forum Hush now... it’s just a bad dream. (Vampire Romance, very closed, sorry)
Started by @Celeste_X0X0_ group

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(Oh, you're fine lol)

With a ton of homework to do, and not in the mood to be around people, Cressida went to the third floor of the school and into one of the rooms she and her friends had found yesterday. It was the piano room, where she had met the vampire. Her lips twisted into a scowl as she remembered the events of last night, and she shook her head, leaning against the wall and closing her eyes.

She was tired. The extra burst of energy and strength last night had drained her more than before, and she was regretting it. She rubbed her eyes and plugged her headphones into her ears, to listen to music.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(By the way, Mins bisexual and he low key has a thing for his friend, but he’s in love with his sister. Yeah, its in the OG story lol. Anyway, it wont cause a ton of problems but it might set him up for some friendly teasing before him and Cress fall in love and hes prolly gonna deal with a small heartbreak, possibly showing Cress that he truly does have feelings and hes actually a sensitive more.)

Walking through the halls, he recognized a friendly familiar voice. A small smile appeared on his face as he turned to his friend. A taller than him Japanese boy covered in freckles, and his hair was a mix of ginger orange and honey brown, radiant bright blue eyes. He had a triangular face And a very prominent jawline. Hes 6’2 skinny and quite muscular. he's a lot cuter than a lot of the japanese people he often gets mistaken for Korean. His face is covered with freckles and he has big bright stunning blue eyes but he has big round glasses that covers how bright they are. He has kind of wavy/curly reddish blonde hair that goes crazy. It covers up his very freckly forehead (which he hates). And in the back its shaved off a little bit but he always lets it grow out a little bit before he shaves it again. He never uses gel for his hair. He despises it. He has bigger than normal ears but he hides it with his hair but it doesn't always cooperate. He has pretty nice eyebrows and they are kind of brownish red but they have a really nice shape. He’s very insecure about his appearance because his dad always told him that he would never amount to anything because of how he looked. He has very white teeth, and when he smiles it makes anyone who sees it happy (that was a metaphor not seriously, he doesn't have that type of super powers. he takes extremely good care of them just like the rest of his body.

The boy came over to his best friend with a smile. “Hey Min-Hyuk! I didnt see you yesterday. What happened? CC did’nt even know where you were” he tilted his head like a puppy as they walked. “Hey Ryuu… sorry, i went walking in the forest and got a little lost last night. Don’t worry, I’m fine though” he waved it off”
They went up the stairs to the third floor as they talked, a smile on Min-Hyuks face that was extremely rare and specially saved for Ryuu.
They turned to the music room as Min-Hyuk talked with expressions nobody ever saw.
Ryuu quickly saw the girl in the music room and immediately apologized.
“Oh golly gee, I’m so sorry! We didn’t realize anyone was in here” he says warily. Though Min-Hyuk stopped and sighed. “No, its fine. I know her. You should probably go to class. My sisters most likely looking for you” he says with a kind smile. “Oh, okay? Well see you after class hopefully! “ he says ruffling Min-Hyuks hair, in which his face turned slightly noticeably red before he left.
He turned back to the girl, trying to fix his hair. “Miss me already huh?” He chuckled lightly. He was in a much better mood now.


(Okay! This is gonna be so cute ahjisdfbhdb)

Cressida was listening to music, minding her own business, when the two had come in. Right. Apparently he used this room a lot.

Another guy was with him. This other guy was cute, and after examining him, she realized that he wasn't anything different, anything otherworldly. She grinned at the guy before he left, but when the vampire spoke to her again, the smile slipped from her face.

"No," she said flatly, pulling her earbuds from her ears and pushing herself gracefully to her feet. "I did not. Why'd you send him away? Does he know what you are?"

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(Oh I’m excited! What’re you gonna do? ‘,:)

He rolled his eyes once again, clicking the door shut gently, the light flooded in onto him as he walked into the room, casting a large misty like shadow behind him on the floor and on the wall.
“Yes. He does” he says with a little smile, though disappearing quickly when he looked back to her.
“It doesn’t matter to him. We’ve been friends ever since i was 8.” He says sitting up on the counter that they had yet to take down. Before the music room, this was a chemistry room. They took down all of the faucets and desks in the middle, but the counter that aligned the wall was never taken out, either with the high cabinets above it. He was careful not to hit his head. His black hair was still a mess, almost looking cute in a way. If you actually looked at him as not a monster that was.


