@ElderGod-kirky group
"If you would…" She shifted her weight, averting her gaze away from him.
"If you would…" She shifted her weight, averting her gaze away from him.
"of course."
when they reached the place, he held onto her hand as a source of comfort. a reminder that he was right there.
She squeezed back as a silent thanks, then opened the rusted doors and walked in.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
The old laboratory was a thing of nightmares–a scene straight from a horror film. A thin veil of some sort of watery liquid coated the mossy and checkered tiled floor. Glass shards and metal shavings littered the hallway. Soggy gurneys lined the dirt-and-blood-stained walls. Bloody handprints streaked over the walls as well, and some deep claw-like gouges were taken out of both the walls and floor.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
Barely audible wails still rung through her ears. Moans of that of small children. Her own screams as they ripped her open before she had been sedated… The endless beeping of heart monitors. The screaming machines as someone died yet again. The rushing footprints of the scientists as they struggled to keep their "patient" alive for the next round of testing. The rattle of chains and agonizing whip of leather over bare skin.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
Blood had been a daily occurrence here. As was pain and misery. Weekly beating to make sure they behaved. Fifteen lashes for speaking out of turn. Twenty for backtalking. Fifty for fighting. Seventy-five for trying to escape. Eighty for inflicting a life-threatening wound on either a scientist or guard–nevermind that they killed children every day.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
Tessa was blank-faced as she walked through the hall. As she looked at the blood splatters and heard her own cries and pleas. Her boots trailed over the liquid–which had a slight reddish hue of blood mixed in. Her free hand was clenched into a fist so tight her nails broke the skin. Coming here was difficult, but it was always a good reminder to herself why she killed every day. To remind herself what she fought for whenever she pulled the trigger or slashed a dagger. For them. It was always for the others still suffering while she was free–but not from the nightmares.
"That fucking dripping always drives me insane, and I don't even know where it's coming from," she muttered.
he looked around. "roof might be leaking." his purpose here was to be a presence, and he did as such. whenever she started to look too lost in her own thoughts, he would squeeze her hand or touch her arm with his free hand.
he began to hum at some point, almost inaudibly.
She eventually gravitated towards the operating table, the bloody chains still draped over the metal table as if they had just set them down for a minute. She clenched her jaw as she stared at it, her anger once again fueled at the sight. Her resolve was once again steely.
he glanced at the table for only a moment, choosing to try and read tessa's body language instead. she had gotten what she came for, it seemed.
"Let's go," she breathed.
nik nodded in response, keeping close to her as they exited.
Once out, she slumped her shoulders and just looked tired. "Thanks…"
"no problem. think you can make it back to your place?"
She hugged her arms and nodded, eyes darting around. "Yeah. See ya later?"
"see ya later." before letting go of her hand, he pulled her into a quick hug.
She hugged him back fiercely while it lasted, then offered a small smile as she turned away.
he turned away as well, jogging to the nearest abandoned building to hide and check his phone.
when he sat, crossing his legs and pulling his phone out, he expected a few notifications of spinoffs of their scandal. what he got, however…
with photos! 'golden huntress' theresa hunt has found herself a man? more in article!
oh boy.
Right before she punched in her passcode, Tessa got a message from Rawling. She thoughtlessly pulled it up and read the text. Then she nearly choked as she read it again while paying a little more attention. 'Ooooo! My little girl has a boyfriend? Diego's getting jealous!' And attached to the text was an article. She groaned and leaned her head against the brick wall.
nik silently let his head fall against the wall he was propped against.
"ffffuuuuuuuuuck. i knew this would happen. i mean, she's worth it, but jesus. thank god the public knows me as amory." he talked over it quietly.
of course this would happen, he let his guard down when he was with her. the pictures were blurry, and the only recognizable feature of tessa was her golden hair, and his was the hat, but still.
She switched contacts and texted Nik. 'I'm SO sorry!' She entered her passcode and headed inside. She tossed her phone to the side, not caring where it ended up, and immediately went to the bar.
Alcohol, I'm in need of your embrace.
he noticed the text, and quickly responded with 'it's okay! im sure we both knew this would happen. i can retrace the writer, and convince them to shut their trap. depending on your opinion, they can admit to making a false article, or just shut up.'
She chugged a quarter of the random bottle that she grabbed, then noticed her phone flashing. She set the bottle down and grabbed the phone, reading the text. 'Do what you want, I'm not too worried about my reputation. It's you that I'm worried about, since I know that you want to remain relatively anonymous. Now, if you don't mind, I'm gonna get drunk.'
he smiled at that,
'honestly, i have an alias. i don't mind all that much. good luck with getting drunk, love. see you tomorrow.'
She chucked her phone again and hopped up the stairs to change into something comfier. After stripping, she went braless with just an oversized shirt that she may or may not have bought from the men's section for this sole purpose. Her hair was a mess, but eh.
She went back downstairs and grabbed the bottle, flopping onto the couch and drinking herself into a stupor.
nik decided to follow her example, but definitely not as drunk. couldn't risk it in this city.
he jumped down the fire escape, heading to the bar where he knew the manager and most of the employees.
when he got there, he ordered whatever was cheapest, drinking it slowly along with a water.
"so, a, heard you have a girl now?"
dammit, jeff.
Tessa was perhaps on her second bottle already. She was sprawled across her couch, softly singing to herself in Italian–surprisingly fluent considering her current condition. She was so out of it, and she was way past the point of blackout drunk. She traced her fingers in the air in invisible patterns only seen by her, smiling idly to herself.
nik looked up, brows furrowed. "what."
"i really think you should leave."
"j, i've only had half a bottle. what do you m-"
"amory, the watch."
that got him on his feet, just as he heard the door click open. fuck. he dodged into the back room, practically flying through the employee doors as he fled for his life and business. as he left, he heard a conversation going on
"who was that that just left?"
"sam. awfully shy dude. he only comes in when it's empty, you know the drill."
"he was running too fast to just be shy. who was he?"
it was just thumping and yelling from there.
Tessa got up and stumbled over to the bar once again, grabbing some vodka and shot glasses. She no longer remembered why she was drinking in the first place, but that didn't stop her from going until she dropped. She vaguely thought about Nik and wondered what he was doing–and how soft his lips looked–but the sight of the newly found vodka quickly seized her attention. She grinned goofily and grabbed it with a squeal of triumph.
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