forum Hush now... it’s just a bad dream. (Vampire Romance, very closed, sorry)
Started by @Celeste_X0X0_ group

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(I'm getting to it… :P)

"Rude." Cressida was unfazed by his show of violence. "At least I tried. And I wasn't trying to repay you, you conceited asshole." She shook her head, and, heading back to the classroom just as the bell rang, sat down on her seat. She closed her sketchbook quickly and shoved it into her backpack.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Hearing her words only stung a little before genes able to slip outside of the building.
Readjusting his shoulder as he might have popped it out of his socket for a split second, he waited until the next class to go back.
When that rolled around, the bell rang and he stood. Now fully recovered. Well, as much as he couldn't. He was a bit sore, but he didn't mind it. His ear he was awfully pissed at though. He held his earring in his hand as he entered the classroom, taking a seat only to see that pesk of a girl next to him.


"What now?" She groaned, when she saw who had sat next to her. "Will you ever leave me alone?" She tried her best to ignore the vampire, but he was just there, annoying her with his presence.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He rolled his eyes, gesturing to everyone around him. "this was the only open seat. Its not like I wanted to sit by you" he hissed, turning away and wiping away the blood on his lip. A black and blue lighter bruise on his cheek bone made him look a bit more like a delinquent than generous to.


"You know, there was a seat up front, by the teacher," she said sweetly, turning to the front. "You could have sat up there instead."

The teacher cleared his throat for attention. "Today, we're going to be starting a new project. We've been learning about different myths for the past couple of weeks. But now, I want you to find a myth that we haven't talked about, research it, and make a presentation on it. You will need to add the basic history, the time when it was created, some pictures, and, of course, the story itself. You will have a partner for this assignment." The class started chattering excitedly, meeting eyes with their friends. "I will be assigning the partners." The entire class groaned.

Cressida scowled in annoyance. It wasn't like she had anyone she wanted to be with in the first place, all her friends were in different classes, but the teacher would probably pair her with fat Jorgen, or idiot Lacey. Or the vampire. Now that would be the worst.

The teacher started to call out the names of the partners. "Cressida and Min-Hyuk!"

She bit through her lip in anger and shock.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Min-Hyuk had been too busy overthinking about the project to hear what the teacher was saying until he said partners. He looked up and around, shrinking down in his chair and fluffing his hood up over his head and burying his head in his arms on the table as if he were sleeping.
Partners? Really? Out of all of the things they could do….partners?
Scanning the room, he didnt want to be with anyone. Not even the really cute bubbly girl in the front which he actually kind of enjoyed. He spotted Ryuu in the back and he smiled a bit, getting ready to wave to him. Until the teacher said he was assigning them.

There goes his school life. Knowing his luck hes going to get paired with the weird girl in the back that keeps on flirting with him and touching his hair.
Or even worse….. Cress.

You could see what life that was left of him drain from his eyes when the teacher calls him and Cress as he turned to look at her. Never in a million years did he want to kill himself more than he did right now.


As soon as class was dismissed, Cress bolted from her seat and darted toward her teacher. "Please," she pleaded. "Can I be paired with someone else? Please?"

He shook his head. "No. You and Min-Hyuk are my best students, and I would like to see how well you can do your presentation." He seemed adamant that the two of them work together, but she did not want to work with the vampire. And she had years of experience making teacher do what she wanted.

"Please, sir, just let me work by myself," she said sweetly, pouring all of her charm into the words. "If we're your best students, wouldn't it be unfair to the rest of the class if we work together?"

He blinked, looking unsure. Sensing victory, Cressida pressed harder. "Please, sir. I want to see what our grades will be by themselves, to compare them to the rest of the class."

The teacher blinked, considering, then shook his head. "No. You two will work together. While that is an admirable idea, this is a partner activity. Don't try to change my mind; it won't work."

And he left the classroom.

Cress growled in annoyance and punched the wall. Being a Slayer, her bones were naturally strong, and so the only thing this did was make her knuckles bleed. "Damn teacher!"

