@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
She thought for a second. "I wouldn't have noticed that. Do you normally notice details like that?" She asked.
She thought for a second. "I wouldn't have noticed that. Do you normally notice details like that?" She asked.
Pierre let his hands fall to his sides. "No," he replied sparingly, "Not usually." It was a lie. He wasnt going to grace a stranger with the truth; it would sound boastful of course, and many other reasons too, many very important reasons. "Would you like some tea?"
"Tea sounds lovely!" She hummed. "Do you have a cloth I can clean my face with?" She asked softly.
"Absolutely," he answered quickly. "Have you ever tried lavender echinacea tea?" Pierre offered with a little glint of passion in his eyes. A bit of a botanist, oh?
"I have not, are you making it?" She asked looking at him and his excitement. "I'd love to try it."
"Absolutely. I have troves of it. Excellent for the nerves I say," his voice took a delighted lilt and his gait too. Peculiar man.
She smiled softly, but looked around. "The house seems empty. Are there more people that live here or are you alone?" She asked softly.
"I live with my family. My parents and brother," he shrugged, "Parents are out right now and Julian is out and about, so, we have some peace and quiet," he laughed. And some time not being ridiculed.
"That makes sense, my father and mother use to go out all the time." She nodded having a curl fall in her face.
He led her to the living room out of the foyer. The place was very homely, very warm, windows open to let in the summer air and such. The fireplace lay clean and dormant for the summer. "Make yourself at home Ms. Clara, I'll have beverages and food out swiftly," he told her, and disappeared round the corner.
She sat on the edge of the sofa and held her hands in her lap. "'Tis a lovely home." She said to no one in particular.
Birds twittered just beyond the windowsill, the couch facing the bright green view. Lovely huge, arching windows, it did nature plenty of grace. The crowns of the trees cracked just perfectly to get a narrow view of the town just miles beyond. Pierre mumbled to himself from the kitchen.
Clara scooted back into the couch to see outside. She watched the sky and the clouds with a smile. The tip of her nose touched the glass and she put a hand on it.
"Miaw?" The noise sounded softly from behind her, and the furry creature leapt onto the sofa.
Clara jumped pulling away from the window. "Oh- why hello." She said softly reaching over to pet the fuzzy thing.
The long-haired Persian cat lifted its plumelike tail, and its chin too, warmly accepting her pets. The kitty wore a quaint little bow on her collar and her name enscripted into it: Carmine.
"Such a pretty name for such a pretty kitty." She smiled reaching over and scratching under the kitten's chin. "Can I hold you?" She asked scooting closer to the kitty.
Flicking the tip of its tail in an amicable manner, Carmine rubbed her cheek on the stranger's man. A rather social cat. Clara didn't even need to scoop her up, the kitty was already intruding its way to lay on her lap.
She chuckled quietly and stoked the soft thing. "My my you're social." Clara hummed still stroking her.
"Do you want sugar in your tea—?" Pierre called from the room over.
Clara looked up to call back. "Please, thank you my good sir." She went back to petting the cat.
"No problem," he answered calmly. Lovely day helped anyone's attitude.
Clara set the cat aside and stood. She walked back into the kitchen up beside him. "Need any help?" She asked softly.
Sorry!! Very busy weekend, finally getting a breather >.< ))
"Um—" Pierre answered in a feathery lilt of the voice, giving a little clap of his hands as he got his thoughts in order. "Yes, no, im fine, just the sugar now," he replied. And yes, then, give a few minutes, and Pierre emerged with a silver tray holding quite dainty porcelain teacups.
He set it down on the maple coffee table. Flakes of rosemary swirled and stuck to the sides of the cup and its aroma clothed in lavender and light fruits. "There." he presented proudly.
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