"Thanks." he replied, smiling over at Torhu.
"Thanks." he replied, smiling over at Torhu.
"Of course. It's the truth, after all," Tohru replied.
"Alright, anything else you were looking for? I was thinking we could look at their tapestries, and maybe at other decor like figurines and such."
Davin hummed faintly. "Yeah, sure!" He replied. "Let's look."
Tohru searched over the shelves on the next aisle and thumbed through the stack of tapestries hanging up. He wasn't quite sure what he was looking for, but he figured he'd know it when he saw it. He hummed softly to himself as he searched.
Tohru checked the time to make sure he wasn't in any danger of running late to work- or training. Would they even do training?
Davin looked around quietly, humming under his breath.
(How much more Home Goods roleplay do you want to do? We can always skip ahead some if you want.)
Tohru giggled as he found a small statue that had been shoved to the back of one of the shelves. It was a funny-looking little animal, either reptilian or amphibious- he couldn't quite tell from first glance. He figured it must be something native to this planet, as he'd never seen one before- much less had he seen one wearing a little hat.
"Heh… Davin, look at this stupid little man," he said, pulling out the statue and holding it out in front of him, "I absolutely adore him!"
(IDC, up to you)
Davin looked, and laughed happily, snorting faintly. "That's hilarious." He said, grinning. "Do you want to get it?"
(Idk, maybe just a little more, then skip to them going home)
Tohru turned it over to look at the price tag.
"Oh shit, he's on clearance," he replied, "I think he would be a great guard for the place, yeah?"
He chuckled. "Yeah, perfect. Terrify all incoming invaders." He said, smiling softly.
"Do you know what this is? If it's like… a real creature?" Tohru asked, placing the statue gently in the cart.
He tilted his head.
"Think we should see if the paints are ready too?"
He shrugged. "I have no idea. I suppose we could look it up to try and figure it out." He replied. "And yeah, let's check the paints."
"Guess we could," Tohru agreed, changing course back to the paints.
The guy behind the counter had finished mixing them, so they were able to pick them up.
"Will that be it for now? I've got to go back to the bar a bit later."
"I think that's it, yeah. Let's get this stuff back to the apartment, and start setting it up." He suggested, lifting the paints into the cart and shooting Tohru another smile.
"Right, right," Tohru agreed.
He helped Davin with checkout, and together, they brought their things back to the apartment.
Davin helped carry the purchases, smiling softly as they walked.
Tohru opened the door and went to set some things down.
"Did you want to start decorating? And if so, what should we start with?"
"sure! Do we have time to start painting?" He questioned.
"I'm not sure, but we could at least prep," Tohru replied, "And if we do have time, we can do one of the smaller rooms, like the bathroom or something."
He grabbed the painter's tape from the bag, unwrapped it, and tore off a strip of it with his teeth.
"Let's get around these baseboards first. And move any furniture we need."
"Alright." He replied, and got a piece of tape as well, getting to work.
Tohru started pushing the sofa away from the wall and towards the middle of the room, then went back to taping. He hummed to himself happily. It had been a while since he'd done anything like this. Usually he didn't goso far as painting a new place, just because his stays were so short-lived, and he had no one to share it with. No one who cared, anyway.
Davin continued to help tape, listening to Tohru hum. He didn't speak, not wanting to break the peaceful silence. Last time he had shared a place with someone, it…hadn't been good.
Once Tohru had finished taping the baseboards on his side, he stood up and stood back.
"Another room, or…?" he wondered aloud.
He shrugged faintly. "If we get everything taped off, I can work on painting while you're at your job."
"Yeah, that's probably a good idea," Tohru agreed, sliding the tape roll over his wrist as he went to fix his now-lopsided bun. He started walking towards the kitchen.
He hummed a little bit, standing and following Tohru.
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