be diabetic." He chuckled. "You're gonna give yourself a heart attack with that much sugar but I'm not gonna stop you. That's Raz's job, I'm just your roommate's fiancè." He shrugged.


"I haven't gotten it yet!" he bounced ahead and went inside to the studio
"yep…imma kill him."
(skippy skip)
"Razzy, for the last freaking time, I'll be fine!"
"I know but just in case. The extra key is in the fridge, there's extra money in my room if you need more food and the fire escape window is open in case of an apocalypse."
"Jay, please tell your fiance that I'm an adult and not a dog…"


"Raz, sweetheart, let the two have their night, we have a flight to catch!"
"Wow, and I thought I was easily worried."
"Ah shut it Jackson. Text me if anything goes wrong, you know where my knife is if you need it."
"Got it."


"I know…" Raz hugged Logan tightly. "Stay safe, and please don't make me come back here early."
Logan laughed and hugged him back "i love you too razzy. Believe if thing do go down hill, which they probably won't, I won't call you. You two need a break and you need to be together without me and Jackson bothering you. Go have some fun."
They let go of each other and waved goodbye before Raz followed Jay to the car


"They'll be fine. Now come on, we have to get going if we want to get there in time." Jay was hella excited to return home to Jersey to see his family. (Why? Because people hate on Jersey too much) "You ready?"


Jay's excitement and happiness was infectious to Raz. He nodded and followed after him with a new found bounce in his step. "Are they all coming to one house or will we have to make a few stops to see everyone? do any of yor family members have dogs? if so I'm taking them home…."


"No, as far as I'm aware we're all staying at my parents house so you'll get to meet the parents and the siblings. And my parents and sister have dogs so yeah." He laughed.
~Le time skip~
When Jay reached the house, he was scared. It was dark with lights on and he could hear music and laughter. "Everyone's home. God, I haven't been this nervous in years." He pulled his jacket around him tighter to protect from the wind. "And of course it's freezing cold but no snow. Typical New Jersey weather."


Raz had bundled up head to toe in warm layers, so much so that he could barely see in front of him. He pulled off the scarf and took in a few breaths of cold air " Love, it'll be fine. I'm nervous too, don't worry." he took his hand and pressed close to him. "ready?"


He stepped up to the door and knocked, his heart pounding. When it opened, there was a split second of silence before a female scream came out and he was tackled. When he managed to recover from being attacked, all he saw was bright red and he knew who it was. He smiled and hugged the girl that was lying on top of him and squeezing the life out of him. "You're home! You're home! You're finally home!" "Yes, yes I am Cherry now can I please get up?"


Raz's eyes widened at the scream and took a step aside as the girl tackled Jay. he laughed softly and watched as the two embraced, glad to see they were both okay and happy. He thought the name fitting for the girl since she was decked out in red, whether for the holidays or simply because it suited her.


The girl climbed off him, tossing her bright red hair over her shoulder and pulling her brother to her feet. "Come on! Everyone's going to freak when they see you!" She yanked him inside and his heart stopped. Inside were the 6 people he hadn't seen in 10 years. His parents, older brother, and his 2 younger brothers. Everything was dead silent and his heart was pounding. But his mother moved first, bursting into tears before hugging him, followed by the rest of his family. "You're finally home…"


Raz stood by the door, watching the happy reunion from his spot. He scanned the room, seeing who he assumed were Jay’s brothers and his dad. He had voiced his concern about the whole memory removal thing to Jay multiple times throughout the month a but now he could see how much both his family and Jay needed to see each other


