(^^ you need some rest)
(^^ you need some rest)
(pouts Fine. I’ll try to sleep but that probably won’t be successful)
(Good. Thank you. I'll stop bothering you, now… until you stay up too late again!)
(good night!)
(Then prepare to scold me again tomorrow night because that will most likely happen again. HAHAHAHAH!!!! cya ppl owo)
(Bye, Kun.)
(You know what… throws hands in air I give up. When she gets back, I might tell Co- nevermind, she probably does the same thing.)
(I mean, I do the same thing and I'm advocating for his sleep)
(So do I, but we don't need to talk about that right now. Y'all need sleep more than I do.)
(Poppycock. I don't really need sleep to function.)
(Exactly! Who needs sleep?)
(Psssh. Not I!)
(Me neither! Sleep is for the weak and for our friends!)
(Quick Update : I’ve woken up and apparently I was able to sleep that 4 AM despite going to sleep at 2:30. Which… I mean… it’s fine. I guess)
(Yes, TSL references are everywhere Hannah XD)
”He is weird” the Librarian agreed as he picked the cat up, followed by the cat purring at him and jumping onto his head.
”God damnit, why won’t you act like a normal cat for one day…” the Librarian complained in a playful tone. Clearly that was a joke. Clearly.
The man nodded and finally smiled, raising another finger.
”Last one, good luck—“ he took a quick breather…
”I belong to you, but everyone else uses it. What am I?”
(I'm using my brain on all of these, so if I'm wrong I swear-)
Amyr tossed the riddle around in his head for a moment. He'd never heard that one before, so guessing was his best option there. After a few moments of no speaking, jazz just playing softly in the background, he spoke up. "My name?" he guessed. It was a bit of a swing, but it felt right at the very least.
The man sighed as another finger was raised.
”You passed the test, congrats.” the man turned to the Bartender as the Bartender nodded, getting out a small box with a note on the lid.
The Bartender walked to Amyr and set the box down in front of him. The note on the lid reads…
End of Day 1 Afternoon and Evening Mission
”This is for you to keep” the Bartender mentioned, before extending his hand to Amyr.
”The deck of cards and the Knight, I’m told you were the one who found it. Right?”
Amyr looked at the Bartender's extended hand, unsure if he should shake it or what. He decided to take the hand in front of him, grasping it firmly and giving it an awkward shake. He let go quickly and responded to the question. "Yes, I did find them. Why do you ask?" he said, cocking his head slightly to the right.
The man across from Amyr cringed when he shook the Bartender’s hand but decided to not show it.
”Well, could I have it back?” the Bartender asked after retracting his hand back to his side.
”It belonged to the casino but it did go missing a while ago”
He opened the chest that he took with him for defense. He pulled out the cards and the knight and handed them to the Bartender. "Here you go," he said. He sat for a moment in silence and then spoke again. "What would've happened if I didn't pass the test?" he inquired.
(Yes, TSL references are everywhere Hannah XD)
”He is weird” the Librarian agreed as he picked the cat up, followed by the cat purring at him and jumping onto his head.
”God damnit, why won’t you act like a normal cat for one day…” the Librarian complained in a playful tone. Clearly that was a joke. Clearly.
(Good. If there's weren't, I would be sad.)
"Because where would the fun in that be? Can you really imagine any cat being normal?" Taran asked, grinning at the two.
”You wouldn’t get the box, simple as that. But as we—“ the Bartender motioned to himself and the man across Amyr ”—are not so merciless in working hours… he would’ve provided you another set of riddles and let you try again” the Bartender answered as the man across Amyr nodded in agreement to what he said.
”I suppose that’s true…” the Librarian eventually agreed with what Taran said. The cat soon jumped down from the Librarian’s head and to Taran’s head, clinging onto her neck and meowing aloud.
The Librarian gave himself a facepalm and quickly gave a sigh.
"Aww, that's very sweet of you,' Amyr said, though his words not quite matching up with his tone of voice. He stood up, lifting the chest off the table and keeping it close to him. He began walking towards the exit of the place, before stopping abruptly and turning back around. "But before I leave," he started, "where is my drink?" He titled his head slightly in question. "Or do I not get one?"
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