forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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Logan nodded slightly and glanced over, finding the man looking at him. He turned away quickly and thanked Jeremy for the food and drinks. He set the things down at the table Jackson hand chosen and pressed a kiss to his head " I'll be right back dear." he promised, looking up over to the man. He walked over, not being able to recognize him when his hand covered his mouth, seemingly in thought and when his eyes were covered with dark sunglasses. "so, uhm, Jeremy said you knew me?" he greeted awkwardly, taking a slight step back when the man stood, slightly recognizing his posture. He recognized him even more when when his hand was removed from his mouth, the very mouth that he had once loved and now had come to hate.
"please don't tell me you've dispelled me from your mind so soon, Logan? I'm sure my body was left an imprint on yours that isn't as easily forget though." the man purred, pushing his sunglasses up to bury in his hair "I did very much enjoy our time together, such a shame it had to come to an end so soon."
Logan's heart pounded in his ears, he couldn't see straight, couldn't hear properly, he didn't even know if he was standing upright.
The man's smirk even more, seeing the effect he had on Logan. He took that opportunity and clutched his chin in his massive hand rather roughly "I told you before that that i'd find you again and make you mine once more. You know how well I keep my promises."
Logan shut his eyes and tried to tilt his head away from him, whimpering pathetically.
"what? do hate me so much now that you can't even say my name anymore? I'm hurt love, truely. we're going to have to change that soon. Ditch you're little friend I saw you kiss earlier and we'll go back to my place."
Logan's eyes snapped open immediately and he tried to shove away the man, to weak to do anything in his presence. "I'm not yours, not any more." he whispered, voice hoarse from being clenched by the other.
"We'll see about that dearest one."


Jackson smiled when Logan returned but frowned when he saw him finally go over to the guy who had been watching him. He knew something was up from the way Logan tensed up but tried to stay calm. The last thing anyone wanted to do was piss off a demon. But when he grabbed Logan, that was the last straw. He tried to keep his composure as he power walked across the cafe and cleared his throat. "I'd recommend letting go of my boyfriend before I have to use force. Believe me, I'm the last person you want to piss off." His voice was dripping in a threatening sweetness and his fingers kept twitching, aching to drag his soul to hell and back but he restrained himself. If he doesn't get his filthy hands off I swear, I will not be able to be held accountable for my actions…


Jeremy also came over, talking on the phone with seemingly the police. "Buddy, you know the rules, assault a customer you get kicked out, assault a friend and I call the police. Do as he says and let go of him."
"Logan almost cried out in relief when Jackson and Jeremy came over.
The man glared up at the two other men and smirked "This doesn't concern either of you. This is bestrewn me and Logan." He looked back down at Logan and came unnervingly close to his face, lips teasingly blushing against his "You'll learn soon enough darling that the world is a cruel place and that the only people who truely care for you are the ones that leave a mark. I think I can safely say that I'm the only one who has done that. He leaned in to to kiss him until Logan moved his head away and tried to shove him away again, harder this time but still not strong enough to shove him back fully.
Instead of meeting lips, the man met Logan's exposed neck, smirking when he realised where his lips were and biting down rather hard before and backing away slowly towards the door. Logan yelled out in mortification and pain and raised his hand to his neck to make sure it wasn't bleeding, though he was fairly certain their was a bite mark.
"How I've missed the sound of your yelling, my prize." he bowed theatrically and left the cafe.


Jackson's twitching became more obvious as he tried to maintain control. His nails were digging into his palms so hard he was sure he was bleeding but he didn't care. His blood was boiling, roaring in his ears. His jaw was clenched so tightly it ached. One does not simply try to take what belongs to a demon and live to tell the tale. Now, Jackson was quite good at keeping himself in control in situations like this but oh no. No no no this was so much more. This was more than anger. This was fury. Pure demonic fury and possessiveness. If he didn't find somewhere private to let loose and fast, he'd explode. And as for whoever had decided to mess with his love? Well, if he did explode, he'd be the first target on his bloodthirsty killing spree.


