Two of the scientists was on the second floor, running past the stairs and towards the laboratory as another set of two dashed down the stairs from the sixth floor. The one scientist from the fourth floor woke up and dashed down the stairs and was the first to notice Tori. With that, he got his walkie-talkie and spoke into it.
The locker became, well, unlocked. Inside was a photo gallery with the words Members’ Gallery on the cover. The Librarian, being the taller one, picked it up for Taran and handed it to her.
”It’s yours to keep. You were the one who found the key after all” he assured.
Tori kept running, although she was panicked. She made it down to the first floor, and pushed the door open, sprinting back into the mansion.
(How do you know? Have you met her XD?)
"O-okay," Taran said, looking at the photo album in dismay. She shifted her arms to pick up the album as well, stacking her two books in her arms and pulling the key from the locker. "Is there any sort of bag around here?" She asked, looking around. "I don't want to haul these around all day."
When Tori entered the mansion, she would come across a female who held a long blood-stained blade. She shot Tori an eye, grinning before she started running towards her.
(I don’t know, I haven’t gotten the chance to know her enough I think XD)
”Actually… I do have one…” the Librarian moved to his counter and got out a spare backpack.
”This should work” he showed the backpack to Taran, one that was in good shape and was a dark grayish color.
(No you haven't… she and I have decided that we are going to rule the world some day, so you should start listening to us now XD)
"Thank you," she said, slipping her two books inside the bag and slinging it over her shoulder, sticking the key in her pocket and glancing in the locker to see if there was anything else in there. "I might check out the weird corpse aisle," she said, almost to herself. "By the way, do you have a name?"
The man nodded slightly, raising his index to indicate one point.
”Only one color, but not one size,
Stuck at the bottom, yet easily flies.
Present in sun, but not in rain,
Doing no harm, and feeling no pain.
What am I?” the man continued.
Amyr thought for a moment, scratching no answer from his brain. He only knew so many riddles and that one happened not to be one. As much as he searched rigorously for an answer, nothing came up. He had no choice but to try and guess or just give up. He laughed slightly before shrugging it off. "I've got nothin'," he said, looking the man in front of him in the eyes.
"Oh, hell no I'm not," Tori muttered under her breath. She kept running, and as the female approached, Tori stepped out of her way and picked up speed.
[ 3:15 PM ]
”People call me ‘The Librarian’ or if you do need a name, Libra works” he answered before nodding.
”The library closes at 6:30 PM and open at 7 AM, just so you know” he mentioned as he went back to his counter, rearranging somethings.
(Answer : A Shadow)
The man nodded, not raising another finger to signify that he answered incorrectly.
”I am something people love or hate. I change peoples appearances and thoughts. If a person takes care of them self I will go up even higher. To some people I will fool them. To others I am a mystery. Some people might want to try and hide me but I will show. No matter how hard people try I will Never go down. What am I?”
The female figurine followed and… slipped, falling face first onto the floor and letting down a small groan. This was a moment for Tori to make the run for it. Namely to the Meeting Room.
"Time to go." Tori sprinted back down the halls back to the meeting room, holding the chest close to her.
"What time is it, anyway?" Taran asked, shutting the locker and heading back for the aisle with the flickering lights, where she had found the body parts. "My phone doesn't work, so I can't see the time."
Amyr answered this one rather quickly. He had a friend tell it to him sometime after he told them about his gerascophobia. "Age," he answered flat and monotone, though he was slightly fearful that he might've gotten it wrong.
Inside the meeting room, Tori would find door boy and Jesse inside.
The door boy poured a cup of tea for her and set it on the table in front of her seat.
”Welcome back…” he greeted.
”3:15” the Librarian answered aloud, looking at his watch.
”Oh yeah, if you see a cat walking around, tell me” the man mentioned, working on some documents by the counter.
"Thank.. you.." Tori was out of breath. "Oh, Jesse. Hey." Tori set the chest down on the table and slouched in her seat, reaching for her cup of tea. She blew some steam off of the tea before taking a sip.
The man in front of Amyr gave him a look of disappointment that quickly changed into a loom of approval as another finger was raised.
”I disappear as soon as my name is called. What am I?” this one was short and made the Bartender smirk. He seemed to know the answer.
"A cat?" Taran blinked, but looked along the shelves, to see if there was anything that caught her eye. If she wasn't in trouble, and looking for something that could be helpful, she wouldn't be in a place like this. The books were too old and worn and boring-looking.
(I'm about to feel real stupid if I got this one wrong XD)
Amyr was pretty sure he knew that one. It seemed like more of a common one that'd gone around a lot. "Silence," he answered quickly, his eyes not wavering from the man in front of him.
(lmao oops i forgot to make him decide while i was procrastinating my math hw)
“Tori, hi!” he responded, eyes widening for a moment when he saw her before feeling sheepish. Okay, so he definitely didn’t help her at all, maybe he could still help one of the others? At least Tori was safe now, probably. “Been running from someone who was trying to kill you?”
"Like… five people, yeah. But at least I got something out of it." Tori stood up and opened the chest on the table.
“Damn, five people at once,” Jesse responded. “Now I feel like a slacker.” He finally set the gun down on the table and took a sip of tea.
As Taran made her way around the shelves she would come across a Persian cat with the tag Librarian’s around its neck. It gave Taran a purr as it backed away from her.
The man nodded and finally smiled, raising another finger.
”Last one, good luck—“ he took a quick breather…
”I belong to you, but everyone else uses it. What am I?”
The chest definitely had something inside though it was hard to say. It wasn’t heavy, that was one thing but it sounded like it took up a lot of space horizontally.
”Dinner will be served at 5” the door boy told Tori as she made herself comfortable.
"Well, I found the cat." Taran knelt down and reached out to the cat, to pet it, until it backed away. "Should I follow you?" She wondered out loud, taking a step toward the creature.
The creature hissed a bit before it jumped at Taran and… licking the shit out of her neck. The cat gave a happy purr as it did. The Librarian came to the aisle and saw what the cat was doing.
”He seems to like you” the Librarian giggled a bit.
(It’s 2:34 AM in Thailand and I’m more than active at this hour. Insomnia is hitting yo’ boi hard :D)
(Go. To. Sleep! I've already sent Rachel after you, and that did nothing, and we're all telling you to go to sleep. I know Notebook is addicting, but you need to go to sleep.)
Taran jumped when that happened, but soon started giggling. She pet the cat and glanced at the Librarian. "What an interesting cat," she said with a laugh.
(I'm getting TSL vibes…)