However, there was one person that wouldn't let Raz hang out alone. That would be Cherry. The fire haired girl grabbed his arm and pulled him inside, closing the door. "Jay! Who's this?" The family broke away and all noticed Raz. "Ah! Um, I should probably tell you guys." He returned to Raz's side with a smile. "This is my fiancè, Raz. Our wedding's in the spring. Raz, this is my family. Let's get introductions out of the way." First, he pointed to the two oldest in the room and it was shocking how much Jay looked like his father but with his mother's eyes and smile. "First, there's the parents, shocker." Next was the only one not dressed in Christmas attire, going for a full suit and tie but definitely looked like his mother. "That's Gio, my older brother. He's a business man, if you couldn't tell." Next was another guy looking almost identical to Jay with more of his mother's features. "There's Liam, the older of my two younger brothers." Then there was Cherry who was bouncing on her toes with a bright smile. "The only girl in this family, my little sister Cassandra. We call her Cherry because she's been dyeing her hair bright cherry red since middle school. It was a nickname Gio gave her and it just stuck." Lastly was the final guy, sitting by the fire with his eyes glued to the floor. "And last but not least, the baby of the family and shyest of the bunch of crazy kids, Will."


raz blushed out of his own shyness and social discomfort and nodded and waved to everyone he was introduced to. "It's really nice to meet everyone. Thank you for allowing me to come." Raz looked at everyone in the room, noticing the subtle likenesses everyone had from jay as well as the subtle (and not so subtle) differences they had that distinguished them from one another. He stayed by jay's side, kind of hiding behind him for the time being until he got more comfortable with his surroundings


The family all smiled and waved before moving into the living room, talking and laughing. Jay stood back with Raz, pulling him to his side. "Don't be shy, you're going to be related to them in a few months. Don't be like Will, loosen up, enjoy yourself. I'll be right here the whole time." He kissed his cheek softly.


He took in a deep breath and nodded, leaning into Jay slightly "Last time someone told me to loosen up, Logan had to drag me away from a group dodge ball war thing we joined for some reason. Very proud to say we one that with little casualties." he laughed softly and nodded, shaking himself slightly to release tension "you're right, thanks."


"Of course I'm right, I'm your fiancè, I'm always right." He chuckled, pecking his lips. "Now come join the family, they'll love you, I know it." He took his hand and led him over to where everyone was gathered, taking the empty couch. Everyone was having their own conversation and Jay didn't hesitate to jump in, looking completely relaxed as he was finally back home.


Raz stayed silent for the most part, occasionally answering questions that were asked or laughing softly at a joke but otherwise he just looked around the room, intrigued by the decorations and pictures that were framed around the space


The energy slowly started to relax as drinks were passed around although Jay denied the alcohol, going for cider instead. He kept his arm around Raz's waist the entire night, keeping him close. The attention slowly shifted to him, the family asking questions about the two of them.


the conversation brought his attention back to the family and answered as truthfully as he could, retelling them how he and Jay had met, lying about the demon thing and instead making it a friendly get together at the bar and then at the library, leaving out his own reason why he was at the bar in the first place.


Jay's siblings constantly asked him teasing questions that were quite a bit more risque and Jay answered them sarcastically, leaving Raz to deal with the serious questions from his parents while Jay dealt with his brothers and sister.


Raz tried his best to answer the questions, glad that Jay had taken over the role of answering his siblings questions. He felt more confortable as the conversation went on, laughing at the stories Jay's parents told and answering any questions they had about their relationship, their job and their life with Logan as well.


Speaking of Logan and his life back home, Jay's phone suddenly went off with a text.
Marshmallow: Don't panic but I don't recommend coming home for a while
He frowned, suddenly on edge.
Jay: Why not?
Marshmallow: We got snowed in, no one can leave
Jay just laughed. "Speaking of the two at home, Logan and Jackson are snowed in. I wonder how they'll do being stuck inside together."


Raz glanced over at jay with a smile "THey'll be fine, I'm sure a whole lot of cuddling with occur, or at least more time getting to know each other." he laughed softly and leaned into his fiance "So what does that mean for us?"


"It means we're stuck here until the snow clears." "Yay! More time to bug you!" Cherry nudged her older brother with a smile as he rolled his eyes. "I'm so glad I don't share a room with you anymore."