(You're welcome?)
Amyr looked at the contents of the chest, his face unamused. "I don't want to leave this room again," he whined. "I ain't tryna die out there." Though as much as he whined, he knew he did not have a choice in the matter, for if he didn't, he'd most likely die anyway.
He closed the chest again and walked back over to the safe to find that his solution was correct. He celebrated with a small fist pump and then grabbed the key out of the safe. "Backdoor?" he observed, "backdoor to what, I wonder."
"That's for me." Tori grinned, before the smile faded into a small frown. "I guess I've gotta go again… wish me luck." She took the key from Amyr before walking out the door. "I'll be back."
Amyr threw her a peace sign as she was walking out the door. "Good luck, Tori," he said. He proceeded to look around the room once again, though quite unsure of what to look for.
Tori entered the maze of hallways and took off into a sprint, still trying to be as quiet as possible. "I can do this. I can do this. I can do this." Tori started muttering under her breath as she ran through the mansion.
As Tori would approach the backdoor that led to the laboratory, the sounds of metal clashing could be heard down the hall. Yet it sounded relatively faraway… at least she had some time to use to unlock the door.
The Meeting Room wasn’t so different than what it used to look like. With Tori leaving and with only Amyr inside the room, the door boy returned.
He had a metallic tray in his hands. On it were what looked like cards. He placed them face down accordingly to how each of the guests were seated. Yet he didn’t say a word to Amyr and it didn’t look like he wanted to say anything.
Tori fished the key out of her pocket, and with shaking hands, barely managed to slide it into the keyhole and turn it.
"Please work, please work, please work."
The door became unlocked.
What hid behind the doors was a garden pathway, layered with roses of a scarlet color that led to the second building. Presumably, that was where Tori’s mission was to be taken place.
"This place is actually really nice," Tori mumbled to herself. "I'd stay here if I wasn't gonna die." Tori took off into a run to the second building.
“I'd stay here if I wasn't gonna die.”
(That’s actually my thought process when planning this whole place out, believe it or not)
The entrance to the second building was a bit more climactic than the first. There were prerecorded voice messages that played when Tori pushed the doors open: ”Greetings fellow guests…”.
Inside was… is this a science museum? The whole building, or at least a majority of it, acted like an exhibition hall for science fares, divided by floors; the first floor being HoS (History of Science), second being Chemistry, third being Physics, fourth being Biology, and fifth being Astronomy. The sixth and seventh floors were both unnamed yet they were open. There were two laboratories within the building; one on the second floor, and one of the fourth floor.
The Meeting Room wasn’t so different than what it used to look like. With Tori leaving and with only Amyr inside the room, the door boy returned.
He had a metallic tray in his hands. On it were what looked like cards. He placed them face down accordingly to how each of the guests were seated. Yet he didn’t say a word to Amyr and it didn’t look like he wanted to say anything.
Amyr looked the door boy in the eye for a moment, as if he wanted to say something, though he had a feeling that the door boy was not going to answer. He looked at the cards on the table for a quick moment, then asked the door boy a question. "How did you end up in this place?" he inquired. "This place full of psychopathic murders and even crazier potential survivors?"
"Woah.." Tori gazed in awe at the museum, before snapping back to reality. "I gotta find whatever's in here. And the note said somebody else is in here." Tori looked up. "I'll start with those laboratories." Tori climbed the stairs to the second floor, and entered the laboratory.
The door boy stood silently for a moment before lowering his tray and speaking…
”My sister’s in this society and pressured me into it… as I don’t believe in their… beliefs, I went on to become the only sane person here… well, maybe as well as the Librarian during daytime. Anyways, dinner will be ready at 5 PM…” he ended as he motioned towards the door.
”One more thing—“ he said as he turned the knob on the door ”—if today was a bit tough for you. Tonight and the days onward would be even more challenging as some of them would team up on you. Please stay safe…” he opened the door ”… I don’t want to bury another four bodies in the backyard” with that, he exited and closed the door on his way out.
The laboratory on the second floor was clean, that was one thing, and very neat. The floors were white, tables were cleaned, minimum to no stains at all, and the skeleton that represented that of those in high school biology classrooms? Yeah, that was probably someone’s pile of unused bones. Footsteps can be heard, echoing from outside the lab. As the lights were on originally, all Tori needed to do was hide it seemed.
Tori looked around the room wildly, searching for a hiding place. She dove under a table, hoping that woule provide enough cover.
