"Sounds good to me!" Nix purred contentedly as Derlik carried him around, curling his tail around the god's arm.
"Sounds good to me!" Nix purred contentedly as Derlik carried him around, curling his tail around the god's arm.
Derlik smiled, grabbing a can of the fish meat.
Nix eyed the can curiously as Derlik opened it, the tip of his tail twitching a bit.
Derlik moved to open the can, popping the lid off and offering a bit of tuna to Nix.
Nix ate it happily, his tail still twitching and his ears perking up. "Mm~"
Derlik chuckled some, moving to sit down on the couch. He took another chunk of tuna in thumb and forefinger, offering it to Nix.
"Tastes good?"
Nix nodded and kept eating the tuna, seeming pretty pleased with it. "When do you think the others will show up?"
"I'm not sure…" Serna still hadn't come out, which was… slightly worrying to Derlik. Still, he didn't say anything, just continuing to feed Nix.
"Should we go check on them?" Nix asked, continuing to eat the tuna whenever it was offered to him.
"Yeah… shall we check on Cas and Zachary or Serna first?" Derlik hummed, raising his second hand to ruffle Nix's hair lightly.
"Mmm… probably Miss Serna if it's unusual for her to sleep so late. It's pretty normal for Cas, so I'm not worried about him."
"Alright, then let's go check." Derlik set the tuna can down, lifting Nix back up into his arms securely and moving to head towards Serna's room.
Nix wrapped his arms around Derlik's neck and looked up as he opened the door. "Miss Serna?" He called out.
Nothing. The room was empty, no goddess in sight.
"Serna?" Derlik said, growing quite concerned now. He held Nix close, eyebrows lowering.
"Do you think she's down in her lab?" Nix asked softly, confused when he didn't see Serna.
"Maybe..?" Derlik turned, stepping out of the room to start heading to the lab.
Nix rested his head on Derlik's shoulder while he was carried along, hoping that Serna was just down in the lab.
Derlik made his way into the lab, hand on Nix's head.
"Serna..?" Nothing.
"Hm… where do you think she is?" Nix asked softly, looking around to see if there was anyone in the lab. "Do you think she went out?"
"I think she must have," Derlik said. He caught something out of the corner of his eye, in one of the lab's machines, that made his stomach do a flip. He turned some, so Nix wouldn't be able to see.
"Let's go check on Cas and Zachary then."
"Mmkay." Nix rested his head back on Derlik's shoulder and hummed softly as he was carried back out of the lab. "I'm sure they're fine."
Derlik carried Nix out of the room, careful not to let Nix see what was in the room. He didn't need to see Serna like that… The god closed the door, stepping out with Nix.
Nix yawned a bit as Derlik carried him back up the stairs. He knocked on Cas and Zachary's door when they came up to it. "Hello?"
Zachary shifted around in bed when he heard a knock at the door, pulling Cas closer.
"Oh, good. They're in there. Just checking on you!" Nix called back. "It's getting kinda late. You should probably eat something."
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