@ElderGod-kirky group
She hummed, refusing to cooperate. She was bad when sober. She practically had to be manhandled when drunk.
She hummed, refusing to cooperate. She was bad when sober. She practically had to be manhandled when drunk.
he sighed, mentally preparing. am i really about to pick up a drunk battle-trained mafia employ?
yes, apparently.
despite his twink size, he was decently strong, and managed to quickly slip his arms around her and lift. now here comes the hard part, the struggling. oh boy.
She yelped in surprise as Nik picked her up, blinking rapidly. Surprisingly, however, she didn't fight him. She just kinda… went limp.
huh. well, dead weight was more to lift, but he needed the exercise anyway. he had to pause a few times, but eventually he nudged her bedroom door open and set her down.
"if you refuse water, at least get some sleep, okay?"
She wrapped her arms around his neck and got close, their faces mere inches apart. She tilted her head coyly, eyes half-lidded.
he didn't pull away, but moved up to press a kiss to her forehead. "when you're sober, we can talk. but i will lay with you, if you want."
She whined and pouted, but slipped away to stumble and flop onto her bed, her shirt rising until it was wrapped around her waist.
he looked away respectfully, eyes avoiding her torso as he crossed to the other side and kicked off his shoes before laying down and offering an embrace to her.
She curled up next to him, snuggling close–closer than sober Tess would allow herself. But this wasn't sober Tess. This was drunk Tess that just wanted some cuddles and love.
he gladly gave it to her, holding her close. he already knew he'd probably be spending the night, but this was definitely a better situation than expected. at least he wouldnt wake up with a crick to end all muscle spasms in his neck.
Her eyes drooped slightly as she breathed in his scent, and she lightly traced her fingers over his chest. She began to hum an Italian lullaby to herself.
he silently listened, enjoying her voice and waiting until she drifted off to let himself fall asleep.
"Goodnight amore," Tessa whispered before falling asleep.
"goodnight, love." he responded, doing the same.
(Time skip)
In the morning, Tessa groaned at the killer headache already threatening to crack her skull open. She was too afraid to open her eyes.
nik opened his eyes to see an obviously awake and in pain tessa. he smiled sympathetically before going to get her some water, touching her arm as he left as a sign he'd be back.
She startled when someone touched her arm, flinching slightly, then recognized the familiar scent and relaxed. Then tensed again.
Did I sleep with…?
Did I?
I hope not.
I mean…
I'm not complaining that much…
Yes you are.
You're complaining.
Get your head out of the gutter, Hunt.
You don't want that to happen while you're fucked beyond repair.
he came back, the bottle making a slight thud as he set it on the nightstand within her reach.
"hey, love. anything else you need before i lay back down?"
"If you wouldn't mind, would you tell me exactly what happened last night?" Tess asked, her voice groggy and eyes still closed as her hand flopped around in search of the bottle.
he handed it to her, crossing again and sitting down.
"i accompanied you on two missions and a trip to renew your resolve, and you went back to your place to get drunk and i went to a bar to talk with the owner. watch showed up, i hauled ass because of my chronic fear of authority, got super spooked and you had some buff mafia guy find me and bring me over here. i greeted you, rejected sex because you were drunk and got you to sleep."
he leaned back as he finished the story, propped against the headboard.
"wild night."
She threw a pillow over her head with a long and loud groan. "Thank you for being the responsible one," came her muffled reply after she was done screaming at herself.
"not a problem!" he replied cheekily. "though you're regretting refusing that bottle of water now, aren't you?"
"Asshole," she grumbled and removed the pillow, slowly sitting up. Her hair was a mess and it was all over her face, thankfully covering the pink staining her cheeks. She drank quite a bit of the water Nik had brought. "I'm stubborn sober. What did you expect when I'm drunk?"
"cutie. i did expect as much, but i also expected drunk you to be a little more concerned with hangover-you." he crossed his legs, smiling brightly at her.
"Drunk me doesn't give two shits about hangovers. I just want more booze until I'm passed out on the floor." She glared at him, cursing herself silently for the blush refusing to go away. She drank some more as if that would help.
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