Nix buried his face further in Derlik's chest and held tightly to him, still trembling for a while afterwards. "I-I don't wanna go back…"
Nix buried his face further in Derlik's chest and held tightly to him, still trembling for a while afterwards. "I-I don't wanna go back…"
"I… I know, sweetie…" Derlik held Nix close, doing what he could to comfort the cat.
Nix sniffled a bit and coughed, holding tighter to Derlik. "B-But I'm not allowed to stay or Mother will hurt us…"
"I… I know…" Derlik patted Nix's back, hugging him.
"We're going to be okay, Nix. He's not going to be able anywhere near you."
Nix nodded weakly and hiccuped again. "B-But he's— g-gonna— be in the same house…"
"I'll kick his ass out if I have to," Derlik said, holding Nix close.
"B-But you can't do that, can you?" Nix asked weakly, rubbing at his teary eyes a bit.
"You bet I will, if it's what it takes to make you happy." Derlik leaned forward, gently kissing Nix's head.
"But what if he gets mad and hurts you…?" Nix asked weakly.
"I'll kick his ass," Derlik assured Nix. "Serna and other gods would help me, too." It'd be a war.
"B-But… violence is bad, isn't it?" Nix asked nervously.
"It… it is," Derlik said softly. "But it's okay if you're doing it to protect your loved ones."
"I guess so…" Nix fidgeted a bit with his hands. "Violence has only ended badly in the past, though…"
Derlik nodded some, hugging Nix close.
"We'll make this work, Nix," he promised.
Nix nodded a bit as well and sighed shakily, curling up tighter. "I'm just… I-I'm worried it'll go really badly…"
"You've got several gods in your corner," Derlik said, holding Nix close. "We'll all be keeping you safe."
"Okay…" Nix buried his face in Derlik's shoulder, still obviously nervous. "I-I dunno how strong he is…"
"Not strong enough to stop us," Derlik assured. Even though no matter how weak Halm was, and strong Derlik was, he would always be able to beat Derlik.
"I guess that's good… I just hope I'll be able to stay away from him. Do you think we'll be allowed to leave at some point?"
"I hope so," Derlik said softly. He kissed Nix's forehead, holding him close.
"Mm…" Nix hiccuped again, still quivering. "I-I just wanna stay here…"
"I know, I know…" Derlik patted Nix's back when he hiccuped, kissing his head again.
"How much longer until we gotta go?" He asked weakly.
"A… a few hours," Derlik admitted. Nix had slept through dinner.
Nix sighed shakily. "O-Okay…" He fell quiet, trying to process everything that had to happen.
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