@Becfromthedead group
"Me too, honestly," Tohru replied, "I was honestly kind of worried about all the changes I was about to face, but things seem alright. More than alright, really."
"Me too, honestly," Tohru replied, "I was honestly kind of worried about all the changes I was about to face, but things seem alright. More than alright, really."
He nodded. "Yeah." He said, taking a sip from his coffee mug and studying Tohru.
"I dunno, I think I'm happy to be here," Tohru mused, "There are plenty worse places to be- and I'd have been at those places alone, at that. I think… I think that loneliness is something I'm tired of, and I only really realized that after we met."
He studied Tohru for a long moment, then nodded again. "That makes sense."
"Yeah, I guess it's easy to shut out. Probably would've pushed through until I burned out, or died, perhaps something equally as terrible," Tohru sighed, "but it didn't turn out that way, thankfully."
He sighed faintly. "Yeah." he took another sip of coffee, looking over at the other man.
"So, what were you doing before we met?" Tohru asked, "Like what kind of work and all that?"
He pulled the cup back up near his face.
"Odd jobs, whatever I could get. I think I was…I was a waiter, actually." he replied.
"Ah, so not incredibly different from what I'm doing now," Tohru replied, "Though a bit calmer, I take it? Drunks were… fewer and further between?"
"Yes, they were. I worked at a restaurant, not a bar." he smiled a little.
"Yeah, yeah," Tohru said, nodding in understanding, "You'd think with all that versatility people would jump at the chance to hire you- unless you don't put half of what you've done on resumes for fear of being found out?"
"Yeah. I only put a few of my previous jobs on resumes, because I have a revolving list of aliases, each linked to different jobs and locations. I change ages and species, too." he replied.
Tohru tilted his head.
"Is Davin your real name, then?" he asked softly, "Of course, you don't have to tell me your real name if you don't want, but I can't help but be curious. I've used my fair share of aliases too, but usually I just use nicknames and don't tell anyone my full name, if I can help it. As I did when we first met."
"Davin Day is my real name, yes." he replied softly.
Tohru nodded in understanding.
"Is… is there any reason you didn't use an alias when we met?" he asked softly.
"I was tired." he said with a slight shrug. "Besides, I like to use my real name sometimes, just as a…kind of fuck you to the empire, because they didn't kill me."
"Fair enough," Tohru replied, a slight smile coming to his face, "but indeed, fuck the Empire."
He shook his head.
"I want to do everything I can to make sure they never get ahold of you. I know you've been fine by yourself all these years, but still."
Davin nodded faintly. "Yeah. I'll be okay. They aren't…actively hunting me. After all, they were the ones that found me after…after." he traced a finger around the rim of his mug, remembering how they had found him in that biopod, three days after they destroyed his home planet.
"After…?" Tohru started to press, but backed off. "Never mind. It sounds like you don't want to talk about it."
Yet, he couldn't help his curiousity.
"Why wouldn't they kill you?"
"After the planet got…" he waved a hand vaguely. "I don't know why they didn't. Maybe they should have, though."
"What? No!" Tohru muttered, a bit of alarm raising in his voice, "Absolutely not. Everything they've done. Every last bit of it… it's been so awful, and I'm so glad you're alive. I just… I worry that their reason for keeping you alive is in the name of manipulation, not mercy. E-even if they don't want you dead, they obviously want something. And I'll help you make sure they don't get it. You deserve to be alive. And even if it's not how it was supposed to be, you gotta keep fighting, even if just, like you said, as a 'fuck you' to the Empire. You're not going all that alone now. I hope I can make it at least more bearable."
He glanced up, shrugging one shoulder. "Everyone else is gone, Tohru. There's so much I will never have because they took everyone. My family, my tribe, my clan, my people. My planet. My home is gone, Tohru. I'm still alone, because I'll never…do you know how hard it is to find someone with "shared life experience" when your life experience is a genocide and then growing up on the streets?"
(hey i don't think I ever asked this, but do you have any triggers?)
(No, not really. Like I am specifically pretty bothered by like injuries to finger/toenails, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone write about those ever on here lmao. How about you?)
"I know. I can't claim to fully understand, but I see where you're coming from. I can't replace what you lost. I can't fix what happened. You've pulled through so much, and it's honestly so awful I can't even begin to fathom it. You may be alone in that sense, but I'm here for you, whether you want to share your story, rant, cry, or you just want company. It may not seem like much, and it's not. Hell, anyone could do it. But that's all I have to offer," Tohru said, his voice falling quieter at the end.
Under the surface, his anger and hatred for the Empire was boiling, seething, but it wasn't something he felt was appropriate to express at the moment. He needed to hold up any sensitivity he could for now. After all, his anger hardly felt righteous in comparison to what Davin must feel.
Tohru never was under the foot of the Empire. Not really. He grew up in a family that was loyal to them, and all he really was, in the grand scheme of things, was a teenage rebel turned adult with little direction. Yet that was all his choice. Davin didn't get a choice in anything that happened to him.
(alright. I don't really have any triggers, but I'd prefer if we avoided any like, on-screen pedophilia? I'm alright with it in backstories and whatever, just not on-screen preferably, if that makes sense?)
Davin nodded faintly. "Yeah. Thank you. I just…" he trailed off, shaking his head and taking a deep breath. "There are so many customs and traditions and…and all of that that I will never get to celebrate because I don't have…there are no elders anymore. There's just me."
(Oh yeah, completely understandable. I don't even go there because it's so sensitive and uncomfy.)
"I can imagine…" Tohru sighed, "I know we can't bring all of that back, but there are things we could still celebrate, I'm sure. I'd be more than happy to do so with you. Not to mention, you can always document what you are able, at least so you can remember until you are able to practice some of those traditions again."
He tilted his head.
"Again, I can't even begin to say I understand, but anything I can do to make you feel in some way at home… I'll do it."
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