"Yeah… I mean, obviously I'm okay with it, but I wouldn't want to upset your parents or anything." Rowan sighed softly.
"Yeah… I mean, obviously I'm okay with it, but I wouldn't want to upset your parents or anything." Rowan sighed softly.
"You know how chill my dad is. And my mom can get over herself." Damien shrugged his shoulders. "Y'know?"
Rowan nodded. "I'm sure Milo and Ginger will get along fine… I don't think Mi would go and chase her or anything."
"If he knows his place in the pecking order, sure, they'll do fine." Damien agreed with a nod. "Otherwise she won't hesitate to fuck him up." He added.
"We'll keep an eye on them at first to make sure she doesn't hurt him…" Rowan grabbed Milo's leash from next to the door.
"Yeah, sure. If she can't handle it we can just keep them separate." He watched Milo come up, moving to pet his head and get him to sit.
Rowan nodded and clipped the leash to Milo's collar. "We'll need dog food and stuff… would you mind grabbing that?" He asked.
"Yeah, yeah, I'll grab it." Damien walked off to get all Milo's supplies. It took him a couple minutes, but he finally came back with Milo's food. "Uhh- I didn't get bowls, 'cause we just have some at home. Also I can't carry all of it at once."
"That's fine. Ready to go?" He asked, already pushing open the door and letting Milo out.
"Yeah, I am." Damien gripped the bag, following behind. He was a little worried about holding the bag and trying to help Rowan if he fell, but he guessed he'd cross that bridge when he got to it.
Rowan headed out after Milo, seeming to be at least somewhat stable, which was better than usual. He seemed to have practiced with the crutches some while in the hospital.
Damien had to struggle a little bit to open the front door, but he eventually managed to do it without setting down the bag. "..Alright. I'm gonna drop Milo's stuff by Ginger's, I'll be right back."
"Okay." Rowan followed Damien inside and unclipped Milo's leash to let him go explore the house.
Ginger darted across the floor, arching her back in a territorial hiss while she spat. Damien immediately came over to lift her up and away from Milo. "Don't be a bitch, Ginger." He reprimanded.
Milo whined and turned in circles a few times, looking up to Rowan for help. "You're alright, Mi. You're a big boy."
Damien sat the cat down further away from Milo. "I think we might have to keep them in separate rooms? Just until they get used to each other."
"Yeah, probably…" Rowan sighed. "Where do you want me to take Milo?" He asked.
"You can just leave him out, I'll drop Ginger in my room." Damien responded quickly. "It's no problem."
"Alright." Rowan nodded and knelt beside Milo to pet him. "Hopefully they'll start getting along soon…"
"Hope so too." Damien shifted Ginger around in his arms. "I"ll be right back, just gotta drop the bitch in my room."
"Mmkay." Rowan slid down to be more comfortable and kept petting Milo.
Damien left to drop off the cat, coming back after a minute or two. "Alright, I dunno what we're gonna do when we go to bed, but.. eh. Doesn't matter yet."
"Well, we'll figure it out, I'm sure…" Rowan dragged himself to his feet and sighed softly.
"Kinda have to." Damien agreed. He pet Milo's head. "Okay, what time is it.." He checked his phone. "Almost 11. Cool. I have a couple hours."
Rowan nodded and sighed, leaning against the wall. "Sounds good. What do you want to do?"
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