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He rolled his eyes as he watched. She was good, though he was afraid she could turn to seducing the teacher. He was ready to turn away. Luckily she didn't though.
His eyes widened a bit when she punched the wall. Letting out a sigh and a small chuckle, he shook his head and stepped up to her. Hands in his hoodie pocket and a rather condescending look on his smirking face, the cut on his lip still there, bleeding a tiny bit.
"hurting yourself won't do anything" he says leaning against the teachers desk. "nor would I do that in front of him everyone else… Partner" he smirked at her. "so what should we study hm?" he titled his head to the side. He was obviously going to enjoy annoying her.


"Of course it does something," she scowled. "Hurting myself is minor compared to working with you." Her lip curled in disgust as she titled her head to look up at him. This would be annoying. "And I have a better mindset than to do something like that in front of a teacher," she spat.

She turned away, and moved to her seat. She grabbed her backpack and slung it over one shoulder. "I don't know. We can talk about it later. Right now, I need to not be in the same room as you."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"yeah well, sucks for you" he purred, following her with a mischievous smile. He decided if she was going to be a brat acting like he was the worst thing ever out of no where then he was going to annoy the hell out of her.
"and ouch. I'm not that bad am I?" he raised an eyebrow, putting his hand on his cold heart.


"No. You're worse." Cressida turned, and, with a flip of her short hair and a middle finger in his general direction, she stomped out of the room, slamming the door behind her. She knew that she was being childish, but honestly, she didn't care.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He simply smiled and laughed at her child like behaviors. Following her out of the door with a jog he caught up to her. "Cress, what did I specifically do to you Huh?" he asks walking backwards in front of her, his arms crossed.


She threw her arms into the air in exasperation. "You existed. You helped kill the werewolves. That alone makes my family owe you. And then you saved my life, you brought me to the nurses. And you're a vampire." She snarled that last part. "Your kind is naturally treacherous."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"oh Im sorry I wanted to help you so you didn't get torn to shreds. You know I didn't have a choice with this. I was attacked and turned against my will into this monster and my own mind wont let me kill myself. Because once again, I've tried. I didn't do anything to you and I fucking live off of suicides because I don't want to ruin anyone's lives. Cut me some slack and shut the hell up and fucking deal with it instead of whining and complaining got it? Because you're really pissing me off" he snarled.


"I'm pissing you off?" Cressida actually laughed. The sound was grating, cold, with not a trace of amusement in it. "You're not fucking leaving me alone! You asked me a question, and I answered honestly."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Clenching his jaw and his fist to the side, he literally wanted to pound her head against the wall and kill her. Even though she was a slayer, he knew he definitely could and would if he didn't save her last night.
Yet now regretting everything, he pinched the bridge of his nose. Why she was so pissed off at him for no other reason than to what he was, was a mystery to him and he wanted to solve it.
"we have an assignment together. We're going to do it. Stop being a bitch just because your poor little feelings are hurt because some Vampire, not me might I add, killed a loved one. It's life"


"They didn't - " Cress shook her head in annoyance. How did he know? "Never mind. I'm not working with you until tomorrow. I don't want to see your ugly face for the rest of the day." With that she stormed off.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"ugly. Ouch" he says stinging just a little as he rolled his eyes and shrugged it off. Man, this girl was annoying. He was debating whether to kill her or not. It would solve all of his problems. Though now he knew how to get to her and annoy her. Now he just needed to find out who exactly was killed. Brother? Mom or dad? Maybe a sister? Whoever it was he was going to try to find out. But for now he walked passed her and outside, lighting a cigarette, deciding to skip class.


(I feel that XD)

Cressida stared at herself in the school bathroom mirror, carefully watching as she put her colored contacts in. She didn't need them, but it made her look normal, so she wore them. After her amber eyes were hidden, she straightened and picked up her backpack from the corner. She slung it over her shoulder and left the bathroom, walking quickly down the crowded hallways to her mythology class. She was dreading it. She really didn't want to see that vampire.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Meanwhile Min-Hyuk had purposely stayed home to get away from her. He was sure if he didn't he would slam her face into the wall a multitude of times before draining her of blood. Though it was probably going to be the worst blood he's ever tasted.
But alas, he decided to come to school and get this over with. He told her to suck it up. No way was he going to wuss out.
So now he sat in the desk next to Cressidas spot with a smug look on his face. Condescending in any way you look at it.


As she entered the classroom, and saw his face, her blood boiled. She just knew this was going to be a bad day. She was in a mood. When the class started, she stared straight ahead, ignoring him.
Why did she have to be stuck with him?