forum Hush now... it’s just a bad dream. (Vampire Romance, very closed, sorry)
Started by @Celeste_X0X0_ group

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@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"hey, don't be a wuss" he says leaning back in his chair crossing his legs. "we've got the whole class, let's get this over with anyway." he says with a glare, already pretty annoyed by her demeanor and attitude. He thought of her as kind of fun at first, but now to him she was straight up annoying. Who did she think she was anyway? He could snap her neck any second and she's acting as the monster.
Man, he was already sick of it


"I take pride in being a wuss," she said stiffly. "It helps me deal with people like you." She brushed some hair from her face and turned her glare to him. "Do you really want to work on it right now?"

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He laughed a small bit, a half smile on those mischevious cold lips of his. "that's what I hear slayers do" he says rolling his eyes, leaning back in his chair. "and no, I don't want to work on it. At all actually" he admitted.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"oh trust me I know." he says with a sigh, leaning forward on the desk before running his black hair out of his face, revealing his mirror like eyes. "so I'm guessing someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed, it's just that time of the month, or you're just pissed for no reason today. Yeah?"


"No, I'm pissed for a reason. I have to work with you." Cress raised an eyebrow. "That would make anyone grumpy." She shook her head, and then an idea popped into her mind, and a wicked smirk crossed her face. "Well… since we already have to work with each other, bow would you like to come to my house after school and work on it there? I'm sure my uncle won't mind."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He raised his eyebrows and his eyes widened in confusion. "woman, your mood chances are giving me whiplash" he says rubbing his temples before letting out a small chuckle.
"but okay, I'm down with that" he says relaxing and giving her his own small mischevious smirk, a small glint of his fang showing as he did.
"though your uncle wouldn't necessarily need to know, but that's your choice" he shrugged, turning back around to his desk with a small laugh, shaking his head.


"I'm a hormonal teenage girl, what did you expect?" She smirked.
"Good. Meet you there at 3. I'm sure you'll figure out the way there. Slayers have a very distinct scent, after all." She smiled, the smile not reaching her eyes. When he remarked about her uncle, she choked, and then started laughing, so hard she couldn't breathe. The teacher glanced back at them, smiled, and returned to helping a student. "He'll know either way. I can never hide these things from him. Besides, why would I want to? What do you think we'll be doing, besides silently glaring at each other, the entire time?"

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He laughed quietly at her reaction and comments, but his face turned a bit red at her comment.
He kept his usual composure though. "actually working. But I assumed you wouldn't want your parent figure, or whoever the hell he is, knowing a guy was coming over to your house." he looked back at her with a mischievous smirk "but don't worry, I wont bite you….until you ask me to anyway" he says seriously. Though he was joking of course. Yeah, he was a rather kinky person in general, but he wasn't interested in her in the slightest. He would rather kill her than do something like that. Even if he was a vampire.


(Oh boy, you just wait…)

Cress raised an eyebrow, not the slightest affected by his words. "Oh, he'd be fine. Surprised, though, because this will be the first time I've actually brought a guy home." Her grin grew. "Do we want to work in my bedroom or in the dining room?" She enjoyed riling him up, and he seemed to be affected strongly by this kind of talk.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He was surprised by how unaffected she was to his words and thought it was quite unfair how affected he was. Though he didn't show it in the least. He leaned back in his chair once again and twirled the pen in his hand before tapping it to his lips a few times. "your bedroom would probably be best" he says pointing the pen to her before turning away once again with a mischevious grin


Her smirk widened. "My bedroom it is then. How much work will we be doing?" This was dangerous ground, she knew, flirting with a vampire. It was unthinkable. But she knew, by experience, that talk like this usually made guys back away, and so if this could work, she would never have to talk to the vampire ever again.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Oh he knew what she was trying to knew. He knew damn right. And he wasn't going to back down easily.
"well, how much work would you like to do?" he asked crossing his arms with a smirk.
He wasn't one of those wusses to back down easily just because the girls a bit more dominant than he would have liked.
Though he liked dominant. He wasn't settling for a weak ass Bella, that was for sure.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Raising his eyebrow for a split second before settling back down, his eyes daring to look right into hers, reflecting the color.
"well I would like to think I would" he says in a challenging voice.


Cress couldn't help it anymore. She started laughing. She composed herself, and then glanced at the vampire, before laughing mockingly again. "That's funny. I thought I'd be the one doing most of the work."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He uncrossed his arms and became extremely confused when she laughed, though had that "really?" expression on his pale blemishless face.
He let out a sigh and pinched the upper bridge of his nose, closing his eyes before regaining his composure and looking back to her.
Standing up he placed his finger tip below her chin, making her look up to him as he got real close. There lips barely an inch apart.
"well, we'll just have to see what happens tonight then won't we?" he says with a smirk before stepping away and sitting back down, opening book and tracing the letters once again as if nothing ever happened.


When he moved in close, she got deathly still. She debated how to kill him. Slowly and painfully, or quickly, so no one would notice? Then he moved away, acting like nothing had ever happened, and she scowled. He had ruined her fun. "I guess we will, then."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Smiling to himself mischeviously, he didn't say anything else until class was over. When the bell rang he plugged his left hear casually, three seconds before it rang.
Quickly, he packed his bag and turned to her. "man, we've gotten quite a bit of work done" he says sarcastically


"Probably the most work done out of everyone." Cressida walked past his, slinging her bag over her shoulder as she did and "accidentally" hitting him as she did so.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

When she hit him he whipped around with wide, rather confused eyes. "okay, just tell me to stop. You don't have to hit me" he says annoyed, though a small smile on his face.


"I didn't," she said, tone annoyed. "My bag did. Obviously." She shook her head at him, and turned to go to her next class. She was not excited for the end of school.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(well… Speaking of the end of school [insert suspicious eyeshift here] wanna skip to the end? Or at least maybe till lunch? IDK what woukd happen at school as I would assume they would ignore eachother lol)