forum Hush now... it’s just a bad dream. (Vampire Romance, very closed, sorry)
Started by @Celeste_X0X0_ group

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It was only after Luna said, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know anyone was in here," that Cress realized that there was someone else in the room. She, Fawna, and their other friend, Akami, glanced in.

The guy standing by the piano was hot, she had to admit. He had dark hair and cool gray eyes. She almost smiled at him. Beside her, she heard Fawna give the tiniest of gasps, which eant that, as usual, she had found some new person to persue.

Then, Cress realized that he had asked something, and she nudged Luna, who was staring at the guy with a dumbstruck look on her face. Sighing, she turned to the guy. "No, we weren't looking for someone, just exploring."

She studied him. She had seen him around before, but never payed much notice. Clearly she should make it her goal to meet people. She might meet a hot guy, like this one.

She shook her head to rid herself of those thoughts, and walked into the room, smiling. She held out her hand. "Hi. I, uh… I'm Cressida."

It was then that she noticed the way the light shone on his skin, and how he stood, with a fluid, unearthly grace, and her face darkened. Vampire. She scowled and pulled her hand away, hatred flashing in her eyes. She knew that her friends behind her were confused as to her strange change of behavior - she was always nice to everyone, even those who were mean to her - so this attitude was completely unlike her.

She turned and marched back towards the door, throwing a dark look at him over her shoulder as she did, and walked over to her friends.

"Let's go," she said.

(This is what she looks like, just FYI.)


(Erm… I dunno, actually. I just made her a killer of supernatural creatures or something… honestly, I don't know where I was going with it. I can change her if you need! But she has a special hatred for vampires in particular, because they killed her parents and twin brother.)

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He looked at the group of students, studying their expressions, body movements and their stance along with their eyes. He knew who this group was, but then again if course, he didn't know their names. When a short haired girl came forward explaining everything, he nodded, about to go back to what he was doing until he sensed something…
Her expression said it all. She knew… Either that, it she just thought he was hella ugly. Either of those were here realistic cases to him. He was never confident about how he looked, and he never will be. But that didn't stop himself from hiding that fact if self awareness, ignoring it, seeming as confident as ever.

"are you alright? " he asks her in his deep calm tone, raising a brow and tilting his head a bit. He wasn't nearly much for chit chat, i really caring for anyone in general, but something was off. Whether she knew what he was, or she just needed to puke because he was ugly, she definitely didn't have to show it on her face. Now that was just plain rude! He was a bit insulted. By he wasn't afraid in the slightest. Or even worried. She looked smart enough not to tell anyone. He could take her on anyway. So he couldn't care less.

He stood, tall and dark as always. "well it is quite dusty in here. The water fountain is right around the corner down the hall if some of the dust got stuck in your throat. Trust me, it's happened to me almost every time I come in" he let out a soft chuckle before taking a step further. "anywho…i hope you enjoyed "exoloring" the music room" he says calmly. Hopefully they would go away. And maybe he could talk to that girl.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(I thought about it, and this could be quite fun! I'm excited! Though in this world I was thinking only vampires and maybe werewolves (if we get into that good cliche stuff) we're the only mythical creatures in this world, and that's why nobody even knows about them since theyre so good at hiding. You cant really tell a vampire from just how the light hits them but she could have a knack for finding them or something. He's not usually a vampire in my story or roleplays, but that's literally just how he is XD)

(anyway, so very few people in the world (maybe like 5%) believe or know vampires are real. Just putting that out there. BTW, I really like your character though. Shes super cool and pretty <3)


(Aw, thanks! But I love that idea!)

Cress looked up at him, anger in her eyes. Why was this creature talking to her? "Does it matter?" She asked coolly when he asked if she was okay. "I don't see how it's any of your business."

She and her friends headed out of the door. When the other guy started to follow them, to go 'get a drink,' she tensed, hand going to her left arm, where a small, bone-white blade was hidden under her sleeve, flush with her skin. Any closer to them and he would be in big, big trouble. A scowl was fixed on her face, and she moved quickly. She couldn't bare to be around one of his kind for longer than she had to. She would have killed him - after all, there was a vampire in her school - but she couldn't let her friends know. Ever.

"Cress, what's wrong?" Akami asked.

