forum Hush now... it’s just a bad dream. (Vampire Romance, very closed, sorry)
Started by @Celeste_X0X0_ group

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@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He scoffed with an eyeroll, confident that he was going to be let through sooner or later.
"My house?" He says raising an eyebrow.
Being a bit higher than him as he was on the stairs, he already had the high ground and the advantage if this kid started anything.
"Whaddya gonna do? Huh? Annoy me more?" He crossed his arms


Brandon just stared at him. As a rare and powerful warlock, he was entitled to look down on others. He was used to making people feel guilty. He just stared at Min, with his unearthly blue eyes. "You're not done yet. You've been here for twenty minutes. That is not enough time to finish a project."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He chuckled, standing his ground "yeah well she doesn't like me much and I dont quite like her. So we both figured itd be best for me to leave." Min shrugged


"Yes, but you haven't finished the project. And there is no way I'm letting you have my cousin do all the work." Sparks flashed around him, but he seemed to have a pretty good control of his abilities.


(Oh, sorry XD. Warlocks have abilities, but like, something simple, like fire, or telekinesis. It's usually hard for them to control, and using it leaves a mark on them.)