"Uh… yeah, I'm hungry. You said something about Mac and cheese, right?" Rowan stretched a bit and yawned.
"Uh… yeah, I'm hungry. You said something about Mac and cheese, right?" Rowan stretched a bit and yawned.
"Yeah, I did." Damien stood up, tousling his hair and pushing it away from his face. "You wanna come or stay in here?"
"I'll… uh… I'll probably just stay here for now if that's okay with you." Rowan shrugged and sat down on the bed.
"Alright, man. Just get comfortable, I guess." Damien left the room for the kitchen, and you could hear him get out the pot with a loud clunk.
Rowan nodded, only able to stay put for a few minutes before his anxiety started taking over. He grabbed his crutches and got up, heading into the kitchen so he could be with Damien.
Damien was sitting on the kitchen island, laying down on the counter while he waited for the water to boil. He sat up when he heard Rowan come in. "Hey, man."
"Hi…" He leaned against the counter with a soft sigh. "Lasted pretty long all by my lonesome, didn't I?" He laughed weakly.
"Yeah, how long was that? Five minutes?" Damien snorted, laying back down on the counter.
"Something like that…" Rowan sighed and stared out the window for a bit. "What am I gonna do with myself…?"
"Fuckin'.. go to therapy, man. That's what you can do." Damien hopped off the counter when he saw the water begin to boil, pouring in the macaroni and going back to the counter.
"I can't afford to go to therapy, Damien. Trust me, I'd love to go, but I honestly do not have the money for that."
"Jesus, then I really don't know. Sorry." Damien sighed, rubbing his temples.
Rowan sighed. "I can't fucking fix myself and it's infuriating… I think my family has health insurance, but I don't know what all it covers."
"Probably do." Damien raked his fingers through his hair. "I don't know, man. Just– I dunno. I have work tomorrow night, just letting you know."
Rowan nodded nervously. "Um… y-yeah… cool. Do you think any of the guys would be willing to hang out?" He asked. "And did you let them know about the situation?"
"Yeah, I told them. I don't know if they're free, but you can text the group chat? Or I can." Damien offered, crossing his legs on the counter.
Rowan nodded again. "I can do it while you're making the food." He pulled out his phone and went to the group chat.
Hey, are any of y'all available to hang out tomorrow night?
"Sure." Damien hopped off the counter, giving the mac n cheese another stir before straining it and putting in the sauce packet. "Give it a minute-ish and it'll be good to eat."
"Mmkay." Rowan sighed and kept staring at his phone, waiting for any of the guys to respond to him.
Cliff was the first to respond.
Yeah, Im free
Damien's working tomorrow
I'm not supposed to be alone, technically
Rowan glanced over to see how the Mac and cheese was doing.
Damien started putting the stuff into bowls, bringing Rowan's over to him. "There you go. Lemme know if you need anything."
Anywhere is fine, honestly
Rowan sighed softly. "Thanks, Damien…" He grabbed a fork and started eating.
WYA now?? That's probably easiest
"Don't mention it. Damien grabbed his own bowl, hopping back up onto the counter to eat.
I'm at Damien's place
Rowan shoved another forkful of Mac and cheese in his mouth.
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