She ignored her friend.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

“Well see ya then” he mumbled under his breath as he turned back around, shutting the door behind the annoying group.
She was nothing for him to worry about anyway. So why should he care where they were going or how she knows what he is. Though hes still pretty stuck with the fact that hes probably just ugly.
(Insecure bby TT^TT)

He sat down at the piano and opened the cover, revealing the clean shiny black and white keys. Placing his rather cold, reddish fingers on the keys, a few rings on his fingers, he began to play. His fingers gliding along the keys, barely looking as if he was pressing down on the keys. The soft melody echoed through out the room and down the halls. His eyes closed, as he wasnt even looking at the keys. He had been practicing to play this certain song without looking. He was always giving himself stupid little challenges like that.
To give him some excitement in his boring, miserable life. He took life for granted before the incident. And now look at him. Even more of a monster before hand. Though he couldn’t decide whether this was better or not. this is the song <3


She heard the music as she and her friends left, and pursed her lips, inhaling a sharp breath through her nose. Her fists clenched and unclenched. Why was a vampire in her school? She wanted desperately to get rid of him - it, she reminded herself - but unless she found a rare moment when she was alone, or her uncle gave her permission, she could do nothing.

She walked down the stairs.

"What is wrong with you?" Fawna looked startled and confused. Their Cress always acted like such a sweetling. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

"You could say that," Cress said, with a tight smile. She noticed how her actions were affecting her friends, and smoothed out her features, the only sign that she was annoyed being the biting of her lip, which she often did when she was confused or irritated. "Come on," she said, grabbing Akami and Luna by the hand. "Let's get to class."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

His fingers lifted from the dusted piano, his silver and red ring glistening in the soft light shining through. He looked over to his phone as it buzzed on the top of the piano.

Picking it up, he held it to his ear with one hand, closing the pianos cover over the keys with the other.
여보세요?“ He says into the phone.
After about five seconds, he let out a sigh, stitching his dark eyebrows together.
“Really? Alright…. after school i will.” He says aggravated as he stood up, grabbing his bag.
“No, I don’t really want to get caught…… i mean, what else am i supposed to do. I don’t want to get arrested. I’m not about to kill someone today.”
His voice got a little quieter. Opening the door, he cursed under his breath.
“Because I don’t feel like it, thats why you idiot.” He says as he walked through the halls, the same direction those people went to go to class.


After school, Cress started to walk home. The sky was clear now, although the wind still blew pretty hard. She hoisted her backpack higher over her shoulder, grunting at the added weight, and walked a bit faster. She had a lot of homework, and her shoulders were suffering from it. The first day of a new semester was not fun, she decided, scowling.

When she had started out that morning, she had thought that it would be a good day. She had been wrong. The entire day she had been hounded by the thought of the vampire. She had thought that she had gotten rid of all of them, but apparently not.

Pursing her lips, she plugged in her earphones and started to listen to music, trying to clear all thoughts from her head.

When she heard a noise.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He had skipped two of the classes before school ended, not having a care in the world if he got in any trouble with the teachers.
He walked from school to nowhere really. Walking along the sidewalk, lost in his own thoughts about what he was supposed to do. He didn’t particularly want anyone’s attention drawn to him on his trip, but when he spotted that girl from earlier, he was afraid he didnt have a choice.

He sped of a bit, cursing under his breath as he passed her, a small gush of soft wind passing as he did.
“No eye contact, Don’t notice me, don’t notice me, don’t…” he mumbled.
Quickly turning a corner past a fence and down an alley. Hopefully it would be getting dark soon so he can get this over with. Since nobody’s there by the bridge, he had to hunt. Man, he was starving.

He didnt take his motorcycle due to how loud it is. If someone recorded the license plate and followed him to the location, if they made the right moves he would be screwed. So he just decided to walk.
Flipping his hood up over his raven black hair, his grey eyes flickered from side to side.
He didnt check to see if that girl noticed him, which might have been a mistake.


It absolutely was a mistake. Cressida heard the sound of the motorcycle and her head snapped up. She recognized the guy, she thought, from earlier. The vampire one. She scowled. Leave him alone, Cress. He hasn't broken any rule yet, or the glow would be on him, she scolded herself, but she couldn't help it.

She followed him.

She was slower than his bike, which she was a little bit jealous of, but she still kept him in hearing, which wasn't too hard. Where was he going?

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Stopping Once he got near the edge of the town, Pushing the keys to his motorcycle deep in his pocket before jumping a slightly taller than him metal fence which was bordering the town. The sweet spot was just beyond this fence and into the woods. Though he always had to be careful of the small trailer house that the drunkard lived in a little deeper in. If worse came to worse he could just kill him. Though with all of those chemicals in his system that he always ejected into himself, he was never fond of the idea of eating him.
So it was always best to avoid him. And if he saw anything, anyone who he told would think hes plain crazy.

