forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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"Yeah, pretty much every demon can do it. Jay and Raz actually have a mental link. They talk to each other mentally a lot. It's not exactly a complicated concept. As for the eyes, that's just part of the uniform. Jay's are red, mine are purple. Everyone has a different color."


"ah, that explains why they stare at nothing or at each other for a long time and then suddenly burst into laughter." he laughed softly and rested his hands in his lap as he waited for the chocolate to fully melt into the milk. "i get that but what about the different voice? it both sounded and didn't sould like you in my head." he asked, hoping he was describing it well enough


"Oh, that. Well, when I use my power, it kind of seeps into my whole body. That's how I'm able to use it. And because of that, it sinks into my vocal chords and changes how I sound."


Logan shook his head "that's not what mean. It's like you were a different person when talking. Something…beyond what I've seen from you." he glanced up, eyes furrowed in slight confusion. "It's like all the cute and love were balanced off by something more…"


"Dark? Sinister? I get that a lot. Demons are naturally mean and scary creatures and sometimes that shows through. I'm sweet and kind like this because this is who I am. I'm not so much when I'm like that because that's more of my demonic side. It's less me, more of who I'm supposed to be but choose not to."


He ducked his head sheepishly and nodding slightly. "I think I like the sweet and loving side of you more than uhm, the more demonic side." he said softly, blushing softly and looking away. He was getting used to the fact that Jackson was a demon, more used to the fact that there were other beings out there that aren't entirely human. If he could relive the whole scenario again, he still wouldn't have believed Jackson and would probably have done similar actions afterwards. He hopped down from the counter and walked over to Jackson, hugging him around the waist and pressing his head against his chest "I'm sorry if I freaked out before."


"Nah, I get it. I probably would have done the same thing if I was in your shoes. Honestly, I find it endearing that you're so cautious. Most people would've been a bit more, well, fangirlish." He hugged him tight, not wanting to let go of him.


He looked up at him and tilted his head. "Fangirling? like when people went crazy over vampires when Twilight came out? hold on, vampires aren't real right?" he asked, tugging Jackson to the kitchen so he could have him close while making sure the chocolate was burning


He couldn't help but laugh. "Yes, like that and no, vampires don't actually exist. Women love to mess with things they don't understand. And their seduction attempts, while endearing, are useless seeing as I'm gay."


He laughed softly "Aw, I don't know who I feel worse for, you for having to deal with that or the women who got their hearts broken." He smiled at Jackson, and lowered the temperature for the chocolate.


"There were some guys but they mostly summonsed me as a joke and my poor gay heart couldn't handle it. I swear, I've been turned down by more guys than I've turned down girls."


Logan's features softly and gently took his hand, using his thumb to draw circles o the back of it. "That won't happen again." he promised, pressing his hand to his cheek and placing a small kiss to it.


He bit his lip gently and squeezed his hand gently, letting go to carefully pour the chocolate into the mugs he had gotten. He then found the cinnamon and sprinkled a bit over the top before handing off a mug to Jackson


Logan looked up at Jackson and tilted his head “you alright darlin?” He asked, grabbing cookies from the cabinets and pulling Jackson back to the living room


He snapped his head up when he heard Logan's voice. "Hmm? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just kind of lost in thought." He took a small sip of the hot chocolate, letting it warm him from the inside.


He kept a little bit of distance from Logan, still wary of how he was taking the news, although he was still trying to recover from the deep cold that ached him.


Logan curled up on the couch with his legs up against his chest and watched Jackson “do you have any questions for me?” He asked softly “I know telling was against what Jay and Raz wanted.”


"Yeah, they'll probably want to kill me for this but I couldn't just keep lying to you. Plus the burning mark thing gets really irritating." He stared into his mug once more. "Um, how do you feel about all this?"


He breathed a small laugh “Probably not Raz, but I don’t know about Jay. There’s nothing they can do anyways now that I know.” He hummed softly and thought for a moment “kind of in a haze, I believe you and I know what you tell me is true but there’s still that small part of me that doesn’t fully accept that Demons relationship real and is trying to rationalize everything.”


"Oh, I should probably mention, angels are also a thing but they're not as noticable. Angels don't have a physical form on Earth but demons do because we don't listen to God's rules. It's kind of our job not to."


He nodded “so you can see them? Or at least notice the difference between angels and a normal person?” He asked, taking A sip of the chocolate


"Oh yeah, definitely. There was one that used to follow me around named Wendy and she never shut up. Had to eventually banish her back to her cloud in the sky so that she'd leave me alone."