"He just decided to be an asshole." Cress rolled her eyes, sitting down on the bed and picking her laptop back up. "He's an angry drunk, so if you act soft to him, he gets all huffy." She shrugged. "I've lived with him for most of my life, I should know. Now, which myth did we decide on again?"
She was trying not to think of anything her uncle had said. She was pure Slayer, she couldn't be an annoying halfbreed whose parents left her alone with this monster… but she wouldn't think about it. There would be time for all the thinking later, when she was alone. For now, she needed to act normal.
He wanted answers, but he knew what he saw. Recognizing the scent mixed with alcohol. How she lifted him up with ease. Growling when she spoke angrily. She was a halfie alright. He knew that much. So he wasn't going to pry. Not now.
"do dragons or something like that count" he asked sitting down. Of course he would ask that. It's min. A rather nerdy teenage boy.
"Well… maybe? But it probably has to be a specific myth with dragons in it." She googled a couple of myths. "Let's see. We could do Saint George and the Dragon, or a couple of Native American myths about them. What do you think?"
"Sure I guess" he says with a shrug, tapping his foot on the bed. He was a bit paranoid around her now. No, he wasn't scared. Far from it. But he really didn't want to have to kill this chick.
Not this soon anyway. He would at least like to gain her trust then kill her. Nice and easy. And hey, a little fun too!
"Which one do we want to do?" Cress asked, raising her eyebrows.
He was distracted. She was worried about it, but didn't say anything.
"Okay, we can do….here let me look at some" he says taking the computer without hesitation. Scrolling through the ideas, the lore and the myths, he stopped at one. A slayer. But he scrolled past hopefully before she saw.
"We could always do a stupid one like La Lorona" he says with a chuckle as he continued to scroll, the light of the computer screen shining and reflecting almost a perfect mirror in his eyes.
He had stopped at one. Cressida peaked at it. It was about a slayer. She rolled her eyes and didn't mention it. He was clearly paranoid of something, so if he wanted to be a weirdo, she wouldn't say anything. "We could, I guess, but would we get a lot of credit for that?" She chewed her bottom lip. "What if we did a Greek myth? Maybe about Zeus? You know, 'coz he had so many affairs, and they're plenty weird."
(I found it! It's a picture of Cress and Min! Yes? No? Maybe?)
(Please don't let this die!)
(Hey, I'm so sorry I haven't been on. Things have been…..busy to say the least. I'm so sorry. I'm going to try to be on more starting today! Its nothing against you! My life just got a bit weird and hectic. I absolutely love this roleplay and would never purposely let it die! I'm so sorry!!!)
He tilted his head to the side for a second, his tongue fiddling with his black spiked lip ring as he thought, his eyes reflecting the computer screen perfectly, as if they were perfect mirrors. Though with a few cracks in them as Min-Hyuk was far from perfection.
"Yeah…that would work. There's plenty of drama to write about simply in a few affairs. It would be easy and get us good credit" he says, basically repeating what she said but with more words. What he did when he was anxious.
No. He wasnt nervous. He was confident in himself as a vampire to be able to easily fight off a slayer. But random bursts of anxiety did happen quite often with him and you could tell by his leg bouncing up and down, his increase in different facial expressions and him fiddling around with his lip ring.
(It's totally fine, I get it! Sorry if I was being too pester-y. I hope you're doing okay!)
She raised her eyebrows at his increasing amount of movement. "Alright then. Do you want to do one of the more famous myths, like Perseus or Hercules, or something minor?" She asked, running a hand through her short hair, chewing on her lip in thought.
It was strange. She was in her room alone, with a nervous vampire, talking about Greek myths, and sitting next to each other. She trie not to think about how close they were, sharing one laptop. If he tried anything, she swore there would be hell to pay.
That's fine! I am! Also, could you resend that picture of Cress and Min. I really want to see it but it's not working for me. Sorry DX
Of course Min-Hyuk was never one to try anything. But she wouldn't know that. As far as she probably knows, he'll do whatever he wants whenever he wants, as that's the vibe hes always given off.
One of the worst things about being close to her is her blood. It smelled so good yet so bad at the same time. So sweet yet so bitter. It was a Slayers blood after all. Mixed with something else. Right now, he couldnt really bring himself to say.
He relaxed a little but improved his posture and took a small breath. "We can do more famous ones. We can probably find more information on them quicker." He says, wanting to get this over with
"Fine." Cress took her laptop away from him and stood, relieved to be farther away from the vampire. "You brought your computer, right?" She pointed to the desk. "Work there. Which stuff do you want to research? There's the history, the time when it was created, some pictures and the story."