(Who knows… innocent smile)

"Fasinating," she said sarcastically, shoving her phone and headphones into her backpack. Well, there went her quiet time. "I was dying to know how long you've known each other." She shrugged her shoulders. She was wearing a tank top, but as usual, her tattoo was covered by the jacket she always wore.

She glanced at the vampire. "Why does he still hang around you then, if he knows you're a monster?" She sounded genuinely curious.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(XD I’m nervouscited!)

He was getting quite pissed off now. “You know what, could you please stop?” He says seriously, letting himself lightly off of the counter. “He’s known me before i became this, and I haven’t changed much you know. Its not my fault I’m this way. So please… just shut the hell up you annoying b*tch. Don’t think its your job to ruin my life even more than it has been alright? I’m already doing a mighty fine job doing it myself.” he hissed.

He wasnt about to put up with her calling him a monster any longer. Though the only way he was going to hurt her is if she actually tried to kill him, due to the vampire instinctively fighting back and if she so much as lay a finger on anyone he loved. That only included his sister, Ryuu and his oh so fragile mother.


There was a stunned silence. Cressida blinked at him, shocked into speechlessness. Then her anger flashed up, stronger than it should have been, under the circumstances. She scowled at him, glaring so hard it was suprising he didn't drop down dead. Pounding filled her ears, and she saw red.

Next thing she knew, she was standing right in front of him, glaring into his face. She had moved quicker than a normal Slayer could. "What did you call me?" She hissed, and her eyes flashed a deep golden-green. "You dare to try to tell me that you had no hand in your transformation? Ha! Nice try, vampire!" Her lip curled in disgust. "Do you really think you can trick me with those lies? I know when I'm being manipulated. You're just a heartless creature. You don't care about him. You don't care about anyone! So nice try, creature. Maybe tell me that you're still normal, still human once you've actually manned up. You're not the only person with a sob story, so just SHUT UP ABOUT IT ALREADY!!!!" She was screaming by now, her eyes a deep gold. She was panting hard, and heat was rising through her, pulsing through her veins…

And then she blacked out.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He stayed there and let her yell in his face. He felt his chest twist and felt like an anchor.
Why did Ryuu stay with him? He knew Ryuu was in love with his little sister of only one year difference.
But…. was that the only reason. Did he think of him as a monster?
Her voice went quiet as did everything else and a high pitched ringing noise and everything seemed to turn into monotone colors. Overthinking everything and anything that would come to his mind.
He opened his mouth to speak but her body fell to the floor and with his reflexes he caught her, though regretting it. Maybe he should have just let her bang her head on the floor, crack open and let her bleed to death. That would be awfully nice. He let her down on the floor and sighed, sitting at the closed piano.
Remembering that day like it had just happened a few seconds ago.
The fangs seeming into the lower side of his neck, gasping for air on the ground as the vampire held his repulsing body up off of the cold floor of the basement at the party. He was pressured into the party in the first place, tricked into it more or less.
The one time that he turned his back and actually relaxed, trying to have fun…. he was pulled away and dragged down the hard wooden floors and slammed against the wall.
He already knew what to do…. if it were a normal human. Not knowing the existence of vampires, he tried his best to fight back and failed.

A few seconds later his eyes wide, looking up at the dark ceiling as the face of the vampire smiled at him, humming softly as she stroked his hair. “Hush now….. its Just a bad dream” she hummed, her voice beautiful like a siren before her oh so very deadly fangs sunk into his neck, blood seeping out. None being sucked. No…. something was being injected into his veins. Something that would ruin his life.

He quickly snapped out of the horribly painful memory and pushing it away as a hot tear rolled down his cheek. It was too horrible to relive in the moment. Not now, and not here.
He turned to the girls body and picked her up, stepping down the stairs carefully with gentle hands, down to the nurses office. He was basically her best friend in the school and she knew, as she was also one. Though she was going to die soon. Planned of course. Sadly, hes known for a while and he understands so he doesn’t stop her. But for now, he was going to try to help this annoying girl.


Cressida was hot to the touch. She looked normal, but she was sweating, and breating hard, and she was hot, very hot.

The nurse clucked worriedly as he lay her down on a bed. She tried to place ice packs on Cress's forehead, but they melted and went limp. So the nurse called her uncle about it, who came right away.