The person, or… persons, who entered the room looked intellectual. Precisely, there were two people who entered the room. They both wore gas masks and both wearing lab coats. They looked almost identical. Except for their height differences which was around a foot.
”Did Chemist clean this lab?” the taller one asked, glancing around.
”Apparently so. The unusable bloodstains did get nasty after a while…“ the shorter one answered.
”Good. At least it’s clean and all…”
”Hey, you think we’re gonna get a kill today? I heard the door opened a little bit ago”
The taller one chuckled a bit.
”Not sure. But if we do…” his voice merely represented that of the devil ”…I’ll make sure that their corpse would be sliced to the bone” he answered with a maniacal giggle.
”RIGHT?!” he shouted aloud, as if he wanted to scare the living hell out of someone.
Tori jumped at the shout, but stayed quiet under her table. She was shaking uncontrollably, but she stayed as still as she could.
Amyr blinked at the door boy's words as he walked out. 'Society?' 'Team up on me?' What the fuck? Why me? he thought. He sighed loudly and leaned back in a chair, his eyes trained on the ceiling above. He began thinking about what he could possibly do in future days to protect himself. He had only gotten lucky since the Musician had decided to spare him and that man in the black coat decided not to follow him upstairs. He was nearly certain that his luck was running out. But he had decided that he'd rather not think about it. The stress would ruin him when he had to leave the room at 3 PM and it would ruin his appetite for dinner too.
517 did not have much to be talked about except for the pistol that was inside the room. Of course, as the note would’ve said, this needed to be used with much care otherwise it won’t be as useful as it should be.
Jesse picked up the pistol, hastily grabbing it and hurrying out of the room and down the hall. He was not eager to be chased by something again, so he tried to get to the meeting room as fast as he could.
(I’ll be replying in a bit, my friends wanted to talk a bit)
(It's all good. Friends are important (: )
The book was… almost unreadable. A lot of the words were cryptic and some were hard to understand directly. Some pages didn’t really have words, they were just random scrambles of words. The book did have two hundred and seventy-nine pages so at least one of them might make sense.
”I did see one of my colleague come in the night before… he went down that aisle…” the Librarian walked past Taran, his hook dangling as he did. He pointed down an aisle were the lights were flickering. Well, one of the aisles where the lights were flickering, that is.
”Might be there…”
Taran closed the book. The weird symbols were swimming before her eyes, and when she closed her eyelids, they floated through her brain. She blinked, and they faded slightly. She stuck the book under her arm and pushed herself to her feet, glancing in the direction the Librarian had pointed in, to the aisle with the flickering lights.
She snorted. "Of course it would be flickering and creepy." She waved to the Librarian. "Thanks for your help!" With that, she turned and walked between the shelves, scanning the books for anything interesting.
(I’ll sneak one reply here real quick)
”Don’t be ridiculous. No one would be stupid enough to hide in our lab…” the shorter scientist mentioned as the taller one hissed aggressively before leaving the lab together. They can be seen going downstairs.
[ 3:00 PM ]
The hall Jesse went down had a fear he might not have been expecting. The feminine figure who stood outside the window of room 513 was standing in the hallway with her bloody blade in front of her. She gave Jesse a smile before raising her blade and charging at him. Even though she wasn’t as quick as some of the other members, her weapon was clearly more aggressive than most.
”You’re welcome…” the Librarian mentioned, continuing on his own business.
The shelves of books Taran would come across had books of all ages; ancient, old, new, ‘brand-new’ and so on. There was a small box in front of one of the books. It looked like a wooden box which was colored with some sort of orange color.
Tori took this chance to run out of the lab and rush to the fourth floor lab, being as silent as she could.
(Shame on you!)
Taran let her eyes flick over the other books, before she shook her head. The box caught her eye, and she knelt down to check it out. It was interesting. She had never seen wood that color before. She moved to lift the lid, setting down her heavy book on the ground to do so better.
“Oh hell no,” Jesse muttered under his breath, sprinting the other way. He had the pistol in his hand, but he didn’t want to use it just yet. He had to be strategic. It didn’t help that he’d only shot a gun once or twice before, so he wasn’t exactly the best choice to try and shoot one now. He just hoped that he could outrun the woman, maybe lose her in the maze of hallways. Or maybe she just wouldn’t follow him into the meeting room? That was probably just wishful thinking on his part.