(Okay im sorry but it's still not showing up. I've tried about 15 times and it keeps on taking me to the home page…. sorry)
He was shaken at first by her abrupt movements, but he quickly stood with her.
"Uh…no I didnt bring my laptop. I noticed I forgot it when you opened yours." He says awkwardly. What was her deal? Or was he just overthinking things? Had she sensed his feelings? Nervousness, the urge to leave the house immediately? This was a slayer, raised to kill the supernatural. But with the supernatural infused in her blood?
He needed to stay away.
(Oh, it's fine. I can try again… does this work?)
(With the superatural fused in her blood… I love that line!)
She sighed. "Do you want to share mine, or do you want to borrow Brandon's?" She seemed annoyed. Of course he would forget his. It was just her luck.
She didn't want to be any closer to him than she had to. She hoped her cousin would let her borrow his.
(I like it a lot!!)
(Also, thank you! Lol.)
He was a bit awkward with her question, but he breathed in a deep breath, only to get a nice and good wiff of her scent. Slayer and wolf? Man, it stung to say the least. But he was always such a masochist, he loved the scent. Something he would never voice.
He cleared his throat and shuffled around a bit, trying to regain the ability to speak and at least not act like a hungry vampire.
"Well, if we want to get this over with, we should use yours. But we can also use his. I dont mind" he says calmly now, as he had officially regained composure as if nothing happened beforehand. Well…other than the fresh scent of her blood that he had taken in. It was obvious he had the scent fresh in his mind.
Cress had turned around to set her laptop down, so she hadn't seen his changing of composure. She turned back to him, hands on her hips, and scowled, looking a lot like a scolding mother. "Well, I don't care." She did. "So choose, or I will bang your head into the wall until it's bloody."
A low growl forced out of his throat as his gaze sharpened. "If I'm unwanted here…I'll take my leave" he stood, as if challenging her. "I dont take threats well. So dont do it again. If you do, you wont get away with it as easy" He says before stepping back, not taking his eyes off of her. Dead serious he was, as if she did it again, he would hurt her without a care in the world and never minding any sort of hesitation. He was alright for a bit until she unnecessarily threatened him. Threatened to do something he wouldn't let her do anyway.
"I'll have to make my phone work, as I'm not about to have someone else deal with your temper and your annoying presence because of me" he rolled his eyes. It was only research at the moment anyway. His phone wasnt the best, but his family didnt have much money. But he never complained about it.
He stayed up, defending himself so if she did attack he would be more than prepared. And he wasnt about to move until she sat
Cress crossed her arms, staring up at him with equal defiance and death in her eyes. "Threatening me now, are you? You should know by now that I don't take lightly to threats, either, vampire. So I'd watch what you say. I could do all the work and tell the teacher that unfortunately you couldn't do the work because of some family issues." Her smile sharpened, so sharp it could almost cut. It was annoying, staring up at him. She hated her height, but there was really nothing she could do about it, except stand her ground.
"Fine." She waved her hand, glad that she had made her point. "You do that. Which slides do you want to work on?"
He chuckled, condescendingly glaring down at the girl. "Oh I mean, if you want to do that, thatd be amazing. Do all of the work yourself. If you do that…well that means I could just go home. I could care less about what you tell the professor. Just means I dont have to be near you nor put up with you." He rolled his eyes. "You know, I was wondering what that wet dog smell was. I should have known" Min smiled, waving his finger for a second.
"Oh I mean, but if you insist honey, I'll comply I guess. You pick which slides you want to do and I'll do the rest"
She had just picked up a pencil, but at his words, talking about her… other side, her hand spasmed, and the pencil snapped into little bits, flying all over the room. "Do that then. I don't want you here. I can do all the work, and it'd be much better than anything You could do." She stared up at him, glaring.
(I ship them so much…)
(Omg same)
"Oh, well if you insist" he shrugged, shoving his phone in his pocket along with his other hand, though gripping the silver blade in his pocket.
He started his way towards the door, already knowing what he was going to do once he got home. But something told him that getting out wouldn't be so easy. Especially if he didnt really try, because truth be told he didnt really want to leave.
"Bye, asshole." She didn't give him any reason to stay, sitting on her bed and starting to flip through the slides, working on researching the myth she was going to do.
Brandon, however, wasn't about to let the vampire leave. He stood at the bottom of the stairs and crossed his arms. "Where do you think you're going?"