(Sure, I can do that!)
(Sure, I can do that!)
Cressida didn't bother waiting for the vampire. She knew that, when he was ready, he would come to her house. He could smell her scent and follow it. She really wasn't in the mood to babysit a bloodthirsty emo.
She walked home quickly, her bag slung over one shoulder. She didn't really know why she had told the vampire to come to her house. Maybe it was so that her uncle could scare him, and then he's leave her alone. Wouldn't that be nice.
Min-Hyuk on the other hand had waited at the school until almost everyone was gone to leave. He was going to keep her waiting in anticipation.
A bit later, he hopped on his motorcycle and drove to her house with no problem.
Parking and stepping up to Her door, he knocked and ran his hand through his Raven black hair, the soft curls getting caught on the blue ring he wore for a second before he brought his hands back down to his pockets. A smug look on his face… As always
A handsome guy in his late teens answered the door. When he saw who it was, what it was, at the door, he scowled. "Cress!" He called. "Your victim is here!"
"Send him up!" Came her muffled voice, from upstairs.
"As her highness wishes," the teen said, rolling his eyes. "Do you prefer it a specific way?"
"Minced into tiny pieces would be preferable," Cress said, appearing on the top of the stairs. She had changed out of her uncomfortable school clothes, into leggings and a long sleeve shirt, and fuzzy socks. She spotted Min-Hyuk and scowled. "Maybe keep his head intact, so I can hang it on my door."
The guy scowled. He waved the vampire inside. "Go. Do whatever you need to." His voice grew low and dangerous, and a faint blue glow surrounded him, indicating his warlock ancestry. "But if you hurt her in any way, I will kill you."
"I can take care of myself, Brandon," Cress called, looking amused.
He stayed at the door at listened to the interaction, not able to come in before properly invitee into the hous. It was a vampire thing. Ever since he got turned he isn't physically able to come into someone else's home without being invites. A weakness for sure.
"Um, so can I come in or not?" he asked a bit confused by their interaction and what they were saying. He didn't take the dudes threat seriously at all though.
"Yeah, you can come in," Brandon said, looking pissed. He moved aside to let the vampire in, and turning, vanished into the shadows.
"what's up with pissy over there" he says with a light chuckle, but it was more him breathing out through his nose.
"anyway, shall we get started?" he asked readjusting the black bag on his shoulder, taking a few steps into the house.
"He is pissy," Cress agreed, standing on the top of the stairs.
"I heard that!" Her cousin called.
She rolled her eyes. "Come on, vampire. We have work to do."
He scoffed at her cousin, but quickly turned his attention back onto Cress. "you know… Being a vampire isn't what defines me. But alright" he shrugged
"Whatever you say." She really wasn't in the mood to hear things like that. Her laptop was already on her bed, and her desk was empty, reading for him to sit down and start working. "So, which myth do we want to do?"
"okay, buzzkill" he rolled his eyes, leaning on the now closed door. "there's the obvious. But of course that'd be boring" he raised an eyebrow at her, trying to read her expressions but failing.
"whatever you'd like I guess. You did say you would be doing most of the work" he winked at her, his arms crossed over his chest
She rolled her eyes. She had been good at keeping her emotions in check, off her face. "Well, I have several ideas. You can chose which one you want us to do." She sat down on her bed and opened her laptop. "There's Odysseus and the Sirens, the Fountain of Youth, Pandora's Box, or," she glanced at him with amusement in her eyes, "Dracula."
(Should this be when she discovers what she really is, or no?)
(yeah it can be! That'll be interesting!)
"if we're doing a vampire, we're doing it the right way. No Dracula and no romance novels" he scoffed. "let's look through it more" he says sitting beside her and leaning towards the laptop.
"Well, what do you have in mind, then?" Cress pretended not to notice him as he moved closer.
And the door flew open. "What on earth is going on?"
"I don't know. That's why I said t-" his glance shut up to the door flying open, surprised to say the least. Though he had no idea what was going on.
