forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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It was about halfway through that Logan's shifting finally got to Jackson. "You know what? I've got an idea." He pulled Logan in front of him so he could settle between his legs and his back could rest against Jackson's chest instead of being next to him. "There. Now will you please stop moving? You're distracting me." He chuckled softly, kissing his cheek as he wrapped his arms around him.


Lo hummed softly and looked up at Jackson, trilling softly when he was pulled on top of him and snuggling against his chest "sorry, I'll stop." he Leaned into the kiss and rested his head on his shoulder, lightly drawing circles on Jackson's hand as focused on the movie again


His focus went back to the movie as he cuddled Logan like a teddy bear. He could only imagine what his life would've been like if he'd had someone like Logan when he was alive. Maybe he still would be. Maybe he wouldn't be a dead man walking.


Lo started to hum along to La Llorona, not really saying the words since he didn't know much spanish but muttering the beat. he had always loved the original song, understanding why many people found it so sad yet so moving


He was captivated by the music, he was one of those people that obsessed over soundtracks. He found the song beautiful, knowing that he'd have to listen to it later if he could make it through without sobbing his eyes out.


(time skip till the end of the movie?)
Logan reached over for his coffee, taking a small sip before putting it back down and drawing the covers over them both, marveling at the beautiful colors and overall construction of the movie


"hm? oh, it's alright. I don't mind." he laced their fingers together. "did you like the movie?" he asked, flopping over on his stomach and gazing up at Jackson.


"nah, it was actually really good, I didn't know you could sing." Logan smiled and sat up, blushing when he realized how they were positioned and awkwardly de-straddled himself from Jackson. he drank the rest of his coffee, hoping to hide the small blush the rose of his cheeks. "you can choose next." he said softly, more into the cup than to jackson


"As much as I love your kindness, I don't think the cup will have much of an opinion on what we watch." He smiled a little, taking a mental note of the blush on his cheeks.


He blushed deeper, pulling the cup away and whining like a child "haha, very funny." He set the controller on top of jackson's chest and got up to throw the empty bags and cups away. "you choose!"


He rolled his eyes with a smile as he scrolled through the different movies. Jackson was a sucker for rom-coms and was debating between The Notebook (no pun intended) and When Harry Met Sally.


Lo came back shortly and curled up close. Tilting his head he looked up at the tv then at Jackson "I don't know any of these movies, are they any good?"


"I'm a sucker for rom-coms, leave me alone." He laughed. "Since you're in my area of expertise now, we're going with the first romance movie I ever saw, The Notebook. Prepare your tear ducts, I hope you brought tissues."


He glanced around and shook his head "nope! I think i'm all cried out today though." he tentatively crawled back on top of Jackson, feeling safer this close to him instead of by his side. He didn't dare look up at him, knowing that he'd probably blush more


(never seen this friend has and had the bright idea of texting me her commentary on it though….we have officially dubbed Ryan as 'goose man')


Logan watched curiously, having always liked romances but finding most very cheesy and inaccurate. he doubted that he would cry with this one, but there was always that chance. he took a liking to the characters almost immediately, recognizing the actors and decided to give this one a shot.


(I'll fully admit, I've never seen it either but a lot of my friends have and they love it to death, plus I think the irony with watching The Notebook on Notebook is funny)
Jackson practically had the movie memorized and knew the story like the back of his hand. He tried to keep his mouth shut though and just let Logan watch.


(oh shoot i didn't even realize…you're a genius!)
Logan was now glued to the movie, going through any and ever emotion as the movie continued. by the time there were in the middle, he had pulled a pillow to his chest, and was silently crying "why is he leaving?! he can't just leave her!"


Jackson kept his mouth shut, knowing that Logan was going through the exact same emotional turmoil that he did when he watched this movie for the first time. This scene still hurt but not nearly as much as it did the first time.


"dude nooo!!! what the hell are you thinking?! oh my god be went to war….she went off with another guy!? nononono, he has to come baaaaaaackkk!!!!" Logan cried out, now sitting up at the edge of the tv and practically yelling at it. "don't die, don't sie, don't die….."


"And I thought I had a strong reaction when I first watched this movie." He chuckled to himself under his breath, more watching Logan's reaction than actually watching the movie.


Logan went quiet for a few scenes before bursting out again "He came back!!!! holy sheeze!!! Now what are you gonna do huh?! you have two manz but you only want one!!!! dumb you're boring dude and go for our manz!!! this lady honestly needs help….YYYYYYEEEESSS BE WITH YOU"RE HERO!!!!!!"