He looked up, turning off the tablet with a smile. "Thanks. How was work?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.
He looked up, turning off the tablet with a smile. "Thanks. How was work?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.
"So, this place is fucking rough," Tohru replied, "Nothing I can't handle, though."
He shook his head.
"Almost had a patron stab someone tonight too, so that was fun."
He let out a deep sigh and stretched a bit.
"I take it your night was less eventful?"
He blinked. "Uhm. Yeah. Mine was definitely less eventful. I painted the wall. That's it." He chuckled faintly. "You're okay though, right?"
"Yeah, I'm alright," Tohru chuckled faintly, "They said it isn't that bad usually. Just came in on a tough night. They could really use some security, though. Y'know, besides me. I didn't exactly get hired to do that. I just kind of keep some gear on me by habit- managed to cuff the guy to the bar before he did anything too terrible."
Tohru shook his head, still in disbelief.
He shook his head a little. "Yikes. I'd offer to be security, but…I don't have that kind of skillset." He said.
Tohru laughed.
"Wanna swap? I can be the bouncer, and you can stick to mixing drinks," he suggested jokingly.
Yet, he wondered if that was a possibility, given that Davin couldn't find another job.
He chuckled softly. "Would they allow that?" He replied, looking at Tohru with his eyebrows raised. "Besides, with my…body, it might cause problems." His tail flicked faintly, and he touched a hand to his horns. "Especially if I can't cover them up."
"I was kind of kidding," Tohru replied, "But in reality, I'm not sure. They're desperate for employees. You could always ask if you felt comfortable enough. I keep forgetting that's a problem for you. I'm sorry about that…"
He laughed a little. "Yeah. I mean…I dunno. I can't really risk being outed, because…most people don't react well to Kaythani." He shrugged a little.
"Yeah… I suppose so. How have you found work before? And what kinds of jobs have you worked?"
Tohru unbuttoned his shirt and threw it aside, so he stood there in a black undershirt, his tattoo peeking out the sides in the back. Then he took off his pants and put on his softer pajama bottoms. He was in no mood to do a full routine before bed after tonight, after all.
"I just try to find jobs that don't have a uniform, where i can wear whatever I need or want to wear." he replied with a faint shrug.
"Alright. Where have you applied so far?" Tohru continued.
He turned and gave a faint smile.
"We will find you a job."
He shrugged a little. "I don't know. Mostly like, retail places? Smaller stores that are less likely to have some sort of dress code."
"Fair enough. But if you don't hear back in a few days, I could always vouch for you if you wanted to apply at the bar too," Tohru replied, "It's kind of a back-street local place. They don't seem to care too much what you wear, as long as you put on the apron over your clothes."
He nodded a little bit. "Alright. Thanks." He said softly. "I'll keep that in mind."
Tohru shot Davin a smile, tucking his clothes closer to his body.
"Well, I'm going to get ready for bed. I'm wiped out, honestly."
Davin nodded a little. "Alright." He said, laying down on the bed.
(Sorry it's been a while. I've had a lot going on)
Tohru went into the bathroom to change into his pajamas. He leaned over the counter with a heavy sigh after letting his hair down, then he took a comb to it to work out the knots.
He looked exhausted. The dark circles under his eyes were more than enough to give that away. As long as he slept better tonight, though- well, that was the trick. Insomnia was a bitch. If he was able to get to sleep at a normal time, he sure wasn't able to stay that way.
After getting ready for bed, Tohru made his way back to the bedroom and laid down on the side opposite to Davin. He rolled over on his side, scrolling through his device.
(it's fine, I understand!)
Davin looked over at Tohru, taking a deep breath, and then looked up at the ceiling. Sharing a bed was a little strange, when they weren't involved with each other.
"G'night," Tohru muttered under his breath, "I'm probably going to sleep in if I can tomorrow."
He placed his device down and nuzzle deeper into the blankets.
Davin nodded a little. "Of course. Goodnight, Tohru." He rolled onto his side, closing his eyes and letting out a slow breath.
Again, Tohru was awake for a long time. He laid still enough that Davin probably would've assumed he was sleeping. After he found he couldn't go to sleep, he usually would've picked up his device and read or something for a bit. However, he didn't want to go through the awkwardness that was saying goodnight, only to roll over and play on his device. So he just laid there, staring in the direction of a wall through the dark.
Davin eventually dropped off to sleep, letting out a faint breath as he did so.
Tohru lied there awake for hours. By the time his mind settled enough to let him sleep, it was nearly sunrise.
However, once asleep, he didn't do so much as stir until much later that morning.
Davin slept through the night, waking up before Tohru and heading into the kitchen. He figured he would make breakfast for the both of them. He wasn't an amazing cook, sure, but he could manage.
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