@Anemone eco
(I just have to wait I guess lol)
(I just have to wait I guess lol)
Jesse glanced over at the darkness nervously. He could take the documents with him? He figured that the creepy guys in charge of this wouldn’t like that, so he decided to at least see what was on the documents first. Jesse first looked at the gray pile, skimming through the documents quietly.
(Well, for you, I suppose XD. Well… you could explore a bit while waiting for that time to come)
(True true)
However so quickly did Jesse look through the pile of gray documents, he could not have looked at everything thoroughly. Which was why the notebook was there. It was for him to make notes of what he felt was important.
The documents within the gray pile consisted of literature reviews, biographies of certain artists and musicians like the previously mentioned Vincent Van Gogh and Gustav Mahler, some pictures of animals and fruits which weren’t exactly common in their part of the world including animals like siamese cats, shiba inus, and fruits like dragonfruit, durian, mangosteen, and so on, and documents detailing reviews of some people’s mental illnesses.
Amyr looked around the place, his footsteps echoing through the hauntingly empty corridors. Dust rose at his feet as he put one foot after the other, only to bow back to the floor mundanely. The wallpaper of the place was pretty much nothing but paper curls. The only thing keeping them all from falling were baseboards and vintage paintings. They all seemed to be put up years upon years ago. That's what he found strange. Why was someone in such an old, worn-down mansion in the first place? How did they even find it? And most importantly, how did no one know this person was here? This person was threatening lives and authorities managed not to know? He found it quite intriguing.
Amyr’s first look around the mansion may have been cut short when after some time, his footsteps weren’t the only ones that were making sounds. There was someone else’s and it seemed like they were approaching him from behind. Yet, they weren’t so close just yet and with the mansion being only semi-lit, it was likely that Amyr wasn’t seen just yet by whoever was following him.
Though… it was weird how the footsteps of two people, four feet combined, managed to make five distinctly different sounds when touching the carpets.
"I know a little bit of Roman numerals," Tori thought aloud, "If I use process of elimination, then maybe.." She ran back to the vase, pulling a pen out of her back pocket. Tori pulled the envelope from the letter out of her other pocket, and wrote down the Roman numerals on the vase, repeating them out loud to herself. "VIICCLXVI."
Tori could remember that I is 1, V is 5, X is 10, and L is 50. "VII is 7, so that eliminates everything except for…" Tori glanced back at the newspapers. "7213 and 7266. VI is 6, so it ends with a 6. So it must be 7266." Tori finished her statement triumphantly.
(That… also works XD)
The newspaper with the numbers 7266 had the headline of ”’Hero in Armor’ Decapitated in Honor”. The rest of the newspaper was stained, redacted, removed, cut, and was down right unable to be read. It seemed like the headline had some sort of significance, otherwise it wouldn’t have been this hard to figure out.
Tori studied the headline of the newspaper. "Hero in armor… It must have to do with the suit of armor! This would be fun if not for the impending threat of death, I guess." Tori walked over to the suit of armor to get a better look.
Though hard to spot, there seemed to be something inside the Knight armor’s helm. It looked like a taped piece of folded paper. The helm could be easily removed it looked like as it wasn’t locked onto the armor that tightly. Certainly, it had something to do with the escaping part or perhaps some help in the future.
However so quickly did Jesse look through the pile of gray documents, he could not have looked at everything thoroughly. Which was why the notebook was there. It was for him to make notes of what he felt was important.
The documents within the gray pile consisted of literature reviews, biographies of certain artists and musicians like the previously mentioned Vincent Van Gogh and Gustav Mahler, some pictures of animals and fruits which weren’t exactly common in their part of the world including animals like siamese cats, shiba inus, and fruits like dragonfruit, durian, mangosteen, and so on, and documents detailing reviews of some people’s mental illnesses.
Jesse bit his lip in thought, noticing a few of the words that had to do with the stuff in the last room. It occurred to him that this place was just like one of those escape rooms his friend Alex was so fond of. He tried to focus once more, and noticing the notebook, thought it might be easier to write down important information than to read everything or bring the documents with him. He scribbled down some things about Van Gogh and Mahler as well as any information that seemed like it would be useful before moving onto the next stack of documents—black.
With some difficulty, Tori managed to remove the helm from the rest of the suit of armor. After lowering it gently to the ground, she took out the piece of paper and unfolded it.
Before he was able to pay his attention to the black pile of documents, the sound of metal scrapping each other came from the other side of the ballroom. It came from the shadows. The sound was followed by the sound of some footsteps which did not seem like it came in peace. There wasn’t a lot of places where Jesse could hide. One of the only places being under the table, another would be the metal locker on the far right of the room but that would be quite… ridiculous.
