forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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Logan sighed softly into the kiss, feeling all his worries and nervousness disappear as the moment's went by. his hands traveled along Jackson's side until they came to rest on his back and in his hair, ever so gently pulling his closer.a


Usually his head would have so many thoughts buzzing through it that it would make him dizzy. But now, all of that faded away. Everything was quiet and all he could think of was how much he enjoyed his touch, the feeling of his hands on him, and how incredibly soft his lips were.


lo ulled away gently to breath though he stayed close enough to feel the brush of Jackson's lips. he pressed one last kiss to his lips before curling up close to him. "we should get some sleep," he said softly


he rested his hands on Jackson's chest, feeling his heartbeat through the fabric of his shirt. "good night darling," he murmured as he slowly drifted off to sleep, the thought of being together with Jackson for the rest of his life lingering in his mind and making their way into his dreams


He would've answered but he knew he was already asleep. He just smiled and cuddled him. He didn't mind holding him like this for the rest of his eternity, just being calm and happy.


Logan's arms tightened around Jackson slightly as he slowly woke up, the sun filtering in through a small slit in the curtains and creating a golden hues to the otherwise neutral colored room. he peeked his eyes open and relaxed his hold when he saw Jackson still beside him, his breath even and his features soft as he slept. Logan shifted slightly so he was closer to him and played with his hair, holding pieces up to the light and watching them fall back with the others.


He had somehow managed to fall asleep though he was unsure of when. A slight smile tugged at his lips, he was just happy to have Logan in his arms as he did. His grip was surprisingly tight for someone dead asleep.


"God above you're cute. You know that? You can't do that to me, fall asleep all effortlessly adorable and beautiful like that. It's not healthy for either of us. Then again I do drink excessive amounts of coffee so I think my health is out the door." he pouted softly and pressed a kiss to his cheek "I'm right here, dearest one. I'm not going anywhere, I promise you." he murmured softly, stroking his cheek "Though I might start poking you awake if I don't get my coffee soon…"


He stirred slightly when he kissed his cheek, burying his nose into Logan's hair with a sleepy mumble, his grip only tightening. Logan would more than likely have to wake him himself.


Logan squeaked softly and blushed softly. he wasn't used to affection other than from Raz but he considered that more brotherly than romantic. He glanced up at Jackson with and small smile "You're worth breaking the rules for." he scooted up and pressed a kiss to his lips. "hm, I think i found my new addiction." he laughed softly and tapped jackson's nose "sweetheart, waky waky! I need coffee darling."


It didn't take too much for Jackson to wake up, blinking slowly. "Hmm? Oh, morning." His voice was low and rough from having just woken up, rubbing sleep from his eyes with a smile.


"Morning hon, sleep well?" he asked, scooting back slightly so that Jackson had enough room to stretch. "Sorry to wake you so early but I need my caffeine!"


He chuckled softly and stretched, his shirt lifting just enough to show off his toned body for a second before he relaxed. "At this point you should really just keep a bottle of caffeine pills."


Logan glanced away with a slight flush and bit his lip. "mmm? nah, I've tried before, I like coffee better, they have more variety when it comes to flavor. Plus i hate taking pills." he sat up with a stretch and wrapped a blanket on his shoulders. He stood and opened the curtains to his room, illuminating the room in a wash of light. He walked to the kitchen and found a cup of water. Going back to the bedroom, he watered the plants that were on the window sill.


Jackson whined when he opened the curtains, hiding under the covers. "Couldn't have given me some type of warning before you blinded me with sunlight?" He mumbled.


He glanced over his should and laughed softly "sorry, dear." he smiled softly and tended to the plants for moment before walking back to the hallway "do ya want coffee?!" he called from the kitchen, trying to decide which one he wanted for the day.


"Nah, caffeine gives me anxiety." He called back, peeking his head out from under the covers again. He smiled to himself, he could get used to this.


Logan nodded and made some for himself…as well as for the rest of the day. "So if not coffee then do ya want anything for breakfast?" he asked, leaning against the threshold to his bedroom. "And don't you dare tell me nothing. You haven't eaten anything since yesterday."


"Logan, it's sweet that you're concerned but I'm fine, I'm not hungry." He shrugged. Plus I'm still too antsy around you to eat anything even if I was…


He huffed softly and pushed himself off the wall. “Fine, but there Is food in the food if you are, don’t fell bad or anything, it’s fine if you want to.” He said, hesitating at the door for a moment before going back to the kitchen


He laid back in bed with a sigh, staring up at the ceiling. How can someone make me so anxious one moment make me just want to kiss them the next? Dammit, I'm hopeless…