@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
"Why not? If you both like each other, it's clearly meant to be!" He frowned at his older brother's choice.
"Why not? If you both like each other, it's clearly meant to be!" He frowned at his older brother's choice.
He sat up all the way, and hunched. "It doesn't work like that in real life," Pierre tipped his head to one side. Fancy, the stars were starting to appear.
Julian didn't want to believe it. "But Pier! If you're given the chance, don't you think you should take it? Just because the world isn't suppose to work like that doesn't mean it can't." He frowned.
Pierre plucked a stalk of grass, running his fingers down the grain of it. "Perhaps." He murmured thoughtfully. Into his own mind he sank.
Julian knew there was no way to keep him in a conversation now. So he hoped up and started to walk around the pond.
Lying back down, washy thoughts oozed their way into Pierre's psyche. Things of fantasy, mostly, and secrecy. Most blindingly, the pulse of the earth in and around him. It was always there. Ever present, inescapable, and was the reason to many things that others would never know of. Even Julian. He opened his eyes.
Julian was climbing a tree and the branch hung over the pond. "Hey Pier! Watch this!" He yelled getting ready to jump into the shallow waters.
Julian's voice started Pierre out of his murky thoughts. He sat up quick, "Wh? Julian, no, that's a terrible idea—"
It was too late- Julian had already leaped out of the tree into the water with a grin. He splashed into the water his head not bobbing up.
Pierre craned his neck, a feeling of frustrated grimness seizing his stomach. Just a few moments, waiting to make sure Julian surfaced.
Julian came up with a grin on his face. "That was so fun!" He called gasping for a breath.
Pierre let out a sigh of relief. "Please.." he pressed a hand to his chest, "Dont do that again, you'll break a leg," he gavr a weary, affectionate smile.
"I'm fine, no need to worry." He said before waidig out to him:
Pierre outstretched a hand to pull him out onto land. "Bless your heart…"
"What?" He asked plopping down beside him. He lay on his back with a grin.
"Nothing." He pat his brother's shoulder. "You worry me sometimes is all,"
"Oh- do you want me to be more careful?" He asked looking at him with a smile.
"Absolutely," he replied breathily. "Please,"
"Of course, if you promise to ask the girl out of she likes you." He smirked:
Julian's suggestion seemed to slide right off Pierre, like water on a duck. The topic was promptly changed. "Come on," he stood up, "Its late,"
"Pier…" Julian frowned. "I didn't mean to upset you…" Ge said softly.
"I'm not upset, Jules, I just—" he resta hand on his shoulder to beckon him along. "I don't want to end up like dad. Rushing into relationships… Never taking anyone else in consideration. Especially you. I don't want to be distracted from taking care of you."
"I'll be fine." He smiled picking up his shirt. "I want you to be happy."
"I know," a faint warmth rooted in his chest. Pride, undoubtedly. Julian was rounding out into a good man. "I know."
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