Alex kept sleeping, curled up on the chair in the living room. His brown hair hung into his face.
Alex kept sleeping, curled up on the chair in the living room. His brown hair hung into his face.
The man who had broken into the apartment made his way to the door, and that's when Gabe realized it wasn't Alex.
"Hey!" He said, much louder. He chased after the man.
Alex awoke, sitting up and looking around in confusion.
Gabe ran past Alex, tackling the man to the ground. They tousled there, Gabe trying to wrestle the stolen items back.
Alex's eyes widened in shock.
After much fighting, and several dirty punches, Gabe got the items back, and the man ran off. He closed the door after the man, breathing a little heavy.
"You… you alright?" Gabe asked, looking over at Alex. "They didn't hurt you, did they?"
Alex was wide-eyed, and he shook his head a little, getting up and walking to Gabe. "I'm okay." he said softly. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine," Gabe said. He leaned against the door a little.
Alex swallowed. "Is…there anything I can do to help?" He asked slowly.
Gabe thought for a moment, then shrugged.
"Just gotta put everything back in order," he said.
Alex nodded a little. "I'll help." He said softly. "If you want."
"Okay then," Gabe said. He smiled a little at Alex, pushing himself off the door. "Thank you."
Alex nodded a little bit, and reached out to help Gabe.
Gabe handed Alex a few small things to put away. He started putting things back too.
Alex started to put them away, glancing over at Gabe every now and again.
Gabe glanced at Alex too, giving him a smile, even though there was barely any light.
Alex kept working, biting his lip and hoping no ghosts showed up and harassed him; he didn't want to collapse again.
Thankfully, none did. Gabe straightened up.
"Thanks," he said. He thought for a moment, then checked to make sure the door was locked again.
"You… Wanna come sleep on the bed? It's better than the chair."
Alex looked up at him, then nodded a little. "If…if you let me." He said softly, tugging on the cuffs of his shirt.
Gabe nodded.
"Then let's get back to bed. Hopefully nothing else will happen tonight."
Alex nodded a little. "Okay. Thank you." He said softly. In the scuffle, his journal had been knocked to the floor and lay there, open, the pages showing loose, shaky handwriting, some barely legible.
Gabe's foot bumped against the book, and he bent over and picked it up. He closed it, setting it on the table. He was still extremely curious, so he might check it out in the morning. He made his way to the bed, laying down and making room for Alex.
Alex got into the bed, snuggling down into the blankets and curling into a little ball. He closed his eyes tiredly.
Gabe made sure Alex was tucked in nicely before settling down as close as he dared. It wasn't a big bed, though, so they were still quite close.
"Good night," he said, closing his eyes.
"G' night." Alex murmured in reply, still curled contentedly on his side.
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