Still not being able to comprehend much, Logan straightened with the help of Jeremy and forced himself not to cry.
“Lo, the police are coming, it’s going to be alright.”
Lo shook his head, “that won’t do anything. He’s been to jail for this before.” Logan managed to say, standing shakily on his own. “Thank you Jer, for everything. Call me when the cops need to question me.”
He laced his hand with Jackson’s, tugging him towards the door. He could feel Jackson shaking, or maybe that was still him, he couldn’t tell. He grabbed the breakfast from the table and gently tugged Jackson back towards home, reveling in the numb feeling the cool air on his exposed skin, not bothering to close his coat. He pressed close to Jackson everytime Simone cane walking close to them, fearing it might have been his ex. He let out a breath of relief when they finally got home and pulled open the house door, checking every single room to make sure it was empty and safe.


Jackson was still trying to calm himself down, to keep himself in control. He hadn't gone through a black out rage in almost 6 years, he didn't want Logan to have to watch something like that.
But that guy, whoever he was, he needed to pay.
No, that's murder and way too extreme of a reaction.
Well then what was he going to do? Just let him go and not do anything?
This internal war was a familiar one but that didn't make going through it any easier. He wanted to make him pay for what he did, yes, but he was too pissed off to do something about it now and his hands were most definitely bleeding from how hard he was jabbing his nails into his palms.


Logan gently cupped his cheek and looked up into his eyes. He took both his hands and pressed his lips to the back of his hands, restrained tears silently streaming down his face . He let them drop to Jackson's side and quickly made his way to his bedroom, shutting the door behind him and crawled into bed. He didn't want Logan to see him this way, didn't want him to see him so broken and pathetic. Scooting up on the bed so his back was pressed against the headboard he hugged himself, feeling sick and sobbed silentl, a few yells escaping him on accident when he thought back to what his ex had said and done to him. he shook his head and squeezed his eyes shut. Standing from his bed, he got the urge to throw something, to destroy something like his ex had done to him. He couldn't bring himself to break anything in his room, all stuff he had gotten that meant something to him. Kneeling on the ground near the closet, he pressed his head to the ground and yelled, cursing the world.


He forced his thoughts away when he heard Logan's cries and his heart broke. He hated seeing Logan like this, so sad and broken. He had to do something. He knocked softly on the door before coming in. He knelt down next to him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. He wanted to help, he really did, but he wasn't sure how.


Logan drew in a shuddering breath, sobs threatening to take over his speech once more. After a few moment's he finally calmed down enough to speak, leaning into Jackson's hand gratefully and taking a peak up at him. "I'm sorry…" he whispered, rubbing his eyes with his hand and brushing away tears, face red and splotchy. He sat up and hung his head, trembling in his spot "I should have told you about him before…."


He frowned slightly and pulled Logan in for a hug, tugging him onto his lap. "Don't apologise, there's nothing to be sorry for, my love." He wanted to to know about what happened, yes, but he also knew that Logan was hurting and that was enough to displace his anger for the time being.


He curled up tightly in Jackson's lap, his shaking stopping for now. "I just froze, I let him do that to me again," he whispered, burying his head against Jackson's neck and clinging tightly to him. He picked his head up suddenly "what if he finds us?"


"If he does find us, he'll have to go through me first. And he'll be lucky if he gets through me in one piece, that's for sure. One does not simply try and take what belongs to a demon and live to tell the tale."


He dropped his head back onto Jackson's chest and sighed softly, flinching when the bite mark started to throb in pain. "why do people like him exist?" he asked softly before shakily getting up from Jackson's lap. "I'm going to see if I can find something for this." he said softly, kissing Jackson's brow before slowly walking to the bathroom


He frowned slightly, hating that his once bubbly and cheerful boyfriend was now sad and withdrawn. Oh if Jackson ever got the chance to get his hands on that bastard, he would make him pay for this.


