@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
Julian smiled and came in sitting on his bed. "Alright, we went shopping all day though." He sighed.
Julian smiled and came in sitting on his bed. "Alright, we went shopping all day though." He sighed.
Pierre sprang up and shut his door behind his little brother. "Sounds fun." He snorted. "What for? Another dress for Mary?" He never called their stepmother mom. Just a distanced first name.
Pierre's room was a very dark, somewhat Victorian palette. Dark oaks and reds and yellows, things from heirloom books and dried sunflowers. Pierre was strangely obsessed with the Natural, and many took it to be quite an effeminate interest. It caused him quite a deal of teasing and loneliness.
"Yes, another one. I don't understand why she needs them." He mumbled flopping back and looking at the roof. "I really am tired of going out so often, and we also went to go look at other boring stuff."
"Well, you know how dad is." Pierre sat by his brother at the foot of his twin sized bed. "Can't seem to fathom putting his kids first. You know. His only kids." He crumpled a bit of bedsheet under his hand in stifled frustration. His eyes faded over to the glossy hardwood floor.
Julian looked at him with a gentle smile. "If he's so busy with mother, then we should sneak out for a bit." He replied sitting up again. "Maybe go down into the field?"
He raised his eyebrows and gave his little brother a candid smile. "Again..? Remember when you nearly broke your arm because you ran into a big thing of mud and slid?" Pierre snorted teasingly.
He frowned. "Fine, I'll go by myself. And when mother and father ask where I am and you have not a clue then you'll wish you had gone." He said shutting his eyes and crossing his arms. He peeked open one of his eyes.
He rolled his eyes and his head as well, all a pompous show of fake reluctance. "Ahhh, fine, I acquiesce. When do you want to go?" Pierre's smile quickly resurrected.
Julian grinned. "Let me get something different on, then we can go." He hopped off the bed and went to his own room to change.
Pierre watched him go, fondly so, and let his eyes wander to his windows. The sun was in its last few hours of daylight, five or sixish now. The heat of the day made the air smell of corn dust and rain.
Pierre's father came up and knocked on the door. "Are you in here?" He asked sternly.
Pierre squinted his eyes shut. Fantastic… "Yes, Father. The door is unlocked." His words came out quippy and articulate. The distaste towards his father mad his nose curl and cheeks stiffen and at this point it was unconscious.
"How are you? Did you have a nice after noon?" He asked stiffly and rather cold. He was a rather awkward for talking to his son.
His son's gaze rested and remained on the window. "Fine." His dead-end respond floated unattended into the air. The open window let in a small breeze, rustling the pages he had sprawled on his father's discarded desk.
"Anything of interest happen?" He asked raising his brow coming over to his son's bed. He sat beside him and looked at him.
Flicking his eyes at him, he regarded his father the same way a priest peers disapprovingly at alcoholics. "Not particularly. Wandered the grounds, and such." He answered halfishly.
"Then might I ask why two teacups are sitting in the living room?" He asked with a raised brow. He was clearly suspicious.
"I left them." He muttered, standing up. It was too uncomfortable being that close to Father anyhow, he preferred the distance. That way, his Father's lack of attention hurt him less. "I'll get to cleaning them."
"I've cleared them already. But what was the point of two?" He inquired further.
Pierre rest onehand on his desk and stood like that, one ankle crossed reflectively over the other and a pointed look in his eyes. He had his mother's eyes. "It's tea, Father," he lifted his chin, "I like to indulge."
"You could have at least finished them both. Wasting that much tea is too expensive." He muttered before standing. "You have your mothers eyes." He noted before walking out the door.
Pierre pushed hair out of his face. At least he was gone now, to go tend to his mistress.
Julian tapped his older brother's shoulder. "You alright?"
"Uh..?" Pierre hadn't even noticed his return
"Oh uh, yeah. Are you ready?" He grabbed his leather bag from the back of his chair. He kept things like jars and herb books and tweezers and those sorts of fancy tools for piecing apart the bits of nature.
Julian nodded. "Of course, as long as you are." He smiled brushing his hair back.
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