"Um… y-yeah, think so." Rowan drew in a wavering breath and kept carefully going up the stairs. Eventually, he managed to get up.
"Um… y-yeah, think so." Rowan drew in a wavering breath and kept carefully going up the stairs. Eventually, he managed to get up.
"Alright.. how long are you planning on staying at my place?" Damien let go of Rowan, though he still held his arm out for a few seconds just in case.
"I dunno… how long can I stay?" Rowan asked, looking back at Damien.
"Beats me. Until you're either better or my parents kick you out, I guess. Or me. Whoever goes first." Damien laughed, walking into Rowan's bedroom.
Rowan nodded, not seeming too reassured. "I think your parents like me, right…?" He followed Damien into his room.
"Yeah, they do. You don't gotta worry about that." Damien looked around. "So.. I'd say just pack shit you wear the most. Right?"
"Yeah… I'm pretty sure I've got a duffel bag or something in here." Rowan pulled open his closet and reached up for a bag on the top shelf.
"You got that, or do you want help?" Damien came up next to him, looking up at the bag.
"Uh… might be smarter if you helped. Can't quite reach it and I don't currently have the balance to get it." Rowan sighed and moved out of the way.
"Yeah." Damien reached up to snag the bag and pull it down, making sure nothing else came down along with it. "..Cool. Alright, guess we should get packing then."
Rowan nodded and thanked Damien quietly before heading around the room to grab clothes. He shoved everything he needed into the bag.
Damien moved to sit on Rowan's bed as he waited, petting Milo when the dog came in.
Rowan scratched behind Milo's ears for a few seconds before returning to his packing. Eventually, he managed to stuff a fair amount of clothes in his bag. "There… that should be fine. And we can always come back if it isn't."
"Yeah. True. You want me to carry that?" Damien beckoned towards the bag.
"Um… yeah, sure. We can bring Milo, right?" Rowan asked, looking up at Damien.
"Uhh- I mean.. I'd have to ask. Ginger doesn't do well with dogs." Damien patted his pockets to get his phone, but remembered he left it in the car. "Fuck. Okay- well, I mean- uh- maybe? It's, uh, not really up to me."
Rowan nodded a bit, hesitating. "I… uh… I-I guess we can leave him here for now, and ask your parents if we can bring him?"
"That's really the only thing we can do, right?" Damien stood up from the bed, smoothing out his untucked shirt.
Rowan nodded again. "Yeah… I just hate to leave him again so soon, you know?" He sighed softly.
"Yeah, I know." Damien sighed. "I get what you mean, but- yeah. I get it. We might be able to come back and get him later tonight if my parents say yes."
"Mmkay… we… we should probably go now, yeah?" Rowan asked softly. He glanced around his room with a quiet sigh. He wasn't sure whether or not he'd miss it yet.
"Yeah. Probably." Damien sighed softly. "Do you need to me to carry your bag? You need to hold your crutches, so.."
"Yeah, um… yeah. You should do that." Rowan headed towards the door carefully and pulled it open.
Damien grabbed Rowan's bag, helping him to the stairs. "We're just gonna drive back over to my house, since I gotta get the car over anywhere. You know?"
"Mmkay. Sounds good." Rowan slowly made his way down the stairs and got into the car once he made it outside.
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