@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
"Okay." Gabe reluctantly let go of Alex's hands.
"Please tell me if that changes, or if you don't want to go anymore, okay?" He smiled softly.
"Okay." Gabe reluctantly let go of Alex's hands.
"Please tell me if that changes, or if you don't want to go anymore, okay?" He smiled softly.
Alex nodded. "Okay. I-I will." he said softly, looking up at Gabe.
Gabe nodded, smiling gently.
"Let's go, then," he said, sticking close to Alex as he led him out of the apartment.
Alex nodded and followed Gabe closely. He glanced around at everyone with a trace of fear in his eyes.
There weren't many people out, thank god. Gabe glanced back at Alex occasionally, giving him a small smile.
Alex watched Gabe, hesitantly returning the smile with a little one of his own. He fidgeted with the hems of his shirtsleeves.
Gabe was really happy when Alex managed to return his smile, leading him through the streets. Eventually, they came to the park. It was a little dingy, like the rest of the city, but it looked a lot cleaner too. There weren't many people there either.
Alex followed Gabe into the park, relaxing a little bit when he realized that there weren't many people there. He sighed softly.
Gabe turned to look at Alex, walking backward.
"It's not much," He said, "but it's better than being cooped up all day."
Alex nodded a little bit. "Yeah." he agreed, lips twitching into a faint, faint little smile.
Gabe put his hands in his pockets, grinning in return. Seeing Alex smile made him smile.
Alex looked around again, curious as to their surroundings and the park.
The park was… scraggly, almost. Just a few trees and patches of grass with paths through them. It wasn't very well maintained, either. Still, children were playing in it, and a few groups of two to four men were roaming around. A couple children ran close to Alex and Gabe, laughing as they chased each other.
Alex stepped back from the children, unintentionally stepping into Gabe. He wasn't really aware of it until he felt his back hit Gabe's chest, and he blushed, looking up at Gabe.
Gabe smiled encouragingly to Alex when he backed up into him, putting one hand lightly on his shoulder.
Alex bit his lip, still blushing. He stepped away after a moment, brushing back a loose lock of hair.
Gabe left his hand on Alex's shoulder, but when he stepped away Gabe dropped his hand. He didn't seem to notice the blush- or if he did, he didn't bring it up.
"Doing okay?"
Alex nodded, looking around the park. "Yeah." he said softly. "Thank you."
Gabe smiled.
"You're welcome," He said, looking around as well for a moment before looking at Alex.
"I like coming here. The air just seems… less dirty here."
Alex gave a tiny, hesitant little smile again, and nodded, looking around the park.
Gabe felt so good to see Alex smiling so much, even though they were small and hesitant. They were better than nothing.
Alex fidgeted with the sleeves of his shirt, taking a deep breath.
Gabe glanced at Alex again, grinning. He started walking again.
"There's a part of the park I think you might enjoy," he said.
Alex glanced up, then followed Gabe quietly. "Okay." He said softly.
Gabe led Alex through the park, and eventually, they came to a little garden area. It was all quite pretty and calming, and only one or two people were there.
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