(I could have written more, but IDK how opened the door, or why and yeah lol)
(I feel yah. I'm feeling lazy and out of steam right now…)
It was her uncle. He stood in the doorway, frowing down at them. "Why is there a vampire in here?" He asked in a dangerous tone.
"He's here to work on a school project," Cressida said dismissively. "What, do you think I'd actually be having an affair with one of his kind? What do you take me for, uncle?"
"A slut and a half-breed," he said, glowering. Even from this distance, they could smell the alcohol on his breath.
She whitened. "What?"
"I should never have taken you in," the man said, pointing at her, eyes sparking with anger and disgust. "You little wolfling. I told and I told and I told your mother not to marry that bastard of a wolf. And then she went and whored with that beast anyway. And look, now I'm stuck with you. I trained you the best I could, I did, but apparently I didn't get the wild out of you. I should have known. You can take the beast from the wild, but you can't take the wild from the beast."
He looked a bit offended when she mentioned having an affair with someone of his kind. Though he never did anything but good for her. But it was fine. He just shrugged it off. Tried to last.
He sat there and listened for a bit before he realized the dude was drunk. He stood, not saying anything though. He wasn't about to intervene this since he figured it was family matters. But what the hell was he talking about? Wolf?
Was she? No… No way.
He quickly put two and two together and his eyes widened and his piercing eyes shot to her. "what?" he whispered before turning back to the uncle.
Cressida snarled. It was much more animal-like than before, that much was clear. It was the snarly of a predator, one that would make even the bravest of people flinch.
And flinch her uncle did.
"Get out," she screamed at him. The force of her voice made his stagger backwards and fall, and he looked at her fearfully.
"Oops," she said arrogantly, and entirely different person. "I apologize deeply. Do you think you can find it in your heart to forgive me?"
Min-Hyuk was so confused, in all honesty he just wanted to curl up in a big fluffy blanket and go to sleep. Oh wait… Vampires can't do that.
He looked at the man staggered backwards, then was shocked when her tone changed. But oh he knew that tone all to well.
Yep. Min-Hyuk used it all the time, so he just stood and watched with slight amusement now.
"Wh-what?" Her uncle was clearly confused.
"Oh, I'm sorry, is English too hard for you? I. Am. Sorry. For. Making. You. Fall. Can. You. Forgive. Me?" She spoke every word slowly and presicely.
"cress….what are you doing?" he dared to speak, not wanting to get his face ripped off. He could most likely kill her actually quite easily at this point since she wasn't as trained for a half blood. But he knew she was bad news. Especially for him.
She turned and sent him an annoyed look. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm flying a plane, that's what." She scowled at him. He was ruining her fun! Her uncle had just scoffed at her, and this vampire is ruining her fun! She turned back to her uncle. "Are they really dead?"
"No," he choked up.
"nice plane then" he says with a small laugh, as that was the only thing that came to mind
See, in any other situation, literally ever. He would have gotten pretty pissed off if she had just talked to him that way. But the fact that he had nothing to do with this and honestly, he would have done the exact same if not immediately snap his neck. So he stood back and watched. Listening carefully.
"Thanks. I try to keep it as clean as possible." Cressida didn't even look at him, all her deadly focus on her uncle. "Where are they?" She hissed."
"Blackmore," he gasped.
She snorted and picked him up by his collar. A grown man, almost a foot and a half taller, being picked up by a short girl as if he was no more than a toothpick. "Go. I don't want to see you again until you're sober." She tossed him out and slammed the door, then brushed her shirt off and turned back to Min-Hyuk.
"Shall we continue, then?"
He let out a chuckle, not knowing what to say. He was more than confused but he guessed by how she reacted with everything, she already knew what she was.
Dangerous to him. Therefore, he needed to stay away. Her scent surely would lead more to him and he would easily be overpowered.
"wait, what was that all about?" he asked gesturing to the now closed door.
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