Rowan shrugged. "I… uh… don't know how much Damien told you, but I had to go to a sorta mental hospital for a while because I kinda… um… zoned out and shredded my arms when Damien went to school…"
Rowan shrugged. "I… uh… don't know how much Damien told you, but I had to go to a sorta mental hospital for a while because I kinda… um… zoned out and shredded my arms when Damien went to school…"
"Jesus- he- no, he didn't. Just said you were in the hospital for a while. Didn't say what for." Cliff shook his head. "Jesus.."
"Yeah, it got pretty bad… my parents really fucked me up, didn't they?" Rowan laughed weakly, pulling up his sleeves to examine the partially healed wounds.
Cliff actively avoided looking at the wounds. "Guesso. Whatcha been doin' since ya got back?"
"Um… Damien and I watched some TV. That's about it, to be honest. I haven't been back for long." Rowan shrugged and pulled his sleeves back down.
"Alrigh' alrigh'. What'cha wanna do?" Cliff's thick Southern drawl rolled off his gruff voice. "I'm good with anythin', really."
"Um… it doesn't matter too much to me… I just know I'm not really supposed to be alone. We can watch TV if you want?"
"Yeah. Sure." Cliff sat down on the couch with a slight grunt, taking off his baseball hat for a moment to run his fingers through his choppy short hair. "You can choose, I don't really got a preference."
"Alright…" Rowan picked up the remote and turned on some random sports channel. He didn't particularly care about it, but he figured Cliff would like it.
Yeah, Rowan was right. Cliff was a big sports guy, and he was clearly interested as soon as he caught eye of the program.
Rowan yawned a bit and leaned back on the couch. He was idly watching the sports game, but he clearly wasn't too invested.
Cliff looked over. "You a fan of either of these teams?" He beckoned with his head back towards the TV screen.
"Uh…" Rowan looked up at the teams. "Which one are you rooting for?" He asked.
(I feel like at some point I should've asked where this takes place, lmao)
(Uhhh I have no idea lol. America in general is fine? I think any team can be on TV but I don't watch sports so I could be wrong)
(Alright and I only know football teams so we're just gonna go with that)
Cliff pointed to the screen. "'Bama. You?"
(Sure lol)
"Uh… yeah. That one." Rowan figured it would be best to just agree with Cliff. He didn't care much, so he might as well.
"Good-ass team, lemme tell ya." Cliff snorted. "I don't even get why people are Auburn fans anymore– they can't win jack shit."
"Mhmm. Auburn sure does suck." Rowan leaned back against the couch and idly watching the game. He spent most of his time trying to figure out which team was which.
"Fuck yeah they do." He laughed. "Fuckin' neighbor's an Auburn guy, wouldn't shut up about that damn win they got on us."
"Mm. Give him a piece of your mind." Rowan yawned a bit. By now, he was pretty sure which team was which based on watching who scored when Cliff cheered.
"Goddamn right I will." He nodded. Cliff adjusted his baseball cap, scratching his head while the brim was lifted. He barked out another cheer as they scored, clapping his hands.
Rowan eventually figured out what was going on, but he still didn't really care. "How long are these games, usually?" He asked.
"I'm thinkin' about that- an hour-ish? Hour'n a half? More ads'n a highway billboard, but I think the game's'n hour." Cliff shrugged. "We're already in second quarter, though."
Rowan nodded. "Alright, sounds good… how often do you watch these guys play?"
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