forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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Logan sat back as he listened to Jackson. He wanted to laugh at the ridiculousness he had told him. Demon's weren't real, nether was coming back from the dead. "alright, that would make a really cute fanfiction for the two but I don't think they're gonna go to hell for matching tattoos." he shook his head and stood, "everyone can be a little demon if you push them hard enough." he teased, getting an uneasy feeling in his stomach "getting matching tattoos is a little far if you really want to sell the whole demonic thing to people but its a nice touch."


He sighed heavily. "You want proof? I'll give you proof." He summoned his power, a dark purple in color and his eyes blacked out. "You want to not believe me? Fine. But don't doubt what I say, I mean it."


Logan slowly turned around, frowning. He looked around the room, hoping that this was some elaborate prank from the three instead of what it actually was. When he couldn't pinpoint where the voice was coming from, his eyes finally rested on Jackson. He brought a hand to his mouth to stifle a gasp and backed away until he was in the hall where he bolted to his room, locking the door and sliding to the floor, covering his ears and squeezing his eyes tight


He let his power fade and sank to the floor, burying his face in his hands. Why why WHY did I have to tell him? Now he'll never trust me. Good going Jackson, you fucked up another one. He forced himself up and went down the hall, nervously knocking on Logan's door. "Logan? Please, talk to me. I'm sorry about what you had to see. I didn't mean to scare you. Please, I'm sorry…"


He shook his head and backed away from the door, hiding away under the covers. "no, y-you're not….you're not a demon, you're not dead…. you can't talk in my mind,and your eyes don't glow, it's just in your head Lo, too much sugar…"


"Logan please! I know you're scared, I just want to help! Please, I'm sorry!" He felt awful. "If you want me to leave, I will. You won't have to see me again just please talk to me."


He sniffled softly and peeked his head up from where he was curled up on the bed. "I don't know what to say, Jackson. How am I supposed to react to this?! like it's normal? cuz you know it's not." he felt horrible, he didtn't want to hurt Jackson but he also didn't know his true intentions anymore, would he hurt him? was that his plan all along?
"Jay's one too? and Raz knows?"


"Well, yeah. He's one and Raz knows." He scratched the back of his neck. "I know is not normal and I know my intentions seem all out of whack to you but I swear on my life I'm not here to trick you. I genuinely do have a thing for you and I don't want to leave you. But if you want me to go, I totally understand."


"What life? you said it yourself. you've been dead for 12 years. And what do you mean thing?is this something so unnatural to you that you can't even put a name to it?" Logan shook his head and plopped his head back onto his arms "do whatever yo want Jackson." he murmured, lying back down on the bed and curling up tightly into a ball


"I mean I have a crush on you! I mean that I like you!" He sighed. "I know this probably ruined any feelings you might've had for me. I know I fucked things up. I'll just…I'll just go. I'm so sorry." He went for the door, blinking back tears.


How could I have messed things up so badly? not once but twice! He picked his head up and glanced to the door, debating whether to let Jackson go or to call him back. So many questions ran through his head, so many hesitations and so many more regrets.


Please say something… please… His hand hesitated over the knob to the front door, bracing himself for the extreme cold and hoping Logan would say something before he left.


When he didn't here anything, Logan stood, wrapped the blanket around himself and slowly unlocked the door. He silently walked out of the bedroom and peeked around the corner out to the living room, watching Jackson near the door.


He was only wearing what he had when he'd gotten there which was not suitable for the weather outside. You'll be fine, you'll be fine… He sighed softly and opened the door, instantly shivering at the dead cold wind that whipped across his face. He stepped out and closed he door before the snow could get in which was up to his knees.


Logan's eyes widened when he realized jackson was leaving in nothing more than a shirt and jeans. He walki=ed up to the door, ready to lock it and leave Jackson outside when he stopped. He rested his head against the door and shut his eyes momentarily. H eopened the door and looked up at Jackson "was it true?" he called, wrapping the blanket around himself as the strong chill hit him "back at the arena, were you actually sad or were you faking it?"


He turned when he heard Logan's voice. He couldn't help the relieved smile that crossed his lips. "It was true. The way I died…it gave me a lot of problems with my self esteem and confidence. It…triggered my PTSD. I was genuinely having a breakdown."


logan looked down at the floor, not being able to meet Jackson's eyes in fear of seeing the purple haze. He's a demon, he wants you to feel bad for him. He doesn't care. He gasped in a sob and leaned his head against the door jam, finding comfort in the cool air. "How do I know you're not lying to me? How do I know to trust you?"


"Logan, you know me. Well, somewhat. The person I've shown you is who I genuinely am. Do I seem like the person that would lie to you? To deceive you?" He took a tentative step towards him. "I know getting you to trust me is an uphill battle but I'm willing to fight it if you're willing to let me."


"are you the type to deceive and lie? you tell me, at this point I don't know what to believe." he glanced up when Jackson stepped towards him, watching him for what seemed like an eternity before he nodded to the apartment "get inside, you'll freeze out here." he said, walking back inside, not looking back.


"Don't have to tell me twice." He stepped inside, closing the door and trying to ignore the cold that ached him. He stayed by the door though, in case Logan changed his mind.


He put a pot of milk on the stove and pulled out a small slab of chocolate to begin to make hot chocolate. "tell me everything from the beginning." he said, looking over his shoulder at Jackson.


"Well, I was a pretty normal kid. Grew up with my mom, dad took my sister when I was born and left. Never met him. Never will. When I was 16, I came out to my mom as gay. That was my big mistake. She…" He swallowed slowly, trying to keep it together. "She cut me up with a kitchen knife, screaming insults and homophobic comments. After about 5 minutes, I finally dropped and she simply gathered her things and left me on the floor as she walked out. I laid there for hours, slowly bleeding out. It was the worst physical and mental pain you could possibly imagine. When I finally did get the sweet release of death from my torment, I spent 5 years in training to become a demon and learned that I have a distain for watching or causing human suffering so they made me a contractor. I met Jay in training and we became close friends. Training finished and we were released to the surface and the rest is history."


Logan slowly worked in the kitchen as he listened to Jackson's story, flinching when he recounted how he had died. Logan himself had had a hard time coming out as gay to his family but it was no where near close to what Jackson had described. He wished that no one ever again would have to go through what Jackson did. He was relieved to hear that Jackson and Jay didn't torture anyone, but he was still wary of the contracts. "So you don't hurt any one or anything." he nodded and went back to stirring in the chunks of chocolate he had broken up into small pieces, occasionally sneaking in a bite or two


"Yeah. Raz was Jay's first contract and they just so happened to fall in love. Nothing really changes when you get a contract other than when you die, you're stuck with that demon in hell for eternity. And depending on who it is, that could be wonderful or awful. But Jay promised Raz that he wouldn't let you end up in hell and I promised Jay that I wouldn't make a contract with you because of it."


He nodded in understanding "I wouldn't want to make a contract either way. I don't think I'm qualifies to change anything in the world to that power, no matter how small the request." he scooted up on the counter to grab cinnamon from the top shelf and sat back down on the counter to stirr the chocolate, making sure it didn't burn on the bottom. "So what's up with the glowing eyes and talking inside people's head? is that something all of you can do?"