Alex rolled over onto his front, though he was still curled up in a ball, which meant that he looked rather like a lump.
Alex rolled over onto his front, though he was still curled up in a ball, which meant that he looked rather like a lump.
Gabe chuckled softly when he saw how Alex was laying. He pulled the blankets over him a bit more, hand resting on his head for a moment.
"I'll be back soon," he said quietly, not expecting Alex to hear him.
Alex turned his head to the side, waking up a little bit and cracking an eye open.
Gabe didn't notice, leaving his hand on Alex's head a moment longer before pulling away.
Alex looked up at Gabe.
Gabe finally saw that Alex was awake, and he smiled softly.
"Good morning," he said gently. "I have to leave soon, but I made you some breakfast."
Alex sat up, rubbing his eyes tiredly. He nodded a little bit. "Alright. Thank you."
"You're welcome," Gabe said with his soft smile he was so good at.
"One of the neighbors might be stopping by later. If I'm not here when that happens you don't have to let them in, okay? They can wait for me to come in."
Alex nodded a little. "Okay. Who?"
"The one who lost her husband. She comes over for tea sometimes. Don't worry, she'll understand and leave you alone."
Alex swallowed. The ghost… He nodded a little. "Okay."
Gabe nodded in return, stepping away.
"Stay safe, okay?" he said, standing in the doorway.
He nodded again. "I will." he said softly, eating a little bit.
Gabe gave Alex one last smile, glad he was eating, before leaving.
Alex watched Gabe go, swallowing. He took a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair.
(sure. To when Gabe gets back? Also eventually Gabe needs to find out about Alex's ability and idk how to do that)
(Okay then. Hm… would there be something about it in the notebook? Or maybe we just keep working on Alex and get him to crack and tell Gabe)
(there probably would be, eventually. Mostly mentions of ghosts and stuff)
(Okay. ooo, Gabe could be reading in the middle of the night and just not tell Alex he'd come across that part, and the next time Alex sees a ghost Gabe knows whats going on and Alex is the Big Confusion)
(Ooh perfect!!)
(waait, what if Gabe manages to get Alex to describe the ghost and it's exactly like what the old dude who died looked like and suddenly Gabe is Big Confusion?)
(Hmmm…yeah that could be interesting too!)
(k, I'm just gonna time skip)
Gabe made his way up to the apartment, attempting to wipe the factory grim from his forehead, but all it did was smudge worse. He stepped up to his door, opening it.
"I'm back," he called out softly, enough to let Alex know he was back without being too loud.
Alex looked up. He had been curled on one of the chairs, a book balanced in his lap as he read it. "Welcome back." his voice was quiet, careful.
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