Amyr’s first look around the mansion may have been cut short when after some time, his footsteps weren’t the only ones that were making sounds. There was someone else’s and it seemed like they were approaching him from behind. Yet, they weren’t so close just yet and with the mansion being only semi-lit, it was likely that Amyr wasn’t seen just yet by whoever was following him.
Though… it was weird how the footsteps of two people, four feet combined, managed to make five distinctly different sounds when touching the carpets.
Amyr stopped as he heard another sound that was not his own footsteps. He looked behind him, however, not calling out. He stood there for a moment watching the space behind him, wondering if he could maybe see anything. He leaned forward a little, listening carefully to everything going on in the hall. The positioning in his legs changed slightly, prepared to turn tail and run if necessary.
Oh god… Jesse thought nervously. Here comes the thing that will probably kill me if I don’t hide in the next few seconds. Under the table was surely the first place the person would check, as it was the most obvious hiding place. The metal locker didn’t look very comfortable, but what was comfort in a matter of survival? Jesse quickly tucked the notebook with his notes into his waistband and made a break for the metal locker. He was quiet, thankfully, but his own heartbeat sounded like a drum in his ears, and once he was inside the metal locker he left the door open the slightest bit so he didn’t suffocate. He was actually quite adept at taking things apart and picking locks, but he didn’t want to risk shutting the door, especially if this person was about for more than a minute or two. He just hoped that they wouldn’t notice that the door wasn’t quite shut.
The maker of the sound showed himself at the other end of the hall, being a tall man in a black coat and a hat which fully covers his face in the shadows. He held a cane which shined a golden color when exposed to light. He turned to the hallway where Amyr was and repositioned his cane. He stood silently for a bit before he started sprinting after Amyr who was at a decent distance away from him. However, the man’s speed was not one that can be looked down upon.
The figure that peered out of the shadows was a skinny lad with a burnt face, a mouth that has been stitched shut, and metal claws instead of fingers. He clashed the metallic claws together, making that metal clanging sound. Looking around for a bit, the eyes of the member were locked on the locker for a bit before he returned to the darkness. Another, not so important, thing about the member was his extremely bad posture, standing and walking with his back bent down a lot more than it should.
After scanning the paper, Tori folded it and put it in her pocket along with the first letter. She walked over to the spot where the wallpaper was torn, and crouched down to get a better look.
[ 2:15 PM ]
What was behind the wallpaper was a locked safe which required an eight-digit code to open. It had the letters imprinted onto it… but it was sadly too hard to read. It did look like there were three letters though. At least that could be of some help.
After the metal sound had faded back to the eerie quiet, Jesse peeked through the small gap of light from the locker, widening it just enough to make sure that no one was there before creeping out and putting the door in the same position it had been. He hurried back to the desk, determined to finish writing down information before the person appeared a second time. He wrote quicker this time as he perused the black stack of documents, hastily penning down only the most important of details. Thankfully, he was a fast reader.
The fear factor had truly kicked in. Amyr had completely ignored typical the 'fight or flight' scenario. He just froze. He tried his damnedest to get his legs to move and after some time, succeeded, but the man had already covered a frightening amount of ground.
He looked at his phone for a split-second for the time. 2:15 PM He had to complete the contents of his letter. Though he also had to figure out a way to get out of the situation. In an attempt to slow down the man's pursuit of him, Amyr removed a large painting from the wall and threw it onto the hall floor. The frame broke and spread across the hallway in all sorts of directions. Making some sort of obstacles.
He took this opportunity to run for the hills and try to complete his mission and escape from the threat behind him.
The black documents consisted of…
Pictures of playing cards,
Rules on how to play games like chess and poker,
Reports on some mass murders that have happened in the past,
Recipes for making fusion food and desserts,
Names and pictures of famous music instruments around the world,
And the periodic table. For some reason.
The white folder of documents was the least clustered. Only filled with…
Research articles on immortality,
Cosplaying arts,
Performance arts articles,
Pictures of paintings which looked like it have been done by three or four-year-olds,
A collage of corpses, all were taken within the parameters of the mansion.
Jesse wrinkled his nose when he got to the part about corpses, but he wasn’t the type to get grossed out easily so he continued writing everything that he could. Once he was satisfied with the information, he took a few photos that could be of some use, folded them inside the notebook, and then shut it. He listened for any noise before moving as quickly and quietly as he could out of the ballroom.
When Amyr reached the rooftop, five stories up, he was sure to be out of breath. It seemed like the tall man did not follow him up though. As the contents said in the letter assigned to Amyr, there was indeed a suitcase on the rooftop. It was not locked, it was just waiting for someone to open it.
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