Cas looked up at Nick again when his hand was taken, his face red enough to rival his hair. "Damn being pale…" He muttered.
Cas looked up at Nick again when his hand was taken, his face red enough to rival his hair. "Damn being pale…" He muttered.
Nick only smiled and pecked him on the cheek. Jane sighed. “Get a room, you two…wait, this is your room,” she muttered. “Should I leave again?”
"If you want to…" Cas said softly, only blushing harder from Nick kissing him. "Look what you've done to me." He said to Nick, gesturing to his face and huffing.
Nick grinned. “Would you prefer that I don’t make you blush?” he teased.
"…No.." He was quiet for a brief moment. "Like, I like what you're doing, I just wish I wouldn't turn into a tomato every time you compliment me."
“Even if you look like a cute tomato?” he joked, blinking innocently.
Jane rolled her eyes at their antics, but smiled. “Okay, I’m going to go work on that plan!” she announced, leaving.
“Bye Jane!” Nick responded.
Cas whined and used his free hand to try and hide his face again. "Stoooop…"
“But you’re too cute,” Nick complained. “I can’t stop.”
"We… w-we already had this argument… I'm not cute…" Cas argued weakly, glancing over at Nick again.
“Oh right, you’re not cute, you’re adorable,” he teased, booping Cas on the nose with his free hand.
Cas huffed, closing his eyes. "If you make me blush any harder I'm gonna overheat and pass out and it'll be your fault."
“I didn’t know that people who had ice powers could overheat,” Nick said, smile still on his face. “Don’t worry, I won’t tease you…for now.”
"I know I can. I've done it before. When it gets too hot, I guess I kinda… I dunno… melt, I guess?" Cas shrugged, trying to fight down his blush.
“Ah,” Nick said. “That makes sense. But, how are you not melting, like, all the time? I happen to think you’re pretty hot.” That was so lame, he chided himself mentally, blushing too.
Cas's blush came right back. "God, that's so cheesy…" He winced playfully, pushing his arm.
Nick laughed. “I know, but I just really lo—like you,” he said.
"I… um…" Cas looked away, fidgeting with his hands. "I-I really like you too… god, I can't stand this… this being nervous. You keep making me ask flustered and I can't even think or act right…"
“You make me nervous too,” Nick confessed. “I’m scared that I’ll say or do the wrong thing, and I…I couldn’t stand to lose you.”
He looked back up. "I don't think you could ever say anything wrong, honestly… I mean, your flirting is kinda cheesy, but still cute. You're great, and I think you should see that."
Nick blushed harder. “Thanks…and you’re great too, I hope you know that,” he replied, smiling at Cas. “You’re so cute and smart and amazing and I want you to know that.”
Cas bit his quivering lip. "I can't even with you, Nick… I just can't… my poor heart can't take your incessant compliments. I'll explode."
Nick leaned in and kissed Cas instead of replying, just wanting Cas to be happy.
Cas hesitated briefly before closing his eyes and kissing him back, pressing his hands down into his lap.
Nick put his arms around Cas, continuing to kiss him. He hoped that everything would go smoothly; he would give anything for Cas to not be hurt ever again.
Cas moved his arms to be around Nick's neck and carefully pulled himself into the other's lap. When he had to pull away for air, he pressed small kisses to Nick's cheek between breaths so they weren't apart for too long.
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