@CasiCasino group
”You still want what you ordered initially? Or would you like something a bit more refreshing?” the Bartender asked as he went back to his counter. He began wiping the brewing glasses, as he would.
”You still want what you ordered initially? Or would you like something a bit more refreshing?” the Bartender asked as he went back to his counter. He began wiping the brewing glasses, as he would.
"I'll take the poison," he said blandly. He leaned against the doorway of the place and looked around. Everything seemed cleaner in there than everywhere else he'd seen so far in the mansion. He began reflecting back to the Bartender's early words. "Also, if you say you're not so merciless in working hours, what do you do in non-working hours?" he inquired.
The Bartender was starting his little show when the question was shot at him.
”Oh, you know, scaring the living hell out of people who wander—“ he threw the cocktail shaker above him and caught it behind his back before he continued shaking it ”—around randomly at night” he finished answering as he began decorating the glass to which he set down atop the counter.
”And unfortunately, this is the closest thing we have to poison as we don’t have access to those things” he poured the liquid that was in the cocktail shaker which was a green, sparkling liquid.
"Interesting," Amyr said, walking over to the counter and grabbing the drink, taking a small sip. The drink was kinda strong, but that wasn't something he had any objection to. He wasn't really a light drinker anyway. "Well, thanks," he said, finishing off the drink and placing the glass gently back onto the counter. "I'll be sure not to wander around here at night." With that, he walked out of the bar & casino, chest in hand, and began making his way back to the Meeting Room.
As Amyr would wander down the stairs to the second floor, the sound of piano music can be heard quite clearly. However, as soon as Amyr stepped onto that specific floor, the music stopped. What followed was the sound of some doors sliding with a lot of force and the rapid sound of someone running, getting closer to where Amyr came down from.
The stairs to the first floor wasn’t exactly close… that was indeed a problem.
Amyr let out a quiet curse as he heard footsteps. He looked left and right, unsure of what to do. Last time he had to fight for his freedom, but he wasn't so sure how it was going to work out if he tried again. Whoever was playing the piano, most likely the Musician, knew he was there, so he'd probably search of Amyr if he hid. But Amyr knew there was no way to outrun the man, but he hadn't brought a weapon with him. All he had were a chest and a little skill in hand to hand combat, but he was so sure how those would fair against whatever the Musician had, if anything at all.
He began backing up towards the stairs he'd come down so recently, unsure whether to make a break and run up them or stand his ground.
As Amyr guessed, the Musician can be spotted just across the hall, facing a different direction from where Amyr was. The man then headed in said direction, making the footsteps a bit softer than they were when he first exited the Music Room. However, the direction he was headed was a risky one as there were two stairs down to the first floor; one of which was where the Musician was headed. The other was on the other side of the same hall.
If Amyr would follow the Musician, he would have to be unnaturally sneaky. If he chose the other stairs, he would have to make a run for his life.
Taran laughed. She pet the cat and turned to the Librarian. "Well, I should probably go look for… well, whatever I'm supposed to be looking for." She shifted the weight of the backpack onto her other shoulder, looking up at the massive bookshelves. She made a face at the task ahead of her. This would take a while.
(Yes. Sleep. Now.)
(Hmpf. Fineeeeeeeeeee—)
(Thank you!)
Of course, Amyr had little faith in his running abilities in comparison to those of the Musician. So he decided to follow the other, making his footsteps and light as possible, though deciding not to crouth due to the risk of falling. He genuinely had no clue what he was going to do if the Musician turned around, so all he could do was hope that the other didn't so long as he was trailing him.
[ 3:45 PM ]
”Good luck with that,” the Librarian said before getting absolutely beaten by the cat. The feline licked the living hell out of the Librarian, quite a rare scene to see in such a place.
The bookshelves that towered above Taran was proven to be quite intimidating as if one had fallen, it would most likely kill Taran immediately. As she moved deeper into the Library and no longer within the view of the Librarian, the sound of another set of footsteps can be heard. Another sound was also coming from the same direction… sounded like someone was dragging something extremely heavy as they walked.
The worst scenario did happen.
The Musician turned around as his eyes met that of Amyr. However, it did seem like he noticed Amyr’s existence beside him just yet. The Musician just turned back towards the stairs and continued walking. Maybe he was actually blind, maybe he wasn’t. It was hard to see at this point.
Amyr froze in place for a moment as the Musician turned and faced him, though thoroughly surprised to not have a swing taken at him. He cocked his head slightly, his long, black hair swaying with it. He decided to not dwell too much on it, but fall a little further behind in case it happened again and the Musician did attack. He had nothing to defend himself with except for the chest he'd received from the casino. He'd left the revolver in the Meeting Room, so it proved to be of no use in the situation, though really nothing seemed of use with the guy in front of him around. Hell, it made him feeling like he'd already been defeated by just breathing.
Eventually, both the Musician and Amyr would come in front of the stairs. The Musician turned towards the hallways as if blocking anyone from going down the stairs…
Though he was off-centered. Very much off-centered. There was more than enough space for Amyr to go down the stairs.
"Thanks for the luck," Taran said, amused. "I'll need it." She passed out of earshot of the Librarian… just as the footsteps started. She froze and looked around. She was more cautious than scared, but it was still better to be wary. Looking around, there wasn't really anywhere to hide, so now she had to face whatever was coming. Shrugging, she shouldered her bag and kept walking.
(Ack, sorry I kinda forgot about this for a while lol)
Tori opened the chest, peering inside. She was preparing for the worst, although the note said the contents would be useful.
As Taran would walk deeper into the place, a figure can be spotted yet it was hard to establish their features as where they stood, the light wasn’t shining as bright as other parts of the Library. What can be seen, though, is the large hammer the person had in their right hand and the large bag they dragged with their left hand. They can be seen turning to Taran and though it was hard to see at first, they were smiling.
Inside the chest were two syringes with a small paper note which reads…
”This is a type of anesthetic. You can inject it into someone and make them fall unconscious for fifteen minutes, exactly”
"Anesthetic.. That could be useful eventually…" Tori closed the chest to save it for later. Turning to Jesse, she asked, "What did you learn about this crazy place?"
“That everyone here wants to kill us,” he replied, running a hand through his hair. “Not exactly my idea of a fun vacation, but to each their own, I guess. Also I got that gun.” He gestured to the gun he had left on the table by his hand. “What about you?”
"Not much, there's a creepy museum out back, and that's about it." Tori sighed. "I'm so tired."
“Ugh, same,” Jesse responded. “Do you think we’ll have in sleep in shifts or something? You know, so we don’t get murdered in the middle of the night or something.”
Amyr decided to dare and sneak past the man through the large opening he'd left. It felt like a trap, but he was more than ready to fall for it if it was one. He took long strides, trying to be as quiet as possible especially when he was directly next to the Musician.
The door boy heard their question to which he turned to answer, simply with the words…
”Depends on how well you handle your mission tonight”
The Musician turned a bit but did not stick his hand out to block Amyr. Perhaps he was clearly blind just really sensitive to sounds. From there, Amyr could sneak his way down to the first floor it seems…
The sounds of metal clanking can be heard near the stairs but not exactly beside the stairs.
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