"She hasn't taken her medicine," he told the nurse. "She takes drugs to tone down the symptoms. She must not have last night." As Cressida was fed the stuff, she gradually cooled down and calmed down, stilling into a peaceful sleep.

The calendar by the nurse's desk, all decorated with kitten pictures, had today's date in a red number. A small white circle was next to the number.

The night of the full moon.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Min-Hyuk stayed with her the whole time, quiet and in the corner on a wooden chair, sleeping peacefully as well. Though a light sleep as he could never enter a deep one.
His arms crossed and his hoodie over his messy hair as his lips were parted ever so slightly as the cold air blew from his lungs, looking as if it were winter. That's how his breath always looked, with being so cold and all.

He wanted to tell her everything. She didn't understand. But it was fine, because now he knew what she was. A monster as well. And guess what? She had no say in it either. So she could finally understand.
But she could never fully understand the pain, the hard work, the trauma that he went through to get to this place today. And he didn't even want to be there.

For now, he'll wait until she wakes up. Hopefully his uncle wouldn't realize a boy was here with his daughter. Not that he cared for her. But he might get the wrong idea.


Cressida awoke while he was still asleep. She glanced up and looked around. The vampire was sitting on a chair next to the bed, fast asleep. Her lip curled, and she scowled at the sleeping form before standing, holding her arms out to keep her balance as all the blood rushed from her head. She grabbed her bags from the door and left the bedding area, where she was met by the nurse.

"Oh, honey, are you sure you should be up right now?" The nurse asked her, looking concerned.

"I'm fine," Cress mumbled. "Besides, I need to get to class." She shouldered her bag and left, feeling as though she had been repeatedly hit over the head with a baseball bat.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

His deep, soft voice came from behind her “you’re welcome by the way” he says standing up and leaning on the wall, his arms crossed, his hair still a mess.
The nurse looked at him, then to her with a look as her eyebrows creased up then sighed.
Min-Hyuk didnt expect her to say thank you. Maybe curse him out. He didnt care.
Pride left him quite a while ago. He hasn’t really stood up for himself, but this girl was getting annoying.
So if she yelled at him like that one more time, he was going to teach her a lesson. Though he wasnt going to hurt her. Just talk to her. Thats all…

He walked out of the door, not even bumping shoulders with her as he walked out.


Cress didn't even asknowledge that he had spoken, just walked away from him, as if he was no more than a wall. To tell the truth, she was embarrassed that she had lowered her guard to a vampire. She was cursing herself.

She walked to class, her bag over her shoulder. It was one of her least favorites, as the teacher sucked, and the vampire was in that class.

She sat down in the back. She was a little bit early, having woken up about ten minuted before the bell. She pulled her sketchbook from her bag. No one was around, so it was safe to draw.

Cressida's sketchbook was possibly her most prized posession. She drew anything and everything in it, but mostly battle scenes that she had been in. If anyone would have found it, they would have been concerned.

She flipped to a page with a small sketch on it, and started to draw, adding darker lines, and more detail, until a bleeding heart, wrapped in thorns, took shape.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Min-Hyuk on the other hand had walked through the halls and passed the bathroom. He turned the corner only to find the same group of guys from a few days ago. One taller than all of them with long blonde hair going down to his jaw and an acne infested face and blue eyes that wouldn't have stood out at all if he wasn't wearing a light blue hoodie.
The other three were almost cliche looking. Two brunettes and a dirty blonde, all either shorter or as tall as Min-Hyuk.
He had smelled them from a mile away, though he still decided to take that route. Is was near the class he needed to be in and no teachers were around, all in the teachers lounge for a small break. He ordered it this way. No one was around to see them.
"Hey Min, Whatchya up to Huh?" the taller one swung his arm over his shoulder as Min-Hyuk simply stepped away, ignoring them.
This made him a little mad so he grabbed his shoulder and banged him against the lockers, then grabbed his thick black hair, banging his head against the locked, denting it a little and forcing him to look up. He showed no signs of resisting whatsoever. "hey, we just want to talk. Catch up alright? Don't be an asshole " he basically spat in his face. Still doing nothing, standing there with his head pressed hard against the locker and his hands in the pocket of his sweatshirt, his face was calm until he punched him in the face when he didn't answer him, right in the cheek. His bottom lip caught his sharp fang, ripping it and syrupy cold blood trickled down his chin. He wiped it away before it could ruin his sweatshirt, smearing it a bit on the side of his chin.
"say Goth boy. You seem to like those piercings. Mind if we rip em out? " he says flicking his cross earring, tugging on it slightly and slowly. He didn't even say anything. He would be pretty pissed if he did it though. Only if they kept the piercing. His ear would easily heal and he knew how to sew. So it wasn't a problem. But those earrings were about 20 bucks alone at hot topic.
The boy ripped his earring out and laughed a bit, throwing it to the ground besides Mins foot. He used his foot to subtly slide it under the locker so nobody would pick it up when heading into class.
He hit his chest and Min-Hyuk took a deep cold breath in as he did, wincing in pain a little. He had covered it up today after stitching it up last night but it still hurt like hell.