Passing the trees and the brush, avoiding getting dirty as much as possible.
Smelling and hearing for any life to be near. Though he didnt seem to be very lucky and if he wasnt careful enough he could let his hunger get the best of him..


"Now what are you doing, little vampire?" Cress murmured to herself, as she arrived where his motorcycle was parked. She noticed the trail of bent, frozen grass leading to a metal fence, and pursed her lips before creeping after, doing her best to make no noise. She wished she had her gear, but she couldn't do anything about that now.

She spotted him, after she had clambered over the fence, crouching in the bushes, watching a mobile home. Her eyes narrowed and she slipped into a strand of trees nearby, watching what was going to happen, heart pounding, hatred coursing through her at the sight of the vampire.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Turning a corner as quick as possible as he winded through a few trees, just in case that drunkard saw him. He could have sworn he heard a crunch in the leaves. He wasn't very effected by the cold winds that twisted through the woods, as he had no actual blood running through his veins. Still and cold like his mind.
Twitching of his ear stopped him in his tracks as he heard something. A voice…. two voices. Little boys venturing out into the woods? He wasn't surprised, but definitely wasn't happy to see them anyway.
Clenching the knife in his pale hand, he edged closer as he licked his lips. The scent of blood, he could smell it a mile away if he wanted. It was getting darker and the rustling leaves were blocking out the sunlight.
He sighed when he heard one laugh, talking about cars and a dead bird they found a while back and how they threw it in a little girls locker at school.

He leaned against the tree and scowled. He couldn’t hurt them. They had a life ahead of them to life.
No… he wasn't going to. He’ll have to find something else…
He still gripped the dagger in his hand when he followed the boys. They were messing around with a snail they found when he stepped out into view of the boys, hiding the knife. They had to be only around 10.
“What’re you two doing here huh?” He raised his eyebrow as he spoke. The boys caught off guard and scared, stepped back and looked up at him. His grey eyes seem to be a more light silvery color now in the dark.
“We were just exploring. Please don’t hurt us!” Said one while the other stood tall and puffed out his chest.
“Screw off!” He basically yells at Min-Hyuk who’s annoyed by now.
“Ha, i learned that from mom. She tells that to daddy all the time!” The boy says to his friend proudly.
“I don’t think thats a good thing Mason…” he says warily keeping an eye on Min-Hyuk.
“Well anyway, i would leave if i were you. There’s an old man that hunts down little boys like you who wander into these woods. Living right in that trailer back there” he says taking a step closer, attempting to scare them off without actually making them scared of him. He didnt want them walking down the street and seeing him yelling “THATS THE GUY WHO TRIED TO KILL US” anytime soon… or ever.


When the vampire moved toward the boys, Cressida tensed, her features contorting into panic and hatred. She almost stepped out of the trees… but he didn't seem to be aiming to kill the boys. Strange. She pursed her lips, moving quietly closer to the scene. Why wasn't the vampire attacking? And what was he doing?

She brushed a stray strand of hair from her face in annoyance, scowling as the wind blew harder, breaking through her weak jacket and making her shiver.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

“R-really?” One of the boys said, looking up at the vampire with wide worried eyes.
“Yeah…. oh- wait” he cocked his head as if he was listening to someone. And he was.
A rustle in the leaves and a man mumbling to himself, waving a bottle in the air. The man in the trailer. Though in the shadows he looked a lot bigger and scarier.
“Oh? You better go off to your mom before he gets you” he says acting a little scared himself. Which he wasnt of course. He just really wanted them to leave so he doesn’t end up killing them.
As the boys turned they screamed and ran away towards the towns fence, climbing through a hole in it and leaving the woods.
Sighing, he stepped over to the man as he came out from behind a tree, grumpy and upset, tired and drunk. This was his only chance of food, and he was going to take it. Though to the eye of anyone possibly watching, it looked as if he wasnt going to do anything. Dropping the knife on the ground and removing his other hand from his pocket.
“Now what’re you doin here bud?” The drunkard glared at him.
“Calm down. I didnt steal anything” He says calmly.
“Oh like hell i was going to believe you. Stupid millennial” he stepped forward, broken beer bottle in his hand.
“Alright…” he says with a sigh of annoyance.


When the boys left, Cress relaxed slightly, but her heart still pounded. She watched. Was he going to kill the old man? Panic rose in her; she didn't have her gear, she couldn't stop this! She cursed herself and looked around for a stick, a sharp rock, or something to use as a weapon.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(OH thank goodness!)

