forum Boys will be boys (CLOSED MxM ROLEPLAY)(Stalkers welcomed and appreciated <3)
Started by @Fraust

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He came back maybe thirty seconds to a minute later, backpack slung over his shoulder as he dropped back onto the couch. The thing looked one loose paper away from bursting open. It probably hadn't been emptied or cleaned out in a long while.


"Uh… is that all homework…?" Rowan asked tentatively, looking at the bag. "Because if so, you've got a long night ahead of you."


"Nah. I just don't leave shit in my locker anymore." Damien pulled out a couple three-ring binders and a science textbook.


"Yeah. I can give you mine to copy if you want." Damien offered, already beginning to hunt down his work so he could start.


"Sure. I don't have the papers if there were worksheets, but I can do that with the loose-leaf stuff."


"Right, right." Damien began writing the vocab he was assigned. "You can dig around in my bag if you ever need somethin', sure you'll find whatever work you need in there."


"Mm." Rowan lay his head on Damien's shoulder to watch him do his homework. "Y'all miss me too much?"


Damien's free hand reached up to ruffle Rowan's hair. "'Course we did. First period P.E. just isn't the same." He joked, continuing to write. He had half a mind to just text a classmate and ask for the answers instead of doing all this work.


"Mm… I probably would've done something stupid and hurt myself again." Rowan laughed, smiling when Damien ruffled his hair.


"Knowing you? Yeah." He teased, setting down his pencil for a moment. "You missed a lot, though. I think I might have some really shitty notes in my backpack if you get really desperate to catch up."


Damien nodded, going back to copying down his vocab. "You should probably email all our teachers. Ask what you need."


"Sorry about not getting your work to you. I didn't really think about it." Damien shrugged. He shut his textbook, pulling out his other work.


"Don't worry about it." Rowan finished emailing his teachers after about twenty minutes and then sighed, laying his head back on Damien's shoulder.


Damien was leaning forward slightly so that he could write. Right about now was english homework. "I'm so tired of Ms Hunter giving us so many essay questions on our homework." He groaned.


"Yeah… feels like I've forgotten everything since I've been gone." Rowan laughed weakly and huddled close to Rowan.


"I think I'm just a dumbass, actually." Rowan smiled softly and closed his eyes, relaxing into Damien's touch.