The bruise was large and dark, covering the lower part of his neck. He put some ointment around the area, letting it dry a bit before putting a bandage over top. He went back to the bedroom and grabbed a different set og clothing, wanting his strong cologn away from his body. He chose a tight fitting turtle neck crop top as well as a pain of black glittery leggings. He went back to the bathroom and changed, hoping that the top would cover the patch. With a sigh, he ran a hand through his hair and sat back down next to Jackson. "Honestly, I feel like crap right now. Want to eat breakfast in here and watch movies for the rest of the day? or at least until they call me back in for questioning?"


He smiled slightly. "I'd love nothing more. But before all that, I want to give you something." He summoned his signature deep purple aura and when it faded away, a hoodie was left in his hands. "I feel like it's customary for one partner to steal the other's clothing and you look like you need this today so I want you to have this." He handed it over to him with a smile. "It's my favorite so don't spill anything on it." He chuckled.


logan tilted his head curiously and waited patiently, watching a purple mist floated around them. He looked back up to jackson and nodded "it is, most of the time." he looked at the sweatshirt and took it in his hands "really? there's not one that's not as much you're favorite? i drink coffee…a lot. There's bound to be some spillage." He smiled softly, glad to be thinking of something else other that this morning. "I'll be careful not to ruin this." he promised, flipping it upsidown and slipping it over his head, wiggling around a bit until he found the head and arm holes. Poking his head through he flipped on the hood and hugged himself, reveling in it's warmth and smell. "thank you darlin'." he leaned against Jackson and bit his lip "I'll have to find you something. I'll have to search waaaaayyy back to find something thats not short…though a little skin never hurt anyone." he teased, pressing a kiss to his cheek and standing "be right back with breakfast!"


He smiled to himself, glad to see that Logan was starting to return to his naturally cheerful self. "I'll be waiting." He crawled back into bed, turning on the TV and putting Netflix on. He just wanted Logan to be okay, to be happy and smiling again.


Lo came back with the bags of pastries in his mouth, the coffee and hot chocolate held in his hands and a few plates balanced on his arms. He set the drinks down on the table next to the bed and climbed in next to Jackson, handing him one of the bags of pastries. "ok, there should be a few fruit ones, chocolate croissants and a cream cheese filled thingy. They're all really good." he said, sitting crosslegged and munching on a chocolate croissant


"Wow, you really went for variety, didn't you?" He chuckled, taking a bite out of a lemon Danish. "Not that I mind, per say." He settled into the pillows, wrapping an arm around Logan. "So, what are we watching first?"


He nodded "Jer usually gives us discounts since we're family friends so I typically stock up when I can." he explained, curling up against jackson and thinking over his options "Coco? it's a cute movie and I like Day of The dead things."


"I actually haven't seen Coco yet. All I know is that it's about Day of The Dead and it surpassed Toy Story 3 for the Oh My God My Tears Are Crying award for most people." He turned the movie on, quietly sipping his hot chocolate as it started.


"you what! you'v never seen it?!" Logan gaped at him and pressed a hand to his heart in feigned hurt. "darling! ok now we're watching it, no matter what! and yes, it made me cry and probably will again. also if i start singing, no judging." he cuddled up comfortably next to jackson and finished off his croissant.


He rolled his eyes with a smile and cuddled Logan close. "You're so extra sometimes." He kissed the top of his head lightly. "But it's part of why I love you so much." He turned to focus on the movie, now highly curious about it.


"What do yo mean 'sometimes'?" he teased, nudging his head into the crook of Jackson's neck "I love you too, dear." he focused on the movie, a soft smile gracing his lips as he watched, fondness for the movie and the production of it always lightened Logan's mood. He occasionally shifted about, wanting to be closer to Jackson as he watched, tangling their legs together of burying his hand in his hair