Stepping forward, the man hissed curse words at him before taking a few steps towards him and raising his hand, ready to strike. When Min-Hyuk, within the blink of an eye, incredibly speed, he stepped to the side, lowered himself and with the looks of it, it would seem he would be reaching for the knife on the ground beside him, the dangerous blade one visible in the moonlight flooding through the leaves of the trees. But no, he stepped forward still lowered and sliding in the leaves only to stand up behind the man, two, then three fingers on his neck pressed hard on the pressure point, though he did it on the wrong side so he only winced in pain.
Lashing to the side, the man tried grabbing the vampire. Only then did he tighten the grip on the back of his neck and quickly thrusting his hand hard into the drunkard back on the left side of his spine. Right in his heart. The thick syrupy mess of dark blood ran down his back and soaking his shirt. The vampires hand going straight through his body with immense force and strength, he jerked it out to have the man fall to the ground. Cursing to himself when the man did.
“Great…. this months only food is even dirtier than intended. Fucking idiot” he cursed at himself, calling himself stupid for the fifth time today.
He looked at his hand, scowling and shaking of the blood and licking it off the tip of his fingers.
Leaning on a tree and looked down at the ground. His black nails covered in blood along with half of his arm. Min-Hyuk stepped over to the man, who looked like he was gasping for air. Quickly, bending down and closing his eyes. “I’m sorry…” he sighed, taking his head and turning it at such a quick rate, the satisfying snap and crackle (pop, rice crispiest) of the neck could be heard by any eavesdropping ears.
Resting the head down, his eyes wide open facing his stalker whom he feared followed him. He tried his best not to care. She seemed smart enough to keep her mouth shut.
He stood back up, his glowing eyes flickering straight to Cress.
“Do you really think i didn't see, hear, or even smell you? I could from a mile away. And you reek by the way” he says to the darkness where he knew the girl was.
“Please, if you would be a lady and leave me here that would be great. I only get to eat once a month and i would like to do it in peace” he says turning around and grabbing the man by the hair, dragging him along. Since the necks bone was cleanly broken and the muscles were already weakened, the skin started to slowly tear. And so did the muscles. Weak and stringy and coated with blood, the tendons ripping and severing from themselves due to the weight of the mans body being pulled by just those muscles. Of course it was going to tear.
“Damnit… you always screw it up some how don’t you” he says to himself before the lifeless body hit the ground with a thud. He shook his Own head, whilst still holding the mans in his left hand. “I can come back” he mumbled. And with that, he walked away.
Though he stopped……
“Oh… try to do anything funny, you’ll be brutally killed and eaten. Got it?” He hissed back at the eavesdropper and then went to find those wolves. They had to be somewhere.

(Sorry i would have written this better but its 2 in the morning and I’m sleep deprived. Hope this is alright though)


(You're fine! I love it!)
(Also, I love the new title!)

Cress watched in wide-eyes horror as he tore into the man. She was used to gore, being a Slayer and all, but this was something new. The image sent her back to that fateful night when another vampire had done a thing very much similar to this…on her parents.

When he spoke to her, she froze, and then adreneline burst through her, making her see everything. She noticed every little detail, and if she hadn't been trained on how to act when something like this happened, she would have been overcome. She scowled at him, stepping from the trees.

"Dude, seriously, that's gross. I'd think that one of your kind," at those words, she wrinkled her nose in distaste, "would be neater than that. Honestly, did no one ever teach you to do it right?" She asked, jeering. Her tone was scoffing, mocking, and she stood completely at ease. She was not afraid, not anymore. He knew where she was. And she had been trained for this.

She looked pointedly at the body of the man. "You'll have a time cleaning that up," she said, examining her nails as if she wasn't talking to a bloodthirsty (quite literally!) creature. With her other hand, she flicked her wrist, and a blade slid from her sleeve into her hand. It was made of silver metal, the jewel on it gleaming in the moonlight. She kept it hidden from the vampite, though.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(agh, I'm so happy you like it. I was hoping you would XD)

He let out a low growl at her words, gripping the greasy hair of the dead man in his rather big, pale hand. A silver ring on his ring finger with a blue jewel in the middle.
"no… Nobody did. I know everything from myself. And I don't mind the mess" he stopped. Turning around to her, a demonic, fanged smirk on his face. Drops of blood on his face, obvious due to how pale he was.
"in fact, I quite like it. It's fun in a way" he says with his eyes rather wide, beaming at her in almost excitement.
"anyway, you're quite loud and you reek. Might want to fix that before you go out stalking someone again Ya creep" he rolled his glowing silver eyes. If you looked close enough that looks like a shattered mirror reflecting a light. The breaking point.. His black iris.
"mind your own business and leave. I don't feel like doing any more work to kill anyone else. I'm starving and haven't eaten in two months, so I could use the meal" he shrugged, mumbling that last sentence, but sure she heard him. He didn't care though. When he was younger, around 14-15 he had anorexia. This feeling of starving was way too familiar every day he felt it.
It always felt like time was dragging on so slowly for him. And it never got worse.
He had nobody to talk to or pass the time with. Even his beloved little sister is scared of him. She never shows it though. But he can smell fear from a mile away and hers was always strong.

