"Mm…" Nix huddled closer to Derlik. "Do you think she'll be back by tomorrow?"
"Mm…" Nix huddled closer to Derlik. "Do you think she'll be back by tomorrow?"
"I think she might be," Derlik agreed. No, she wouldn't, but he wanted to give Nix hope.
"Mm… hopefully she will. And hopefully her girlfriend is okay, if that's why she left."
"Hopefully." Derlik let out a breath. He'd have to tell Fale later to come help Serna.
"Mm… how long until we have to leave?" He asked in a weak, soft voice.
"Three… three hours," Derlik said softly. It was almost morning.
Nix nodded weakly, tightly gripping Derlik's shirt. "I… o-okay…"
Derlik held Nix close, kissing his head.
"We won't be able to fall back asleep, will we…"
"Probably not…" He huddled closer to Derlik, trembling a bit.
Derlik held Nix to himself, his hand moving to run through Nix's hair.
Nix leaned into Derlik's touch, trying to relax, but obviously still pretty distressed.
Derlik held his breath a moment, kissing Nix's head.
"I've got you…"
"Mmm…" Nix looked away, falling silent and planning to keep quiet until he had to leave.
Derlik fell quiet as well. He hugged Nix close, kissing his head.
Nix kept quiet until the sun rose, looking up weakly with dark circles under his eyes. "Mm…"
Derlik looked up slowly when he realized it was day in the dark caverns of the Underworld, letting out a breath.
"It's… time to go…"
Nix turned his ears back and buried his face in Derlik's chest, obviously not wanting to go in the slightest.
Derlik was silent, holding Nix close. Still, the god stood. He couldn't let Mother get mad at them.
Nix whimpered softly, starting to tremble a bit when Derlik picked him up. It was time. He couldn't put it off or ignore it anymore.
"I've got you…" Derlik was silent, holding Nix close.
"Should… s-should we wake up Cas and Zachary…?" He asked weakly.
"That's what I'm going to do," Derlik said, voice soft. He moved to the door, knocking on it to wake the two up.
"Okay…" Nix then fell silent. Cas stirred a bit when he heard the knocking on the door. "Mm…?"
"It's time to get going," Derlik said through the door. Zachary stirred, pressing closer to Cas.
"O-Oh…" Cas shook Zachary a bit to wake him. "Love, we gotta go…"
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