"hey guys, I think I found his weak spot" he laughed, waving them over. This could all most likely be heard from the classroom that he had next.

They jerked him forward, banging his forehead on the locker one more time for good measure, making a. Small trickle of blood slowly run down his face until they jerked him into the bathroom.
He never knew why they picked him, but he didn't ever stand up to them although it was obvious they could. Drops of blood on his neck from his ear and down his forehead in his left eye a little bit. He wasn't so sure they "just wanted to catch up".
They punched him in the gut hard then noticed something. A bandage on his should from where his hoodie was tugged. "oh what happened here? Or are you trying to look cool?" the shorter, yet more muscular brunette says with a sweet, ripping his hoodie off to reveal the bandage.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you" Min said quietly as he sighed, cold mist in front of his face. They only snicker and began to rip it off.

(he's a big boi though. He can handle himself. XD)

(also, I can't wait until she actually warms up to him a little lol)


(I can't wait for her to warm up to him, either! They'll be so cute together!)

Cress stood from her chair, dropping her sketchbook on the table. She smelled blood. She didn't know why she could, but she wasn't really paying attention to why she could. An instinct in her told her that she needed to go do… something. And she knew, after many years of experience, that she should listen to that instinct. It had saved her life, and others', many times.

Hurrying from the room, she slipped a small knife into her sleeve as she did so. She came to some lockers, and spotted a pool of blood. She turned her head from side to side, looking closely around. Who did the blood belong to? She bet down, dipping her finger in it, to look closer at it, and her lip curled. The blood was darker than a normal humans. It was the vampire's. She didn't have to help him, because it was clear that he needed it.

But she should. It was the job of the Slayers to protect people. She sighed and straightened, moving toward the noise of yelling, until she came to the boys' bathroom. She hesitated, before hearing the noises of the conversation inside.

"Oh what happened here? Or are you trying to look cool?" She recognized the voice, and scowled.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." That was the vampire. His tone was dangerous.

Taking a deep breath, she pushed the door open and leaned in the doorway. She hid a wince at the vampire's appearance, and composed herself, making her face amused, and yet annoyed. "Seriously," she said, arms crossed, leaning against the door frame. "You could do that in a more private place. I could hear you from the hall. And you should really clean up the evidence." She gestured to the blood on the floor. "Someone could find out how much you've been bullying people." She smiled sweetly, yet dangerously.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He let out a low growl from his throat before standing up straight, a glare in his eyes. He didn't want to show her that he was weak.
As the taller guy ripped off the bandage, revealing his deep stitched slashes, he jerked his towards by his long hair, whispering something to him incoherently. Whatever he said made him tremble in fear before he punched him in the gut, throwing him against the door and twisting his arm back behind his shoulderblades as he tried to get loose, he kicked him down to the floor holding his stomach.
The other guys don't watched before he took his neck and bashed it against the sink, breaking it then swinging his head up against the mirror. He'll pay for it later.
He took the other two and simply glared at them before he jerked his hoodie back, leaving the bandage on the floor, he slipped his shirt on, raising his arms and showing his muscles a bit (more than a bit) before turning to the girl.
"I dont need you to repay me. Nor do I need your help" he says pushing her against the wall, his icy cold breath on her skin as he bared his fangs, blood smeared random places on his face. He quickly let go of her rather harshly as he stepped out of the room and walked down the hallway, picking up his eating that he slid under the locker. Then he quickly slipped out of the back door and hopped the fence.
He slid down to the ground and leaning against the fence, slipping off his hoodie and looking at his stitched, wincing a bit.