@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
Gabe led Alex up the stairs, opening the door to the apartment for him. Thankfully, the ghost from before was nowhere to be seen. Gabe slowly put his hand in Alex's, careful not to go too fast and startle him.
Gabe led Alex up the stairs, opening the door to the apartment for him. Thankfully, the ghost from before was nowhere to be seen. Gabe slowly put his hand in Alex's, careful not to go too fast and startle him.
Alex inhaled in surprise at the touch, turning to Gabe, startled and unsure what the handhold meant.
Gabe didn't really know either.
"I…" his hold loosened, and it seemed he would take his hand away. He didn't, though. Not yet.
Alex raised his eyebrows a little bit, biting his lip nervously.
Gabe finally closed the door, pulling his hand away.
"Sorry," he said softly.
Alex inhaled. "It's alright." He whispered.
Gabe looked away a moment, moving further into the apartment.
Alex took off his shoes, cautiously following Gabe.
Gabe turned to Alex, and gave him a small smile.
"I'm gonna go to bed," he said quietly.
Alex nodded a little bit. "Alright. I'll…I'll read." He picked up his book.
Gabe nodded a little, heading to the bedroom.
Alex headed to the living room and sat down, curling up on the chair to read.
Gabe sat on the bed, thinking.
Alex sat curled on the chair, the book resting in his lap. His journal, he realized belatedly, was still in Gabe's room.
Gabe glanced up for a moment, seeing Alex's journal. He left it alone, though. He laid down slowly.
He took a deep breath, then started to read quietly. He only hoped the ghost wouldn't arrive again.
(Timeskip? Or drama? I'm down for either XD)
(hmmm. what sort of drama do you have in mind?)
(Honestly, I feel like a break in. Just someone shows up in the middle of the night and starts stealing stuff, maybe try to take Alex's journal?)
(the journal doesn't really have any value tho? but a break in could be interesting)
(Okie. Want me to get it up?)
(yes please! I gtg for real now tho, so I'll reply tomorrow)
It was the middle of the night- there was very little light, and Alex was asleep. The front door creaked open, and there were heavy footsteps into the apartment. There was a large shadowy figure in the living room now, rooting through everything and taking anything of value, no matter how little it was.
Alex kept sleeping, burrowed into the chair. He hadn't bothered to go back to the bedroom, wanting to let Gabe have his own bed for at least a night. He didn't awaken at the sound of the footsteps.
Gabe woke up a little when he heard the footsteps, figuring it was Alex. He pulled himself up, figuring he'd find out what was wrong.
"Alex..?" he said softly. The shadow froze.
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