He turned around and walked deeper into the woods, still holding the head by its blood coated hair, waiting and listening. Soon he heard it. Multiple footsteps. Ignoring whether or not the girl had followed him, he stepped back and threw the head. Hearing a loud thud and a small crack followed by many footsteps. "the wolves should stay away if I play my cards right. At least until he's drained" he says after a bit of walking. Stepping up to the headless body, without a word you could simply tell by his facial expressions ..he really didn't want to do this. He hated killing people but it starved him to the point where he would have gone on a killing rampage, eating whatever he could with no conscience. Nothing holding him back and telling him what to do. His sister had every right to be scared of him. And he never blamed her in the least bit. It just made him sad was all. They were so tight.

So many things happened to him in his life before and after this curse was brought upon him. He would rather he dead. A vampires mind and body won't let it die of starvation. Though living this life… It was so easy to. It was easy to literally go insane.
But he's convinced himself that he was already plenty insane.
Doing the same exact things every month or so just for a rather small meal, expecting something to happen. Something to change. And it never does. Will this be different today? Since this girl followed him or would it just cause more trouble for him. Will they hunt him down and kill him? To be honest, he would welcome a stake to his cold and hard heart any day. He was just waiting for someone to do it. And hopefully it was her.

(I typed this all out on a little Android phone at five in the morning and man to my thumbs hurt. But it's so worth it XD)


(I love it! You're so much more talented than I am lol…)

Cressida made a face. "I don't smell, thank you very much. You just have too much blood in your nose. It tends to clot up the brain. Unless you don't actually have a brain. I've heard that vampires only have black rotting messes in their skulls." Her tone was conversational. "Unless, of course, you disagree. Me, I personally believe that it is the heart that vampires don't have."

She examined her nails. When the vampire made no move to attack her, she slid her blade back into the sleeve of her denim jacket.

He started to move away, and she followed, not bothering to try to be quiet. She knew he knew that she was watching him, but at the moment she couldn't care less. He wasn't afraid of her… not yet, at least. But he hadn't seen what she could do. What she had been trained to do. Or the Slayer tattoo that crept along her arm, which was enough to make any sensible supernatural being blanch.

"Why do you eat, anyway?" She asked, as he bent over the body again. "Why don't you just starve yourself? Or are you one of those creatures who thinks that they're superior to everyone else?"

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(oh no I'm not! I love your writing and your characters, that's why I want to role-play with you lol)

He felt a twang of sharpness in his chest when she said they didn't have a heart. The actual organ was, yes, cold and frozen at Stone basically. But a sense if mercy and compassion, he had and there was no doubt of it.

"one, the blood is all I can eat. I can't eat anything else and if I did my body painfully rejects it. Even raw meat and flesh." he looks up from the body, repulsed at his smell and not wanting to eat it. Especially around someone else.
"and two, if you must know, a vampires body and mind will never allow itself to starve to death. Trust me, I've tried too many times." he snarled, not wanting to remember, let alone even tell her about it.
It was hard to see, but it was noticeable that his sleeves were rolled up so they didn't get even dirtier. Deep scars running up and down his arms. They looked as painful as they felt. Though this was before…. The incident. Before…when he was human.
"I didn't truly know what it was like to want to die until I became this…this thing. I've tried so many ways of killing myself." he glared at her. Pulling down the collar of his sweater to show his chest. His collar bone and jaw was basically chiseled but not too much. His skin was so pale it was easy to see even in this darkness. He revealed a big scarred over circle over his heart. It was obvious he, he had tried to gouge out his own heart, hopeful to die. "I tried. And failed. I've been trying. Our mind will not let us starve ourselves. Nor kill ourselves" he says readjusting his collar and pulling it back up to place.
"we'll go crazy. Our instincts will take over and leave us like a puppet to the succumbing pain…see, you have no conscience and you kill anyone you can find. So I tell you once again…. The Vampire mind won't let me die. It'll fight" he hissed.