forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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Logan blushed and shook his head "not as much as you darlin'" He continued to trail a light finger along Jackson's lower back, daring to go a little higher until his hand was resting near the middle.


he swallowed nervously and look away, biting his lip gently. "uhm, that would make touching you easier. Not in a weird way of course! just, uhm…in a cuddly way?" he blushed even harder when Jackson chuckled "hey, no teasing, I havn't dated in a while, nor have I been in bed with some else like this."


"That wasn't a no. I think you do want it off. Alright, alright, fine. I guess I can comply this once." He pulled away to strip it off before pulling him back into his arms. And of course, being a demon meant he had to look good and he certainly did. Perfectly chiseled despite his skinny frame although raised white lines were scattered across his skin. Slash marks from his mother's knife.


Logan whined softly when pressed against Jackson and restrained himself from crying out in surprise. Instead he traced the curve of Jackson's form, starting from his chest and moving down to his abdomen. He craved this kind of physical contact, nothing sexual or weird, he just wanted to feel someone close, to have their perfectly imperfect body near him, to feel a strong heartbeat close. He had that before, but it was never loving or beautiful like this. He was careful to lighten his touch around the raised scars, fearing that he would hurt Jackson. He gasped softly when he saw just how many their were and buried his face against his shoulder, not wanting to think about the horrors Jackson must have been through when he was alive.


He watched Logan curiously, wanting to see his reaction. This was his dream come true, just holding someone close and being able to not feel shame when they saw just how scarred he was. It was freeing, it made him feel alive again. Sure, looking at all the scars made him shudder because of the memories but Logan was so gentle with them he could almost forget about everything he went through.


He stayed silent for a few moments, tracing over the scars and skin with a gentle hand and just listening to Jackson's breathing. He picked his head up slightly and pressed feather light kisses to his shoulder and neck until he reached his lips. "You're the most beautiful creature I've ever seen. Never let anyone tell you otherwise." he whispered against his lips before pressing them together in a passionate kiss.


He couldn't help but smile into the kiss, letting his thoughts and apprehensions melt away so he could focus on Logan. Within a couple of months, his entire world had been flipped upside down all because he wanted to see a friend's proposal through. He never expected to meet someone like Logan, never expected to fall quite as hard or as fast as he did but here he was.


He pulled back gently to catch his breath but never strayed far from Jackson's lips, taking his free hand and tracing them with his finger. "I-I'm sorry if that was sudden." he apologized, a deep flush blooming on his cheeks. He went back to tracing his body, needing to calm down a bit and breath. There was no reason for him to rush anything, it wasn't going to be like last time.


"No, it's okay, I didn't mind." He flashed him a soft smile, holding him tighter. "You're really cute when you blush." He kissed his deeply reddened cheeks, enjoying himself in Logan's company more than anyone else. He enjoyed this slow pace, the ease of everything. There was no need to rush, they had all the time in the world.


"am not, I look like a tomato." he pouted softly and hid his face in the crook of Jackson's neck. "Jackson, can I ask you something a bit personal?" he asked softly, tilting his head so he could look up at him. He wouldn't hurt him on purpose, not after what he had been through and how he had reacted in the Laser tag arena. He would make sure no one hurt him again


"Sure, go for it." He was a little nervous on what he was going to ask but he was sure that it wouldn't be too bad considering how Logan had seen him react before. But still, he couldn't help it. Personal questions always made him a little nervous.


He bit his lip, trying to form his words correctly. "When you died and came back to life, how did you find the strength not to go after your mother? After everything she did to you, you've never mentioned going after her and getting revenge for what she did." he flicked his gaze up to his, afraid that he had hit upon something too personal.
"You don't have to answer if you don't want to!" he added quickly, not wanting to subjugate Jackson to answer. "I just know that if it were me, I'd probably get some revenge or something."


"With great difficulty." He chuckled softly. "I wanted to go after her, I wanted to make her suffer but sometimes the best revenge is moving on. Although if she does have night terrors about her dead son haunting her, I can't exactly say I didn't have a hand in them. Guilt is worst kind of pain a person can experience."


He relaxed slightly when Jackson laughed and nestled comfortably against his form as he spoke. when he spoke of guilt, Logan flinched and nodded slightly "yeah, it truly is." He pressed closer to Jackson and tilted his head "you can do that? manipulate dreams? or is it the entire mind?"


"For contractors, it's the entire mind. But I stick to messing with dreams because controlling people while they're awake really makes me uncomfortable. I hate feeling like a puppeteer."


He nodded slightly, not necessarily afraid but the thought of anyone controlling someone else always made his skin crawl. "you don't need any sort of power to control a person." he said softly, pressing up against Jackson, feeling safe when he was next to him


"And I don't want to control anyone. Especially not you." He kept him close, burying his nose in his hair. "I would never do something like that to you."


Logan scooted up a bit higher on the bed so that he could be level with Jackson and wrapped his arms around his neck. "I know darling.' And if you did, I'm sure you'd have a good reason. " he pressed a kiss to his lips and gently dug his hands into his hair "thank you my love."


He smiled softly, feeling his heart melt. "What the hell did I do to be able to meet someone like you?" He found himself getting lost in his eyes in a half trance.


Logan stroked his cheek and shook his head "nothing at all, dear. you didn't have to do anything. You deserve all the love and affection in the world. I can only hope I can give you a small portion of that love." he replied, pressing their heads together


"it will be something I will always regret, dearest. Not being there sooner." he pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. "we were both going through our own hell. Even if I knew you back then, I don't think I would have been in the right mental space you needed me to be in to much of any help."


"Still. Some help would've been better than the none that I got. I waited for hours for someone…anyone…but no one ever showed up. No one cared…"