forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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He couldn't help bursting out laughing. "Logan, you're going to give yourself a heart attack! Relax a little!" He's so cute when he's excited though…


"but I can't!" he whined, pointing at the TV "the- ahh they kissed!! freaking yesss!!!!!" Logan bounced in his place and clapped, resting his head on both his hands and smiling cheekily as he watched


"Oh just you wait." Jackson sat back, folding his arms over his chest with a smile. He had forgotten how much fun it was to watch people's reactions to movies they've never seen.


Logan relaxed but was still smiling. "Aw tey lied the rest of their lives together!! aw my god thats adorable!!! oh? oh no! she's in the hospital! no movie don't you dare….ahhh he's reading her The Notebook!!!!! ahhh no don't got to sleeeepppppp!!!!! Nooooo she can't die!!!!! aw my gawd he stayed with her!!!" Logan broke down crying and clutched the pillow "that was bwautiful…."


"And you said you were all cried out for the day." He rolled his eyes and pulled Logan back onto his lap, snuggling him. "Let it out, baby. I've got you. It's just a movie."


He whined softly "Guess not~" he wiped his eyes and nestled his head against jackson's chest "It can't just stop there! they have to see each other in the after life again right?! I need another Notebook!"


"Sorry sweetheart, that's the only one we've got." He kissed the top of his head softly. "I told you this movie was good. And I bawled like a baby when I first watched it."


he laughed softly wiped away the rest of the tears with the sleeve of the sweatshirt. "it's a good movie, Thanks for showing to me." he said, hiccuping slightly and kissing his cheek." he breathed Jackson's scent in, relaxing into his hold and taking deep breaths


He continued to hold him tight in his arms, letting him work through his emotions. "There are others, of course. But that was the first one I ever saw."


he tilted his head "are they as good as that one?" he asked softly, Nudging Jackson back to that he could Lie on top of him again "please no more that I'm gonna cry to, I don't think I can cry any more today." he begged, cuddling into Jackson


"Well if you want my absolute favorite, then it's going to be The Princess Bride. Call me old fashioned, I don't care." He shrugged with a smile. "I think you'll like it."


"Oh! I've seen that before! It's cheesy but in a good way! we can watch that one of you want." he said, curling up tightly and hugging Jackson around the waist instead of the pillow


"What? since when is princess bride girly? it has sword fighting and death! not that a girl can't enjoy those things or anything but it's far from the stereo typical definition of girly." he found the movie and started to play it.


He shook his head "that's just dumb. If you like something, why should anyone else judge?" he sighed softly and nuzzled against Jackson's chest, smiling when the plot part of the story started instead of the story telling


"Because people are mean and like making fun of things they don't like." He kissed the top of his head gently. "But that's why I have you. So I don't feel so invalid."


"Love, you don't need validation from anyone including me. Just be yourself." he kissed his cheek and wrapped his arms around him, snuggling into his neck


Logan frowned softly and nudged Jackson's head with his own "hey, everyone has insecurities, more some than others. but you're starting to get better about letting your insecurities show, at least since I've met you. you're way less shy about thing than you were when we first met.


"I'm less shy around you. I can't stand being around new people, I turn into a human hermit crab. Plus, new people means more risk for me and my secret getting out to the public in which I'd be executed and sent right back to hell where I came from."


Logan's eyes widened and he sat up, not caring if they were in a weird position "darling don't say that. No ones going to do that to you. As for you're secret being told, I don't think many people would think much of it. Most people are oblivious to that type of thing, much like I was until you proved me wrong. he cupped his cheek and pressed their heads together. "Please don't say anything like that, I don't want to think about my life without you darling."


"Unfortunately, one day, you'll have to. I made a promise not to bind you and now I have to deal with the consequences of me being a good person. Being a contractor is about just that. Contracts. And if you aren't going to be bound to me then my manager is going to force me to leave. Feelings don't matter in the land of soul contracts. I love you. More than anything. But it's not something I can control."


Logan blinked back tears refusing to cry for the third time that day. "no, I don't care if you're a contractor or satan himself, I'm not letting you go." he nuzzled against his chest "I know they're trying to protect me but it's my choice if I want to bind with you."


"I know, love, I know." Your choice indeed. Let's hope you make the right one. He kept Logan close, knowing that regardless of what he chose, he would never forget this or the time they spent together.