forum "I'll take your heart out with a spoon." OxO // CLOSED
Started by @cryptic-glitch

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“Where’s the fun in that?” Simon said, pulling a loose feather from Raz’s wing. “Life is nothing if not an adventure.”


“True but i’d rather live for a bit longer." He chuckled lightly and arched an eyebrow but said nothing as Simon freed the feather. "I'd definately say this has been an interesting adventure."


"You think this is an adventure? Try getting your wings clipped by what's supposed to be the most benevolent species known to man. And why'd you make that face? When I pulled your feather?"


"to be fair, you were posing a threat to the angels. They did what they thought was necessary." He argued lightly, knowing what the angels did to Simon was a bit far but he thought it appropriate for the time. "Because I need those. Enough of those fell out before." He teased, taking the feather from.simon to make sure it wasn't damaged. "At least they're healing better." He said with a relieved sigh.


"That one was loose," he protested. "I was just trying to help. I mean, that's what I do. When they're loose I pull them off."


Raz shook his head "if you keep pulling out every feather that's loose you're not going to be able to fly soon." He laughed softly and let the feather fall to Spooks who tentatively swatted at it.
"These'll grow back once the wings have healed completely. I'm sure more feathers will fall out till then."


"Mine don't get loose very often. Is that not normal? I don't- I've never thought about it," he said, confused. He frowned. He peered at Razielle's wings.


Raz lightly rested a hand on Simon's shoulder "hey, it's alright. They're meant to stay in place. It's more worrying if they fall out like mine. It means somethings wrong and they need to be checked over. There's always going to be few feathers that are going to fall out, that's okay." He lifted his wings off of Simon's form and fluttered them a bit, watching as a few of the Downy feathers that had grown in around his injuries fluttered into the air. "These'll fall out too, means that new, stronger feather are going to grow in soon." He reassured


"Okay. Okay. That's good. Do yours just fall out because you got hurt? Or. . ." He didn't give another reason, instead picking up one of Raz's feathers that had fallen to the floor.


He shrugged "mostly because of the injuries and stress. They'll be fine in a few weeks." He walked over to the couch and plopped down, pulling one of his wings to the front and unwrapping a section. "Looks okay, kinda still bruised though."


Raz glanced up and and nodded slightly "it's alright, I get it. I'm more offended about the fluffy hair bitch thing." He laughed softly "that's a whole new insult." He pressed his hands to his wings and closed his eyes momentarily


"hey, you can fight physically, I can fight mentally. Besides you did deserve it." He gave Simon a teasing look before going back to maticulously healing his wounds.


Raz chuckled lightly but kept his eyes closed as he haled his wings, moving on ever few minutes to other areas that were wrapped up. "Mind grabbing new medical wrap while you're in there?" He called, setting aside the old wrap in a near pile


"Yeah, sure." He rummaged around in the bathroom to find the wrap, then scooped Jack up out of the sink. Jack let out a meow of protest as Simon dropped him on the floor. "Don't give me that," Simon scolded the cat.


"thank you," he replied, plucking out a few of the loose downy feathers and running his hand over the fluff of the new emerging feathers to make sure everything was properly healed before wrapping parts of his wing in new medical wrap.
He laughed softly and offered his hand to Jack. "Poor kitty, just wants to be comfortable." He cooed


"Not in my sink! Do you know how many times I've gone to brush my teeth and my toothbrush is covered in cat hair?" Simon said, slightly irritated. "Sometimes I don't even notice until it's in my mouth."


Raz glanced up at Simon with an amused smile and gently nudged Jack behind the ears. "We're gonna have to find you a new place to settle. Admittedly cat fur toothbrushes are disgusting." He stood and satisfyingly stretched out his wings a bit ruffling them slightly to loosen any tight muscles before letting them relax against his back, the tip brushing the ground. "Maybe a nice bowl or something that resembles the sink just for Jack?" He suggested


“I’ve tried that. Multiple times. I think he just likes to annoy me,” Simon said, sitting on the floor and crossing his legs. “I’m just glad he and Spooks don’t fight over the sink.”


Raz hummed softly and nodded in agreement, "spoiled thing gets the sink all to himself," he cooed softly, scooping Jack up and setting him down in his lap. "But really? Of all the comfortable places, you choose the sink?"


Jack meowed and rolled over on Raz’s lap, belly up. “Suck-up,” Simon muttered, copying Jack’s position on the floor.


"It's working no? And if you think I'll rub your belly, you're soarly mistaken." Raz said to Simon, rubbing Jack behind the ears and scratching his tummy. "Such an odd creature." He laughed softly and pressed a kiss to his head.