"I'm sorry," Oci whispered. Marco was probably feeling terrible right now, and… there was probably nothing Oci could do about it. And he hated that. He wanted to do something to make Marco feel better, but he had no idea what to do.
Marco nodded, carefully moving away and shifting back, wiping away small tears as he hugged himself tightly.
Oci sighed sadly. "Do… do you need a hug or something?" He asked hesitantly, his own heart tugging at Marco's sadness. "I… Is there anything I can do?"
"i.. I could use a hug…" he whispered, not sure of anything, including the reason he was crying.
"Alright." Oci scooted closer to Marco and wrapped his good arm around him. He wanted to use both, but at the same time, it would probably disturb the bandage, and he wanted to get healed as soon as possible. One would have to do.
Marco pressed into him quietly, not realizing that he was trembling under the other's grasp.
Oci let out a long breath and wrapped his other arm around Marco, ignoring the twinge of pain it caused. He was going to do anything– well, almost anything– to make sure that Marco was safe and happy. And right now… well, he was probably neither. Without thinking, Oci leaned over and gently kissed Marco on the head.
Marco didn't even notice, having pressed himself into the other's side, crying again quietly.
Oci kissed him on the head again, then leaned his head slightly against Marco. "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" He whispered, his hand tracing gentle circles on Marco's back.
Marco shook his head, "I don't think so…" he said quietly.
"Okay." Oci nodded slightly and continued to hold Marco close. "Just so you know, I'm going to be going out later to get some more food. You can come, if you want, but you don't have to."
Marco nodded, "kay…" he mumbled.
"Hmm…" Oci sat there a little longer with his arms around Marco, then let go. "I'm going to go now, before it gets too late. And… Sorry, but I have to know… are you going to be staying with me, or going off on your own? I just need to know… because that way I won't get too much food." The last part of the sentence was a lie. He wanted to know so he wouldn't have any hope that would get crushed.
"I'm gonna stick around.. if you'll let me…" said Marco softly, pulling away so the other could move.
"You are? Wonderful!" Oci tried not to smile too much, but he wasn't sure he was totally successful. "I'll, uh, get enough food for the both of us. Is there anything specific you want?" He asked, hopping off the counter and turning to face Marco.
"Not really… anything's fine I guess…" he said softly, a little tempted to ask the other to look for strawberries, as they had always been a kind of comfort fod for him.
"Are you sure? Seriously, I have a lot of money. It wouldn't be any sort of burden for me to get you anything," Oci said, raising his eyebrows at Marco.
Marco shook his head, not wanting to be a burden or anything, after all, he was still a street rat. Nothing more. Sure, he may have had a betterlife than that before, but all hope of getting any kind of life back was pretty much gone now, he was only staying because he wasn't emotionally conscious enough to make it on the streets right then.
"Alright, then." Oci resisted the urge to kiss Marco's forehead and instead turned towards the front of the house. "Do whatever you want in here. It's your house now, too." He flashed a smile over his shoulder and walked towards the door. It might be a bit trickier to get food than normal, but he was still one of the most powerful men in the city. In his territory, the city guards wouldn't dare touch him.
Marco nodded, watching him go quietly, when he had left he got up, starting his search for the shower.
Oci closed the door behind him and hurried down the road towards the nearest store. Most of the people in the streets ignored him, which was just fine. The less he was noticed, the better it was.
Marco eventually found the shower, stripping and slipping into it after it had heated up.
Oci managed to get through the shopping in record time, practically sprinting around the store. That definitely earned him some weird looks, but he simply flashed them an innocent smile and they looked away. The person checking him out didn't even look at him, just told him how much he owed in a monotone voice. Oci grabbed the bags full of food and started back to the house as fast as he could. There were two reasons for his haste: One, he really wanted to get some sleep in and the quicker he got this done, the quicker he could get into bed and two, he didn't want to leave Marco alone in that empty house for too long.
Marco had finished showing, and had borrowed a set of clean clothes, only keeping his hoodie on him, leaving his boots by the main door so he could find them as he sat back down on the couch, wondering when Oci would return.
Oci transferred all the bags into one hand and quickly unlocked the door. After stepping through the door, he slammed it behind him and hurried to the kitchen. "Hey, Marco. Wanna help me unpack?" He asked as he passed the couch Marco was sitting on. Once in the kitchen, Oci set down all of the bags on the counter and leaned against it, feeling very tired all of a sudden.