Rowan soon dozed off in Damien's arms, smiling softly in his sleep. He seemed to be content and comfortable for now.
Rowan soon dozed off in Damien's arms, smiling softly in his sleep. He seemed to be content and comfortable for now.
Damien fell asleep as well, after shutting his laptop and pushing it away from them. This was possibly the most calm he had looked or felt in.. days, really. Maybe longer.
Rowan slept pretty well through the night, and he was still asleep when Damien awoke. He seemed to be exhausted from all the chaos of yesterday.
Damien pushed himself up, rubbing his eyes. He had evidently forgotten to shut his blinds again, judging by the soft stream of sunlight pouring through the window
Rowan whined softly and curled in on himself when Damien sat up, clearly unhappy that Damien's warmth had been wrenched from him. He yawned and stirred a bit, but remained asleep for now.
Damien shrugged his blanket off, draping the fluffy fabric over Rowan. He checked the time on his phone. 9:30, not too bad. He ran his fingers through his hair, which was a ridiculous mess: sticking up every which way and a couple tangles he could feel.
Rowan huddled into the blanket and settled down, seeming pretty content for now. He smiled softly in his sleep. His hair was almost as much of a mess as Damien's, but he didn't move as much in his sleep.
Damien got up, stripping off his shirt without a second thought and going to change. After all, he was perfectly comfortable changing in front of his friends- he had done it countless times before. Plus, Rowan was asleep, so it didn't really matter either way, right? He tugged on a baggy Nirvana shirt and baggier jeans, plopping down in front of the full-length mirror on his floor so he could try to sort his hair out.
Rowan slept through the whole process, but stirred shortly thereafter. "Mmmm…" He whined softly and opened his eyes, flushing lightly when Damien was the first thing he saw. Why the hell am I…? Whatever… He shook his head a bit to clear it, closing his eyes for a second before glancing up again. "Damian…?"
"Yo." Damien didn't look away from the mirror- he was working out a particularly aggressive tangle that required his full attention. "G'morning."
"G'morning…" Rowan yawned and sat up, running his fingers through his hair to smooth it out some. "What time is it?"
"9:30-ish." Damien set down his comb to look over. His hair had finally been semi-tamed. "Hungry?"
Rowan nodded. "As always, yeah… m'starving." He dragged himself out of bed and stretched, his back cracking loudly when he did. He picked up his crutches and fitted them under his arms.
"Yeah. I think we have cereal and leftover pizza, so you can take your pick there." Damien got up, grabbing a clip from the floor and clipping the front of his hair out of his face.
"Alright, cool. I'll probably just do cereal because it's less effort, honestly…" Rowan headed out into the hall, picking up his bag as he went.
"Yeah, sure. It's in the pantry." Damien came into the kitchen, pulling a ziploc bag of cold pizza from the fridge.
"Alright." Rowan went into the bathroom to change, doing so as quickly as possible and keeping himself focused on the task so he wouldn't be tempted to do anything. He soon came back out, tossed his bag back into Damien's room, and joined Damien in the kitchen.
Damien was sitting on the floor, eating pizza straight from the bag. Ginger was eyeing him like a hawk.
"You good?" Rowan laughed, carefully lowering himself down to the floor to sit beside Damien. "You could heat it up, you know."
"Huh? Oh- yeah. It's better cold, man. You can taste the microwave if you try to heat it up." Damien shook his head, breaking off a small piece of crust and forking it over to his cat. "Not worth the effort."
"Mm… I'll feed myself in a few minutes, then, because I just sat down and I have a feeling that getting up is gonna be a hassle."
"You can have this if you want it." Damien held up the ziploc, where three or four more pieces of that cold pizza still sat inside. "Otherwise I can get it, if you want."
"Sure." Rowan shrugged and pulled out a slice of pizza. He began idly chewing on it while he stared at the ground.
Damien made little kissy noises at Ginger, who seemed to be planning out the best way to tear the bag from his hands. "So. What time do you think Cliff is gonna show? I have to leave at 3:00."
"Um… I dunno. I'll have to check." Rowan pulled out his phone.
Damien is leaving at 3 btw
What time do you plan on heading over?
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